Category: Variance reduction

Antithetic variates
In statistics, the antithetic variates method is a variance reduction technique used in Monte Carlo methods. Considering that the error in the simulated signal (using Monte Carlo methods) has a one-ov
Line sampling
Line sampling is a method used in reliability engineering to compute small (i.e., rare event) failure probabilities encountered in engineering systems. The method is particularly suitable for high-dim
VEGAS algorithm
The VEGAS algorithm, due to G. Peter Lepage, is a method for reducing error in Monte Carlo simulations by using a known or approximate probability distribution function to concentrate the search in th
Importance sampling
Importance sampling is a Monte Carlo method for evaluating properties of a particular distribution, while only having samples generated from a different distribution than the distribution of interest.
Stratified sampling
In statistics, stratified sampling is a method of sampling from a population which can be partitioned into subpopulations. In statistical surveys, when subpopulations within an overall population vary
Variance reduction
In mathematics, more specifically in the theory of Monte Carlo methods, variance reduction is a procedure used to increase the precision of the estimates obtained for a given simulation or computation
Subset simulation
Subset simulation is a method used in reliability engineering to compute small (i.e., rare event) failure probabilities encountered in engineering systems. The basic idea is to express a small failure
Control variates
The control variates method is a variance reduction technique used in Monte Carlo methods. It exploits information about the errors in estimates of known quantities to reduce the error of an estimate