Category: Quantum Monte Carlo

Quantum Monte Carlo
Quantum Monte Carlo encompasses a large family of computational methods whose common aim is the study of complex quantum systems. One of the major goals of these approaches is to provide a reliable so
Numerical analytic continuation
In many-body physics, the problem of analytic continuation is that of numerically extracting the spectral density of a Green function given its values on the imaginary axis. It is a necessary post-pro
Path integral Monte Carlo
Path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) is a quantum Monte Carlo method used to solve quantum statistical mechanics problems numerically within the path integral formulation. The application of Monte Carlo m
QuTiP, short for the Quantum Toolbox in Python, is an open-source computational physics software library for simulating quantum systems, particularly open quantum systems. QuTiP allows simulation of H
Reptation Monte Carlo
Reptation Monte Carlo is a quantum Monte Carlo method. It is similar to Diffusion Monte Carlo, except that it works with paths rather than points. This has some advantages relating to calculating cert
Time-dependent variational Monte Carlo
The time-dependent variational Monte Carlo (t-VMC) method is a quantum Monte Carlo approach to study the dynamics of closed, non-relativistic quantum systems in the context of the quantum many-body pr
Variational Monte Carlo
In computational physics, variational Monte Carlo (VMC) is a quantum Monte Carlo method that applies the variational method to approximate the ground state of a quantum system. The basic building bloc
Diffusion Monte Carlo
Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) or diffusion quantum Monte Carlo is a quantum Monte Carlo method that uses a Green's function to solve the Schrödinger equation. DMC is potentially numerically exact, meani
Neural network quantum states
Neural Network Quantum States (NQS or NNQS) is a general class of variational quantum states parameterized in terms of an artificial neural network. It was first introduced in 2017 by the physicists G
Gaussian quantum Monte Carlo
Gaussian Quantum Monte Carlo is a quantum Monte Carlo method that shows a potential solution to the fermion sign problem without the deficiencies of alternative approaches. Instead of the Hilbert spac
Auxiliary-field Monte Carlo
Auxiliary-field Monte Carlo is a method that allows the calculation, by use of Monte Carlo techniques, of averages of operators in many-body quantum mechanical (Blankenbecler 1981, Ceperley 1977) or c
Path integral molecular dynamics
Path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) is a method of incorporating quantum mechanics into molecular dynamics simulations using Feynman path integrals. In PIMD, one uses the Born–Oppenheimer approxim
CASINO is a quantum Monte Carlo program that was originally developed in the Theory of Condensed Matter group at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. CASINO can be used to perform variational quantu