Category: Pi algorithms

List of formulae involving π
The following is a list of significant formulae involving the mathematical constant π. Many of these formulae can be found in the article Pi, or the article Approximations of π.
Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula
The Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula (BBP formula) is a formula for π. It was discovered in 1995 by Simon Plouffe and is named after the authors of the article in which it was published, David H. Bailey
Approximations of π
Approximations for the mathematical constant pi (π) in the history of mathematics reached an accuracy within 0.04% of the true value before the beginning of the Common Era. In Chinese mathematics, thi
Ramanujan–Sato series
In mathematics, a Ramanujan–Sato series generalizes Ramanujan’s pi formulas such as, to the form by using other well-defined sequences of integers obeying a certain recurrence relation, sequences whic
Gauss–Legendre algorithm
The Gauss–Legendre algorithm is an algorithm to compute the digits of π. It is notable for being rapidly convergent, with only 25 iterations producing 45 million correct digits of π. However, it has s
Chudnovsky algorithm
The Chudnovsky algorithm is a fast method for calculating the digits of π, based on Ramanujan’s π formulae. It was published by the Chudnovsky brothers in 1988. It was used in the world record calcula
Wallis product
In mathematics, the Wallis product for π, published in 1656 by John Wallis, states that
FEE method
In mathematics, the FEE method, or fast E-function evaluation method, is the method of fast summation of series of a special form. It was constructed in 1990 by and is so-named because it makes fast c
Liu Hui's π algorithm
Liu Hui's π algorithm was invented by Liu Hui (fl. 3rd century), a mathematician of the state of Cao Wei. Before his time, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter was often taken ex
Bellard's formula
Bellard's formula is used to calculate the nth digit of π in base 16. Bellard's formula was discovered by Fabrice Bellard in 1997. It is about 43% faster than the Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula (disco
Machin-like formula
In mathematics, Machin-like formulae are a popular technique for computing π to a large number of digits. They are generalizations of John Machin's formula from 1706: which he used to compute π to 100
Borwein's algorithm
In mathematics, Borwein's algorithm is an algorithm devised by Jonathan and Peter Borwein to calculate the value of 1/π. They devised several other algorithms. They published the book Pi and the AGM –
Basel problem
The Basel problem is a problem in mathematical analysis with relevance to number theory, concerning an infinite sum of inverse squares. It was first posed by Pietro Mengoli in 1650 and solved by Leonh
Viète's formula
In mathematics, Viète's formula is the following infinite product of nested radicals representing twice the reciprocal of the mathematical constant π: It can also be represented as: The formula is nam
Zhao Youqin's π algorithm
Zhao Youqin's π algorithm was an algorithm devised by Yuan dynasty Chinese astronomer and mathematician Zhao Youqin (赵友钦, ? – 1330) to calculate the value of π in his book Ge Xiang Xin Shu (革象新书).
Leibniz formula for π
In mathematics, the Leibniz formula for π, named after Gottfried Leibniz, states that an alternating series. It is also called the Madhava–Leibniz series as it is a special case of a more general seri
Chronology of computation of π
The table below is a brief chronology of computed numerical values of, or bounds on, the mathematical constant pi (π). For more detailed explanations for some of these calculations, see Approximations