Category: Reduction (complexity)

Enumeration reducibility
In computability theory and computational complexity theory, enumeration reducibility is a method of reduction that determines if there is some effective procedure for determining enumerability betwee
Log-space reduction
In computational complexity theory, a log-space reduction is a reduction computable by a deterministic Turing machine using logarithmic space. Conceptually, this means it can keep a constant number of
Polynomial-time reduction
In computational complexity theory, a polynomial-time reduction is a method for solving one problem using another. One shows that if a hypothetical subroutine solving the second problem exists, then t
Approximation-preserving reduction
In computability theory and computational complexity theory, especially the study of approximation algorithms, an approximation-preserving reduction is an algorithm for transforming one optimization p
Computable isomorphism
In computability theory two sets of natural numbers are computably isomorphic or recursively isomorphic if there exists a total bijective computable function with . By the Myhill isomorphism theorem,
In computer science, particularly the study of approximation algorithms, an L-reduction ("linear reduction") is a transformation of optimization problems which linearly preserves approximability featu
First-order reduction
In computer science, a first-order reduction is a very strong type of reduction between two computational problems in computational complexity theory. A first-order reduction is a reduction where each
Many-one reduction
In computability theory and computational complexity theory, a many-one reduction (also called mapping reduction) is a reduction which converts instances of one decision problem into instances of a se
Parsimonious reduction
In computational complexity theory and game complexity, a parsimonious reduction is a transformation from one problem to another (a reduction) that preserves the number of solutions. Informally, it is
Polynomial-time counting reduction
In the computational complexity theory of counting problems, a polynomial-time counting reduction is a type of reduction (a transformation from one problem to another) used to define the notion of com
Truth-table reduction
In computability theory, a truth-table reduction is a reduction from one set of natural numbers to another.As a "tool", it is weaker than Turing reduction, since not every Turing reduction between set
Gadget (computer science)
In computational complexity theory, a gadget is a subset of a problem instance that simulates the behavior of one of the fundamental units of a different computational problem. Gadgets are typically u
PTAS reduction
In computational complexity theory, a PTAS reduction is an approximation-preserving reduction that is often used to perform reductions between solutions to optimization problems. It preserves the prop
Reduction (complexity)
In computability theory and computational complexity theory, a reduction is an algorithm for transforming one problem into another problem. A sufficiently efficient reduction from one problem to anoth
Turing reduction
In computability theory, a Turing reduction from a decision problem to a decision problem is an oracle machine which decides problem given an oracle for (Rogers 1967, Soare 1987). It can be understood
Fine-grained reduction
In computational complexity theory, a fine-grained reduction is a transformation from one computational problem to another, used to relate the difficulty of improving the time bounds for the two probl
Reduction (computability theory)
In computability theory, many reducibility relations (also called reductions, reducibilities, and notions of reducibility) are studied. They are motivated by the question: given sets and of natural nu