Category: Problems on strings

Longest alternating subsequence
In combinatorial mathematics, probability, and computer science, in the longest alternating subsequence problem, one wants to find a subsequence of a given sequence in which the elements are in altern
Longest common substring problem
In computer science, the longest common substring problem is to find a longest string that is a substring of two or more strings. The problem may have multiple solutions.Applications include data dedu
String-to-string correction problem
In computer science, the string-to-string correction problem refers to determining the minimum cost sequence of edit operations necessary to change one string into another (i.e., computing the shortes
Lexicographically minimal string rotation
In computer science, the lexicographically minimal string rotation or lexicographically least circular substring is the problem of finding the rotation of a string possessing the lowest lexicographica
Shortest common supersequence problem
In computer science, the shortest common supersequence of two sequences X and Y is the shortest sequence which has X and Y as subsequences. This is a problem closely related to the longest common subs
Separating words problem
In theoretical computer science, the separating words problem is the problem of finding the smallest deterministic finite automaton that behaves differently on two given strings, meaning that it accep
Longest palindromic substring
In computer science, the longest palindromic substring or longest symmetric factor problem is the problem of finding a maximum-length contiguous substring of a given string that is also a palindrome.
Longest repeated substring problem
In computer science, the longest repeated substring problem is the problem of finding the longest substring of a string that occurs at least twice. This problem can be solved in linear time and space
Chvátal–Sankoff constants
In mathematics, the Chvátal–Sankoff constants are mathematical constants that describe the lengths of longest common subsequences of random strings. Although the existence of these constants has been
Longest common subsequence problem
The longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is the problem of finding the longest subsequence common to all sequences in a set of sequences (often just two sequences). It differs from the longest com
Longest increasing subsequence
In computer science, the longest increasing subsequence problem is to find a subsequence of a given sequence in which the subsequence's elements are in sorted order, lowest to highest, and in which th