Category: String (computer science)

Incompressible string
An incompressible string is a string with Kolmogorov complexity equal to its length, so that it has no shorter encodings.
String operations
In computer science, in the area of formal language theory, frequent use is made of a variety of string functions; however, the notation used is different from that used for computer programming, and
Trimming (computer programming)
In computer programming, trimming (trim) or stripping (strip) is a string manipulation in which leading and trailing whitespace is removed from a string. For example, the string (enclosed by apostroph
Comparison of programming languages (string functions)
String functions are used in computer programming languages to manipulate a string or query information about a string (some do both). Most programming languages that have a string datatype will have
Here document
In computing, a here document (here-document, here-text, heredoc, hereis, here-string or here-script) is a file literal or input stream literal: it is a section of a source code file that is treated a
C++ string handling
The C++ programming language has support for string handling, mostly implemented in its standard library. The language standard specifies several string types, some inherited from C, some designed to
String literal
A string literal or anonymous string is a string value in the source code of a computer program. Modern programming languages commonly use a quoted sequence of characters, formally "", as in x = "foo"
In formal language theory and computer science, a substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string. For instance, "the best of" is a substring of "It was the best of times". In contras
Comparison of programming languages (strings)
This comparison of programming languages (strings) compares the features of string data structures or text-string processing for over 52 various computer programming languages.
Prefix (computer science)
No description available.
C string handling
The C programming language has a set of functions implementing operations on strings (character strings and byte strings) in its standard library. Various operations, such as copying, concatenation, t
Strings (Unix)
In computer software, strings is a program in Unix, Plan 9, Inferno, and Unix-like operating systems that finds and prints text strings embedded in binary files such as executables. It can be used on
String interning
In computer science, string interning is a method of storing only one copy of each distinct string value, which must be immutable. Interning strings makes some string processing tasks more time- or sp
In programming, a docblock or DocBlock is a specially formatted comment specified in source code that is used to document a specific segment of code. This makes the DocBlock format independent of the
String interpolation
In computer programming, string interpolation (or variable interpolation, variable substitution, or variable expansion) is the process of evaluating a string literal containing one or more placeholder
In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of "snow" and "ball" is "snowball". In
Partial word
In computer science and the study of combinatorics on words, a partial word is a string that may contain a number of "do not know" or "do not care" symbols i.e. placeholders in the string where the sy
Interning (computer science)
In computer science, interning is re-using objects of equal value on-demand instead of creating new objects. This creational pattern is frequently used for numbers and strings in different programming
Suffix (computer science)
No description available.
A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters for specifying the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text, mathematical expressions or other data streams. An example of a del
In programming, a docstring is a string literal specified in source code that is used, like a comment, to document a specific segment of code. Unlike conventional source code comments, or even specifi
Alternation (formal language theory)
In formal language theory and pattern matching, alternation is the union of two sets of strings, or equivalently the logical disjunction of two patterns describing sets of strings. Regular languages a
Empty string
In formal language theory, the empty string, or empty word, is the unique string of length zero.
String literal concatenation
No description available.
In the C++ programming language, is a part of the C++ Standard Library. It is a header file that provides templates and types that enable interoperation between stream buffers and string objects.
Maximal pair
In computer science, a maximal pair within a string is a pair of matching substrings that are maximal, where "maximal" means that it is not possible to make a longer matching pair by extending the ran
String (computer science)
In computer programming, a string is traditionally a sequence of characters, either as a literal constant or as some kind of variable. The latter may allow its elements to be mutated and the length ch
Connection string
In computing, a connection string is a string that specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it. It is passed in code to an underlying driver or provider in order to ini