Field (mathematics) | Algebraic number theory

Kummer theory

In abstract algebra and number theory, Kummer theory provides a description of certain types of field extensions involving the adjunction of nth roots of elements of the base field. The theory was originally developed by Ernst Eduard Kummer around the 1840s in his pioneering work on Fermat's Last Theorem. The main statements do not depend on the nature of the field – apart from its characteristic, which should not divide the integer n – and therefore belong to abstract algebra. The theory of cyclic extensions of the field K when the characteristic of K does divide n is called Artin–Schreier theory. Kummer theory is basic, for example, in class field theory and in general in understanding abelian extensions; it says that in the presence of enough roots of unity, cyclic extensions can be understood in terms of extracting roots. The main burden in class field theory is to dispense with extra roots of unity ('descending' back to smaller fields); which is something much more serious. (Wikipedia).

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Multiscale systems)

In this video, we discuss recent applications of data-driven Koopman theory to multi-scale systems. arXiv paper:

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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The Schrodinger Equation is (Almost) Impossible to Solve.

Sure, the equation is easily solvable for perfect / idealized systems, but almost impossible for any real systems. The Schrodinger equation is the governing equation of quantum mechanics, and determines the relationship between a system, its surroundings, and a system's wave function. Th

From playlist Quantum Physics by Parth G

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Albert Einstein, Holograms and Quantum Gravity

In the latest campaign to reconcile Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum mechanics, many physicists are studying how a higher dimensional space that includes gravity arises like a hologram from a lower dimensional particle theory. Read about the second episode of the new season here:

From playlist In Theory

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Continuous Spectrum)

In this video, we discuss how to use Koopman theory for dynamical systems with a continuous eigenvalue spectrum. These systems are quite common, such as a pendulum, where the period deforms continuously as energy is added to the system. To handle these systems, we use a neural network a

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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Hans Feichtinger: Wavelet theory, coorbit spaces and ramifications

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist 30 years of wavelets

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Koopman Spectral Analysis (Control)

In this video, we explore extensions of Koopman theory for control systems. Much of the excitement and promise of Koopman operator theory is centered around the ability to represent nonlinear systems in a linear framework, opening up the potential use of linear estimation and control tech

From playlist Koopman Analysis

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Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Made Easy ... Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity (Chapter 1): Introduction. The theory of relativity, or simply relativity, encompasses two theories of Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity. However, the word "relativity" is sometimes used

From playlist Science

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Galois theory: Kummer extensions

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on Galois theory. We describe Galois extensions with cyclic Galois group of order n in the case when the base field contains all n'th roots of unity and has characteristic not dividing n. We show that all such extensions are radical. As an

From playlist Galois theory

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Nori uniformization of algebraic stacks by Niels Borne

20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analysis. Much of the interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics, especially

From playlist Complex Geometry

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Quantum Mechanics 5a - Schrödinger Equation I

Building on Louis de Broglie's hypothesis of "electron waves," Erwin Schrödinger develops a wave equation for electrons. The playlist:

From playlist Quantum Mechanics

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Anne TAORMINA - Mathieu Moonshine: Symmetry Surfing and Quarter BPS States at the Kummer Point

The elliptic genus of K3 surfaces encrypts an intriguing connection between the sporadic group Mathieu 24 and non-linear sigma models on K3, dubbed “Mathieu Moonshine”. By restricting to Kummer K3 surfaces, which may be constructed as Z2 orbifolds of complex 2-tori with blown up singularit

From playlist Integrability, Anomalies and Quantum Field Theory

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Toy Ind3 - Part 04 - Log Kummer Correspondences

We introduce the definition of the Log-Kummer Correspondence. While there is not direct definition we can point to this is used throughout IUT3 and is what gives rise to Ind3. This is actually quite tricky. For example, a Log-Kummer correspondence doesn't exist for tensor packets but is i

From playlist Toy Ind3

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Maxim Kazarian - 1/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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The Practice of Mathematics - Part 5

The Practice of Mathematics Robert P. Langlands Institute for Advanced Study November 23, 1999 Robert P. Langlands, Professor Emeritus, School of Mathematics. There are several central mathematical problems, or complexes of problems, that every mathematician who is eager to acquire some

From playlist Mathematics

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The Practice of Mathematics - Part 6

The Practice of Mathematics Robert P. Langlands Institute for Advanced Study November 30, 1999 Robert P. Langlands, Professor Emeritus, School of Mathematics. There are several central mathematical problems, or complexes of problems, that every mathematician who is eager to acquire some

From playlist Mathematics

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Maxim Kazarian - 3/3 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz numbers

Hurwitz numbers enumerate ramified coverings of a sphere. Equivalently, they can be expressed in terms of combinatorics of the symmetric group; they enumerate factorizations of permutations as products of transpositions. It turns out that these numbers obey a huge num

From playlist ­­­­Physique mathématique des nombres de Hurwitz pour débutants

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