9-polytopes | Regular tessellations | Honeycombs (geometry)

8-cubic honeycomb

The 8-cubic honeycomb or octeractic honeycomb is the only regular space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb) in Euclidean 8-space. It is analogous to the square tiling of the plane and to the cubic honeycomb of 3-space, and the tesseractic honeycomb of 4-space. There are many different Wythoff constructions of this honeycomb. The most symmetric form is regular, with Schläfli symbol {4,36,4}. Another form has two alternating hypercube facets (like a checkerboard) with Schläfli symbol {4,35,31,1}. The lowest symmetry Wythoff construction has 256 types of facets around each vertex and a prismatic product Schläfli symbol {∞}8. (Wikipedia).

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Hyperbolic honeycombs

These sculptures are joint work with Roice Nelson. They are available from shapeways.com at http://shpws.me/oNgi, http://shpws.me/oqOx and http://shpws.me/orB8.

From playlist 3D printing

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What are Cubic Graphs? | Graph Theory

What are cubic graphs? We go over this bit of graph theory in today's math lesson! Recall that a regular graph is a graph in which all vertices have the same degree. The degree of a vertex v is the number of edges incident to v, or equivalently the number of vertices adjacent to v. If ever

From playlist Graph Theory

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Reaching for Infinity Through Honeycombs – Roice Nelson

Pick any three integers larger than 2. We describe how to understand and draw a picture of a corresponding kaleidoscopic {p,q,r} honeycomb, up to and including {∞,∞,∞}.

From playlist G4G12 Videos

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Awesome Number Pattern 9

A number pattern that results in numbers with 8 for a digit

From playlist Number Patterns

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Awesome Number Pattern 7

A fun number pattern built from the number 987654321

From playlist Number Patterns

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Sudoku Colorings of a 16-cell Pre-Fractal – Hideki Tsuiki

This is a joint work with Yasuyuki Tsukamoto. 16-cell is a 4-dimensional polytope with a lot of beautiful properties, in particular with respect to cubic projections of a fractal based on it. We define SUDOKU-like colorings of a 3D cubic lattice which is defined based on properties of a

From playlist G4G12 Videos

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7. Natural Honeycombs: Cork; Foams: Linear Elasticity

MIT 3.054 Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Spring 2015 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/3-054S15 Instructor: Lorna Gibson This session begins with a look at cork as a natural honeycomb structure, and covers properties of foams and some modeling. Licens

From playlist MIT 3.054 Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Spring 2015

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Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs: Find Cubic Equation From Sketch (2 Solutions) (Grade 9) - Maths

Topic: Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs: Find Cubic Equation From Sketch (2 Solutions) Do this paper online for free: https://www.onmaths.com/cubic-and-reciprocal-graphs/ Grade: 9 This question appears on calculator and non-calculator higher GCSE papers. Practise and revise with OnMaths. Go to

From playlist Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs

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6. Natural Honeycombs: Wood

MIT 3.054 Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Spring 2015 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/3-054S15 Instructor: Lorna Gibson This session covers wood structure, micro-structure, stress-strain, honeycomb models, and bending. License: Creative Commons BY-NC

From playlist MIT 3.054 Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Spring 2015

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Canonical structures inside the Platonic solids III | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 51

The dodecahedron is surely one of the truly great mathematical objects---revered by the ancient Greeks, Kepler, and many mathematicians since. Its symmetries are particularly rich, and in this video we look at how to see the five-fold and six-fold symmetries of this object via internal str

From playlist Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

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Inverse problem by Abhinav Kumar

DISCUSSION MEETING SPHERE PACKING ORGANIZERS: Mahesh Kakde and E.K. Narayanan DATE: 31 October 2019 to 06 November 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Sphere packing is a centuries-old problem in geometry, with many connections to other branches of mathematics (number the

From playlist Sphere Packing - 2019

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Bitangents to plane quartics - tropical, real and arithmetic count by Hannah Markwig

PROGRAM COMBINATORIAL ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY: TROPICAL AND REAL (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS Arvind Ayyer (IISc, India), Madhusudan Manjunath (IITB, India) and Pranav Pandit (ICTS-TIFR, India) DATE: 27 June 2022 to 08 July 2022 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall and Online Algebraic geometry is the study of

From playlist Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Tropical and Real (HYBRID)

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3 - Kick-off afternoon : Thomas Hales, Formalizing the proof of the Kepler Conjecture

Thomas Hales (University of Pittsburgh): Formalizing the proof of the Kepler Conjecture

From playlist T2-2014 : Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics

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An Introduction to Tensor Renormalization Group (Lecture 4) by Daisuke Kadoh

PROGRAM NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph (II

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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Supersymmetry on the lattice: Geometry, Topology, and Spin Liquids by Simon Trebst

PROGRAM FRUSTRATED METALS AND INSULATORS (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS Federico Becca (University of Trieste, Italy), Subhro Bhattacharjee (ICTS-TIFR, India), Yasir Iqbal (IIT Madras, India), Bella Lake (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany), Yogesh Singh (IISER Mohali, In


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Particle distribution in a honeycomb maze with rounded cells

This simulation shows the particle distribution in a honeycomb maze, which was introduced in the video https://youtu.be/a3ICP1wQyR8 . The walls of each hexagonal cell are part of a same circle which is inscribed in the hexagon. As we have seen in the previous video, particles can spend lon

From playlist Illumination problem

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The Mysterious Architecture of the Universe - with J Richard Gott

J Richard Gott leads a journey through the history of our understanding of the Universe’s structure, and explains the ‘cosmic web’: the idea that our Universe is like a sponge made up of clusters of galaxies intricately connected by filaments of galaxies. Watch the Q&A here: https://youtu

From playlist Ri Talks

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8. Foams: Non-linear Elasticity

MIT 3.054 Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Spring 2015 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/3-054S15 Instructor: Lorna Gibson This session begins with a viewing of video on Hooke's Micrographia, then covers compressive strength and fracture toughness of foa

From playlist MIT 3.054 Cellular Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Spring 2015

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Monomer Percolation by Kedar Damle

PROGRAM FRUSTRATED METALS AND INSULATORS (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS Federico Becca (University of Trieste, Italy), Subhro Bhattacharjee (ICTS-TIFR, India), Yasir Iqbal (IIT Madras, India), Bella Lake (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany), Yogesh Singh (IISER Mohali, In


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Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs: Draw Graph Of A Circle (Grade 6) - OnMaths GCSE Maths Revision

Topic: Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs: Draw Graph Of A Circle Do this paper online for free: https://www.onmaths.com/cubic-and-reciprocal-graphs/ Grade: 6 This question appears on calculator higher GCSE papers. Practise and revise with OnMaths. Go to onmaths.com for more resources, like pred

From playlist Cubic and Reciprocal Graphs

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