Category: 9-polytopes

Omnitruncated 8-simplex honeycomb
In eight-dimensional Euclidean geometry, the omnitruncated 8-simplex honeycomb is a space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb). It is composed entirely of omnitruncated 8-simplex facets. The facets of
8-demicubic honeycomb
The 8-demicubic honeycomb, or demiocteractic honeycomb is a uniform space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb) in Euclidean 8-space. It is constructed as an alternation of the regular 8-cubic honeycomb
Cyclotruncated 8-simplex honeycomb
In eight-dimensional Euclidean geometry, the cyclotruncated 8-simplex honeycomb is a space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb). The tessellation fills space by 8-simplex, truncated 8-simplex, bitrunca
Quarter 8-cubic honeycomb
In seven-dimensional Euclidean geometry, the quarter 8-cubic honeycomb is a uniform space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb). It has half the vertices of the 8-demicubic honeycomb, and a quarter of t
Rectified 9-simplexes
In nine-dimensional geometry, a rectified 9-simplex is a convex uniform 9-polytope, being a rectification of the regular 9-simplex. These polytopes are part of a family of 271 uniform 9-polytopes with
In geometry, a 9-simplex is a self-dual regular 9-polytope. It has 10 vertices, 45 edges, 120 triangle faces, 210 tetrahedral cells, 252 5-cell 4-faces, 210 5-simplex 5-faces, 120 6-simplex 6-faces, 4
2 51 honeycomb
In 8-dimensional geometry, the 251 honeycomb is a space-filling uniform tessellation. It is composed of 241 polytope and 8-simplex facets arranged in an 8-demicube vertex figure. It is the final figur
In geometry, a 9-orthoplex or 9-cross polytope, is a regular 9-polytope with 18 vertices, 144 edges, 672 triangle faces, 2016 tetrahedron cells, 4032 5-cells 4-faces, 5376 5-simplex 5-faces, 4608 6-si
In geometry, a 9-cube is a nine-dimensional hypercube with 512 vertices, 2304 edges, 4608 square faces, 5376 cubic cells, 4032 tesseract 4-faces, 2016 5-cube 5-faces, 672 6-cube 6-faces, 144 7-cube 7-
Uniform 9-polytope
In nine-dimensional geometry, a nine-dimensional polytope or 9-polytope is a polytope contained by 8-polytope facets. Each 7-polytope ridge being shared by exactly two 8-polytope facets. A uniform 9-p
8-simplex honeycomb
In eighth-dimensional Euclidean geometry, the 8-simplex honeycomb is a space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb). The tessellation fills space by 8-simplex, rectified 8-simplex, birectified 8-simplex,
8-cubic honeycomb
The 8-cubic honeycomb or octeractic honeycomb is the only regular space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb) in Euclidean 8-space. It is analogous to the square tiling of the plane and to the cubic hon
5 21 honeycomb
In geometry, the 521 honeycomb is a uniform tessellation of 8-dimensional Euclidean space. The symbol 521 is from Coxeter, named for the length of the 3 branches of its Coxeter-Dynkin diagram. By putt
Rectified 9-cubes
In nine-dimensional geometry, a rectified 9-cube is a convex uniform 9-polytope, being a rectification of the regular 9-cube. There are 9 rectifications of the 9-cube. The zeroth is the 9-cube itself,
1 52 honeycomb
In geometry, the 152 honeycomb is a uniform tessellation of 8-dimensional Euclidean space. It contains 142 and 151 facets, in a birectified 8-simplex vertex figure. It is the final figure in the 1k2 p
Rectified 9-orthoplexes
In nine-dimensional geometry, a rectified 9-simplex is a convex uniform 9-polytope, being a rectification of the regular 9-orthoplex. There are 9 rectifications of the 9-orthoplex. Vertices of the rec
In geometry, a demienneract or 9-demicube is a uniform 9-polytope, constructed from the 9-cube, with alternated vertices removed. It is part of a dimensionally infinite family of uniform polytopes cal