Category: Unary operations

Inverse function
In mathematics, the inverse function of a function f (also called the inverse of f) is a function that undoes the operation of f. The inverse of f exists if and only if f is bijective, and if it exist
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as bn, involving two numbers, the base b and the exponent or power n, and pronounced as "b (raised) to the (power of) n". When n is a positive integ
Type conversion
In computer science, type conversion, type casting, type coercion, and type juggling are different ways of changing an expression from one data type to another. An example would be the conversion of a
In logic, negation, also called the logical complement, is an operation that takes a proposition to another proposition "not ", written , or . It is interpreted intuitively as being true when is false
Seventh power
In arithmetic and algebra the seventh power of a number n is the result of multiplying seven instances of n together. So: n7 = n × n × n × n × n × n × n. Seventh powers are also formed by multiplying
sizeof is a unary operator in the programming languages C and C++. It generates the storage size of an expression or a data type, measured in the number of char-sized units. Consequently, the construc
Counter (digital)
In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock. The most c
Unary operation
In mathematics, an unary operation is an operation with only one operand, i.e. a single input. This is in contrast to binary operations, which use two operands. An example is any function f : A → A, w
Floor and ceiling functions
In mathematics and computer science, the floor function is the function that takes as input a real number x, and gives as output the greatest integer less than or equal to x, denoted floor(x) or ⌊x⌋.
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Sixth power
In arithmetic and algebra the sixth power of a number n is the result of multiplying six instances of n together. So: n6 = n × n × n × n × n × n. Sixth powers can be formed by multiplying a number by
Dereference operator
In computer programming, the dereference operator or indirection operator, sometimes denoted by "*" (i.e. an asterisk), is a unary operator (i.e. one with a single operand) found in C-like languages t
Barrel shifter
A barrel shifter is a digital circuit that can shift a data word by a specified number of bits without the use of any sequential logic, only pure combinational logic, i.e. it inherently provides a bin
In computer programming, indirection (also called dereferencing) is the ability to reference something using a name, reference, or container instead of the value itself. The most common form of indire
In mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer , denoted by , is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to . The factorial of also equals the product of with the next smaller
Cast (computer programming)
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Square (algebra)
In mathematics, a square is the result of multiplying a number by itself. The verb "to square" is used to denote this operation. Squaring is the same as raising to the power 2, and is denoted by a sup
Unary function
A unary function is a function that takes one argument. A unary operator belongs to a subset of unary functions, in that its range coincides with its domain. In contrast, a unary function's domain may
Cube root
In mathematics, a cube root of a number x is a number y such that y3 = x. All nonzero real numbers, have exactly one real cube root and a pair of complex conjugate cube roots, and all nonzero complex
Fractional part
The fractional part or decimal part of a non‐negative real number is the excess beyond that number's integer part. If the latter is defined as the largest integer not greater than x, called floor of x
Cube (algebra)
In arithmetic and algebra, the cube of a number n is its third power, that is, the result of multiplying three instances of n together.The cube of a number or any other mathematical expression is deno
Ones' complement
The ones' complement of a binary number is the value obtained by inverting all the bits in the binary representation of the number (swapping 0s and 1s). The name "ones' complement" (note this is posse
Increment operator
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Eighth power
In arithmetic and algebra the eighth power of a number n is the result of multiplying eight instances of n together. So: n8 = n × n × n × n × n × n × n × n. Eighth powers are also formed by multiplyin
Fourth power
In arithmetic and algebra, the fourth power of a number n is the result of multiplying four instances of n together. So: n4 = n × n × n × n Fourth powers are also formed by multiplying a number by its
Sign function
In mathematics, the sign function or signum function (from signum, Latin for "sign") is an odd mathematical function that extracts the sign of a real number. In mathematical expressions the sign funct
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Unary connective
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No description available.
No description available.
Magnitude (mathematics)
In mathematics, the magnitude or size of a mathematical object is a property which determines whether the object is larger or smaller than other objects of the same kind. More formally, an object's ma
Increment and decrement operators
Increment and decrement operators are unary operators that add or subtract one, to or from their operand, respectively. They are commonly implemented in imperative programming languages. C-like langua
Decrement operator
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Natural logarithm
The natural logarithm of a number is its logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e, which is an irrational and transcendental number approximately equal to 2.718281828459. The natural logar
Square root
In mathematics, a square root of a number x is a number y such that y2 = x; in other words, a number y whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y ⋅ y) is x. For example, 4 and
Fifth power (algebra)
In arithmetic and algebra, the fifth power or sursolid of a number n is the result of multiplying five instances of n together: n5 = n × n × n × n × n. Fifth powers are also formed by multiplying a nu
Ceiling function
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Invoke operator (computer programming)
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Multiplicative inverse
In mathematics, a multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x, denoted by 1/x or x−1, is a number which when multiplied by x yields the multiplicative identity, 1. The multiplicative inverse o