Category: Domain decomposition methods

Neumann–Neumann methods
In mathematics, Neumann–Neumann methods are domain decomposition preconditioners named so because they solve a Neumann problem on each subdomain on both sides of the interface between the subdomains.
Domain decomposition methods
In mathematics, numerical analysis, and numerical partial differential equations, domain decomposition methods solve a boundary value problem by splitting it into smaller boundary value problems on su
The FETI-DP method is a domain decomposition method that enforces equality of the solution at subdomain interfaces by Lagrange multipliers except at subdomain corners, which remain primal variables. T
In mathematics, in particular numerical analysis, the FETI method (finite element tearing and interconnect) is an iterative substructuring method for solving systems of linear equations from the finit
Schur complement method
In numerical analysis, the Schur complement method, named after Issai Schur, is the basic and the earliest version of non-overlapping domain decomposition method, also called iterative substructuring.
Coarse space (numerical analysis)
In numerical analysis, coarse problem is an auxiliary system of equations used in an iterative method for the solution of a given larger system of equations. A coarse problem is basically a version of
Additive Schwarz method
In mathematics, the additive Schwarz method, named after Hermann Schwarz, solves a boundary value problem for a partial differential equation approximately by splitting it into boundary value problems
Neumann–Dirichlet method
In mathematics, the Neumann–Dirichlet method is a domain decomposition preconditioner which involves solving Neumann boundary value problem on one subdomain and Dirichlet boundary value problem on ano
Schwarz alternating method
In mathematics, the Schwarz alternating method or alternating process is an iterative method introduced in 1869–1870 by Hermann Schwarz in the theory of conformal mapping. Given two overlapping region
Fictitious domain method
In mathematics, the Fictitious domain method is a method to find the solution of a partial differential equations on a complicated domain , by substituting a given problemposed on a domain , with a ne
Mortar methods
In numerical analysis, mortar methods are discretization methods for partial differential equations, which use separate finite element discretization on nonoverlapping subdomains. The meshes on the su
In numerical analysis, BDDC (balancing domain decomposition by constraints) is a domain decomposition method for solving large symmetric, positive definite systems of linear equations that arise from
Abstract additive Schwarz method
In mathematics, the abstract additive Schwarz method, named after Hermann Schwarz, is an abstract version of the additive Schwarz method for boundary value problems on partial differential equations,
Poincaré–Steklov operator
In mathematics, a Poincaré–Steklov operator (after Henri Poincaré and Vladimir Steklov) maps the values of one boundary condition of the solution of an elliptic partial differential equation in a doma
Balancing domain decomposition method
In numerical analysis, the balancing domain decomposition method (BDD) is an iterative method to find the solution of a symmetric positive definite system of linear algebraic equations arising from th