Category: Birational geometry

Birational geometry
In mathematics, birational geometry is a field of algebraic geometry in which the goal is to determine when two algebraic varieties are isomorphic outside lower-dimensional subsets. This amounts to st
Infinitely near point
In algebraic geometry, an infinitely near point of an algebraic surface S is a point on a surface obtained from S by repeatedly blowing up points. Infinitely near points of algebraic surfaces were int
Enriques–Kodaira classification
In mathematics, the Enriques–Kodaira classification is a classification of compact complex surfaces into ten classes. For each of these classes, the surfaces in the class can be parametrized by a modu
Rational normal curve
In mathematics, the rational normal curve is a smooth, rational curve C of degree n in projective n-space Pn. It is a simple example of a projective variety; formally, it is the Veronese variety when
Minimal model program
In algebraic geometry, the minimal model program is part of the birational classification of algebraic varieties. Its goal is to construct a birational model of any complex projective variety which is
Cox–Zucker machine
The Cox–Zucker machine is an algorithm created by David A. Cox and Steven Zucker. This algorithm determines whether a given set of sections provides a basis (up to torsion) for the Mordell–Weil group
Smooth completion
In algebraic geometry, the smooth completion (or smooth compactification) of a smooth affine algebraic curve X is a complete smooth algebraic curve which contains X as an open subset. Smooth completio
Flip (mathematics)
In algebraic geometry, flips and flops are codimension-2 surgery operations arising in the minimal model program, given by blowing up along a relative canonical ring. In dimension 3 flips are used to
Rational surface
In algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a rational surface is a surface birationally equivalent to the projective plane, or in other words a rational variety of dimension two. Rational surface
Exceptional divisor
In mathematics, specifically algebraic geometry, an exceptional divisor for a regular map of varieties is a kind of 'large' subvariety of which is 'crushed' by , in a certain definite sense. More stri
Iitaka dimension
In algebraic geometry, the Iitaka dimension of a line bundle L on an algebraic variety X is the dimension of the image of the rational map to projective space determined by L. This is 1 less than the
Kodaira dimension
In algebraic geometry, the Kodaira dimension κ(X) measures the size of the canonical model of a projective variety X. Igor Shafarevich, in a seminar introduced an important numerical invariant of surf
Rational variety
In mathematics, a rational variety is an algebraic variety, over a given field K, which is birationally equivalent to a projective space of some dimension over K. This means that its function field is
Cone of curves
In mathematics, the cone of curves (sometimes the Kleiman-Mori cone) of an algebraic variety is a combinatorial invariant of importance to the birational geometry of .
Abundance conjecture
In algebraic geometry, the abundance conjecture is a conjecture in birational geometry, more precisely in the minimal model program,stating that for every projective variety with Kawamata log terminal
Elliptic surface
In mathematics, an elliptic surface is a surface that has an elliptic fibration, in other words a proper morphism with connected fibers to an algebraic curve such that almost all fibers are smooth cur
Canonical ring
In mathematics, the pluricanonical ring of an algebraic variety V (which is non-singular), or of a complex manifold, is the graded ring of sections of powers of the canonical bundle K. Its nth graded
Blowing up
In mathematics, blowing up or blowup is a type of geometric transformation which replaces a subspace of a given space with all the directions pointing out of that subspace. For example, the blowup of
Birational invariant
In algebraic geometry, a birational invariant is a property that is preserved under birational equivalence.
Cremona group
In algebraic geometry, the Cremona group, introduced by Cremona , is the group of birational automorphisms of the -dimensional projective space over a field . It is denoted by or or . The Cremona grou
Relative canonical model
In the mathematical field of algebraic geometry, the relative canonical model of a singular variety of a mathematical object where is a particular canonical variety that maps to , which simplifies the
Lüroth's theorem
In mathematics, Lüroth's theorem asserts that every field that lies between two other fields K and K(X) must be generated as an extension of K by a single element of K(X). This result is named after J
Surface of general type
In algebraic geometry, a surface of general type is an algebraic surface with Kodaira dimension 2. Because of Chow's theorem any compact complex manifold of dimension 2 and with Kodaira dimension 2 wi
Hesse's principle of transfer
In geometry, Hesse's principle of transfer (German: Übertragungsprinzip) states that if the points of the projective line P1 are depicted by a rational normal curve in Pn, then the group of the projec
Conic section
In mathematics, a conic section, quadratic curve or conic is a curve obtained as the intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane. The three types of conic section are the hyperbola, the parabol
Enriques surface
In mathematics, Enriques surfaces are algebraic surfaces such that the irregularity q = 0 and the canonical line bundle K is non-trivial but has trivial square. Enriques surfaces are all projective (a