Category: Algebraic varieties

Irreducible component
In algebraic geometry, an irreducible algebraic set or irreducible variety is an algebraic set that cannot be written as the union of two proper algebraic subsets. An irreducible component is an algeb
Algebraic manifold
In mathematics, an algebraic manifold is an algebraic variety which is also a manifold. As such, algebraic manifolds are a generalisation of the concept of smooth curves and surfaces defined by polyno
Coble variety
In mathematics, the Coble variety is the moduli space of ordered sets of 6 points in the projective plane, and can be represented as a double cover of the projective 4-space branched over the Igusa qu
Dimension of an algebraic variety
In mathematics and specifically in algebraic geometry, the dimension of an algebraic variety may be defined in various equivalent ways. Some of these definitions are of geometric nature, while some ot
Rational function
In mathematics, a rational function is any function that can be defined by a rational fraction, which is an algebraic fraction such that both the numerator and the denominator are polynomials. The coe
Seshadri constant
In algebraic geometry, a Seshadri constant is an invariant of an ample line bundle L at a point P on an algebraic variety. It was introduced by Demailly to measure a certain rate of growth, of the ten
Siegel modular variety
In mathematics, a Siegel modular variety or Siegel moduli space is an algebraic variety that parametrizes certain types of abelian varieties of a fixed dimension. More precisely, Siegel modular variet
Segre embedding
In mathematics, the Segre embedding is used in projective geometry to consider the cartesian product (of sets) of two projective spaces as a projective variety. It is named after Corrado Segre.
Zariski topology
In algebraic geometry and commutative algebra, the Zariski topology is a topology which is primarily defined by its closed sets. It is very different from topologies which are commonly used in the rea
Transcendence degree
In abstract algebra, the transcendence degree of a field extension L / K is a certain rather coarse measure of the "size" of the extension. Specifically, it is defined as the largest cardinality of an
Homogeneous variety
In algebraic geometry, a homogeneous variety is an algebraic variety of the form G/P, G a linear algebraic group, P a parabolic subgroup. It is a smooth projective variety. If P is a Borel subgroup, i
Algebraic variety
Algebraic varieties are the central objects of study in algebraic geometry, a sub-field of mathematics. Classically, an algebraic variety is defined as the set of solutions of a system of polynomial e
Singular point of an algebraic variety
In the mathematical field of algebraic geometry, a singular point of an algebraic variety V is a point P that is 'special' (so, singular), in the geometric sense that at this point the tangent space a
Severi–Brauer variety
In mathematics, a Severi–Brauer variety over a field K is an algebraic variety V which becomes isomorphic to a projective space over an algebraic closure of K. The varieties are associated to central
Cubic threefold
In algebraic geometry, a cubic threefold is a hypersurface of degree 3 in 4-dimensional projective space. Cubic threefolds are all unirational, but used intermediate Jacobians to show that non-singula
Exotic affine space
In algebraic geometry, an exotic affine space is a complex algebraic variety that is diffeomorphic to for some n, but is not isomorphic as an algebraic variety to . An example of an exotic is the Kora
Function field of an algebraic variety
In algebraic geometry, the function field of an algebraic variety V consists of objects which are interpreted as rational functions on V. In classical algebraic geometry they are ratios of polynomials
Horrocks–Mumford bundle
In algebraic geometry, the Horrocks–Mumford bundle is an indecomposable rank 2 vector bundle on 4-dimensional projective space P4 introduced by Geoffrey Horrocks and David Mumford. It is the only such
Gorenstein scheme
In algebraic geometry, a Gorenstein scheme is a locally Noetherian scheme whose local rings are all Gorenstein. The canonical line bundle is defined for any Gorenstein scheme over a field, and its pro
No description available.
Algebraic geometry of projective spaces
Projective space plays a central role in algebraic geometry. The aim of this article is to define the notion in terms of abstract algebraic geometry and to describe some basic uses of projective space
Projective variety
In algebraic geometry, a projective variety over an algebraically closed field k is a subset of some projective n-space over k that is the zero-locus of some finite family of homogeneous polynomials o
Moduli of algebraic curves
In algebraic geometry, a moduli space of (algebraic) curves is a geometric space (typically a scheme or an algebraic stack) whose points represent isomorphism classes of algebraic curves. It is thus a
Homogeneous coordinate ring
In algebraic geometry, the homogeneous coordinate ring R of an algebraic variety V given as a subvariety of projective space of a given dimension N is by definition the quotient ring R = K[X0, X1, X2,
Complex algebraic variety
In algebraic geometry, a complex algebraic variety is an algebraic variety (in the scheme sense or otherwise) over the field of complex numbers.
Complete variety
In mathematics, in particular in algebraic geometry, a complete algebraic variety is an algebraic variety X, such that for any variety Y the projection morphism is a closed map (i.e. maps closed sets
Maltsev variety
No description available.
Pseudo-canonical variety
In mathematics, a pseudo-canonical variety is an algebraic variety of "general type".
Quintic threefold
In mathematics, a quintic threefold is a 3-dimensional hypersurface of degree 5 in 4-dimensional projective space. Non-singular quintic threefolds are Calabi–Yau manifolds. The Hodge diamond of a non-
Rational variety
In mathematics, a rational variety is an algebraic variety, over a given field K, which is birationally equivalent to a projective space of some dimension over K. This means that its function field is
Reducible variety
No description available.
Geometric genus
In algebraic geometry, the geometric genus is a basic birational invariant pg of algebraic varieties and complex manifolds.
Hermitian variety
Hermitian varieties are in a sense a generalisation of quadrics, and occur naturally in the .
Local zeta function
In number theory, the local zeta function Z(V, s) (sometimes called the congruent zeta function or the Hasse–Weil zeta function) is defined as where V is a non-singular n-dimensional projective algebr
Theorem of the cube
In mathematics, the theorem of the cube is a condition for a line bundle over a product of three complete varieties to be trivial. It was a principle discovered, in the context of linear equivalence,
Krivine–Stengle Positivstellensatz
In real algebraic geometry, Krivine–Stengle Positivstellensatz (German for "positive-locus-theorem") characterizes polynomials that are positive on a semialgebraic set, which is defined by systems of
Determinantal variety
In algebraic geometry, determinantal varieties are spaces of matrices with a given upper bound on their ranks. Their significance comes from the fact that many examples in algebraic geometry are of th
Morphism of algebraic varieties
In algebraic geometry, a morphism between algebraic varieties is a function between the varieties that is given locally by polynomials. It is also called a regular map. A morphism from an algebraic va
Conic bundle
In algebraic geometry, a conic bundle is an algebraic variety that appears as a solution of a Cartesian equation of the form Theoretically, it can be considered as a Severi–Brauer surface, or more pre
Degree of an algebraic variety
In mathematics, the degree of an affine or projective variety of dimension n is the number of intersection points of the varietywith n hyperplanes in general position. For an algebraic set, the inters
Veronese surface
In mathematics, the Veronese surface is an algebraic surface in five-dimensional projective space, and is realized by the Veronese embedding, the embedding of the projective plane given by the complet
Canonical bundle
In mathematics, the canonical bundle of a non-singular algebraic variety of dimension over a field is the line bundle , which is the nth exterior power of the cotangent bundle Ω on V. Over the complex
Cubic form
In mathematics, a cubic form is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 3, and a cubic hypersurface is the zero set of a cubic form. In the case of a cubic form in three variables, the zero set is a cubic
Norm variety
In mathematics, a norm variety is a particular type of algebraic variety V over a field F, introduced for the purposes of algebraic K-theory by Voevodsky. The idea is to relate Milnor K-theory of F to
Jouanolou's trick
In algebraic geometry, Jouanolou's trick is a theorem that asserts, for an algebraic variety X, the existence of a surjection with affine fibers from an affine variety W to X. The variety W is therefo
Characteristic variety
In mathematical analysis, the characteristic variety of a P is an algebraic variety that is the zero set of the principal symbol of P in the cotangent bundle. It is invariant under a . The notion is a
Lüroth's theorem
In mathematics, Lüroth's theorem asserts that every field that lies between two other fields K and K(X) must be generated as an extension of K by a single element of K(X). This result is named after J
Noether normalization lemma
In mathematics, the Noether normalization lemma is a result of commutative algebra, introduced by Emmy Noether in 1926. It states that for any field k, and any finitely generated commutative k-algebra
Weil restriction
In mathematics, restriction of scalars (also known as "Weil restriction") is a functor which, for any finite extension of fields L/k and any algebraic variety X over L, produces another variety ResL/k
Torus action
In algebraic geometry, a torus action on an algebraic variety is a group action of an algebraic torus on the variety. A variety equipped with an action of a torus T is called a T-variety. In different
Diagonal form
In mathematics, a diagonal form is an algebraic form (homogeneous polynomial) without cross-terms involving different indeterminates. That is, it is for some given degree m. Such forms F, and the hype
Branched covering
In mathematics, a branched covering is a map that is almost a covering map, except on a small set.
Line complex
In algebraic geometry, a line complex is a 3-fold given by the intersection of the Grassmannian G(2, 4) (embedded in projective space P5 by Plücker coordinates) with a hypersurface. It is called a lin
Complex projective space
In mathematics, complex projective space is the projective space with respect to the field of complex numbers. By analogy, whereas the points of a real projective space label the lines through the ori
Quasi-projective variety
In mathematics, a quasi-projective variety in algebraic geometry is a locally closed subset of a projective variety, i.e., the intersection inside some projective space of a Zariski-open and a Zariski
Mordellic variety
In mathematics, a Mordellic variety is an algebraic variety which has only finitely many points in any finitely generated field. The terminology was introduced by Serge Lang to enunciate a range of co