Polyhedra | Recreational mathematics

Polyhedron model

A polyhedron model is a physical construction of a polyhedron, constructed from cardboard, plastic board, wood board or other panel material, or, less commonly, solid material. Since there are 75 uniform polyhedra, including the five regular convex polyhedra, five polyhedral compounds, four Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra, and thirteen Archimedean solids, constructing or collecting polyhedron models has become a common mathematical recreation. Polyhedron models are found in mathematics classrooms much as globes in geography classrooms. Polyhedron models are notable as three-dimensional proof-of-concepts of geometric theories. Some polyhedra also make great centerpieces, tree toppers, Holiday decorations, or symbols. The Merkaba religious symbol, for example, is a stellated octahedron. Constructing large models offer challenges in engineering structural design. (Wikipedia).

Polyhedron model
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Sketch a net from a 3D figure

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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What are four types of polygons

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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Sketch a figure from a net

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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What is the difference between convex and concave

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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Regular polyhedra

This shows a 3d print of a mathematical sculpture I produced using shapeways.com. This model is available at http://shpws.me/q0PF.

From playlist 3D printing

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What are the names of different types of polygons based on the number of sides

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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What are convex polygons

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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What is a polygon and what is a non example of a one

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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Chao Li - Scalar curvature and the dihedral rigidity conjecture

In 2013, Gromov proposed a geometric comparison theorem for metrics with nonnegative scalar curvature, formulated in terms of the dihedral rigidity phenomenon for Riemannian polyhedrons. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress towards this conjecture, and its connection to other rigid

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Boris Springborn: Discrete Uniformization and Ideal Hyperbolic Polyhedra

CATS 2021 Online Seminar Boris Springborn, Technical University of Berlin Abstract: This talk will be about two seemingly unrelated problems: 00:46:00 A discrete version of the uniformization problem for piecewise flat surfaces, and 00:35:48 Constructing ideal hyperbolic polyhedra with p

From playlist Computational & Algorithmic Topology (CATS 2021)

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Stella4D tips

A few of the settings I like to customise in Stella4D - a powerful polyhedra program. Stella4D website: http://www.software3d.com/Stella.php My website with lots of polyhedra resources: www.maths-pro.com

From playlist MASA

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Ian Agol, Lecture 2: Finiteness of Arithmetic Hyperbolic Reflection Groups

24th Workshop in Geometric Topology, Calvin College, June 29, 2007

From playlist Ian Agol: 24th Workshop in Geometric Topology

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Combinatorics and Geometry to Arithmetic of Circle Packings - Nakamura

Speaker: Kei Nakamura (Rutgers) Title: Combinatorics and Geometry to Arithmetic of Circle Packings Abstract: The Koebe-Andreev-Thurston/Schramm theorem assigns a conformally rigid fi-nite circle packing to a convex polyhedron, and then successive inversions yield a conformally rigid infin

From playlist Mathematics

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What is the definition of a regular polygon and how do you find the interior angles

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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Marco Di Summa: Cut generating functions

Abstract: The theory of cut generating functions is a tool for deriving automatically cutting planes in mixed integer programming. In this talk I will present the basic ideas of this theory and illustrate how it leads to the study of subadditive functions. In particular, we discuss the imp

From playlist HIM Lectures: Trimester Program "Combinatorial Optimization"

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Live CEOing Ep 186: Polyhedra in Wolfram Language

Watch Stephen Wolfram and teams of developers in a live, working, language design meeting. This episode is about Polyhedra in the Wolfram Language.

From playlist Behind the Scenes in Real-Life Software Design

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Thin Groups and Applications - Alex Kontorovich

Analysis and Beyond - Celebrating Jean Bourgain's Work and Impact May 21, 2016 More videos on http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Analysis and Beyond

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Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Laplacians and Wave Equaions by Andrey shafarevich

Non-Hermitian Physics - PHHQP XVIII DATE: 04 June 2018 to 13 June 2018 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Non-Hermitian Physics-"Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics (PHHQP) XVIII" is the 18th meeting in the series that is being held over the years in Quantum Phys

From playlist Non-Hermitian Physics - PHHQP XVIII

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Interactivity: Building and App in 60 Seconds

With the Wolfram Language and Mathematica, you really can build a useful, interactive app for exploring ideas in just 60 seconds. Starting with the 60-second app, this talk covers the ins and outs of the Wolfram Language function Manipulate, the key to instantly interactive interfaces. You

From playlist Geek Out with Wolfram Virtual Workshop 2014

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What is a concave polygon

👉 Learn about polygons and how to classify them. A polygon is a plane shape bounded by a finite chain of straight lines. A polygon can be concave or convex and it can also be regular or irregular. A concave polygon is a polygon in which at least one of its interior angles is greater than 1

From playlist Classify Polygons

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