Category: Sobolev spaces

Sobolev conjugate
The Sobolev conjugate of p for , where n is space dimensionality, is This is an important parameter in the Sobolev inequalities.
Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
In mathematics, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities are a class of inequalities involving the norm of a function f, its logarithm, and its gradient . These inequalities were discovered and named by Leona
Gårding's inequality
In mathematics, Gårding's inequality is a result that gives a lower bound for the bilinear form induced by a real linear elliptic partial differential operator. The inequality is named after Lars Gård
Sobolev inequality
In mathematics, there is in mathematical analysis a class of Sobolev inequalities, relating norms including those of Sobolev spaces. These are used to prove the Sobolev embedding theorem, giving inclu
Sobolev space
In mathematics, a Sobolev space is a vector space of functions equipped with a norm that is a combination of Lp-norms of the function together with its derivatives up to a given order. The derivatives
Ladyzhenskaya's inequality
In mathematics, Ladyzhenskaya's inequality is any of a number of related functional inequalities named after the Soviet Russian mathematician Olga Aleksandrovna Ladyzhenskaya. The original such inequa
Souček space
In mathematics, Souček spaces are generalizations of Sobolev spaces, named after the Czech mathematician . One of their main advantages is that they offer a way to deal with the fact that the Sobolev
Interpolation inequality
In the field of mathematical analysis, an interpolation inequality is an inequality of the form where for , is an element of some particular vector space equipped with norm and is some real exponent,
Lipschitz domain
In mathematics, a Lipschitz domain (or domain with Lipschitz boundary) is a domain in Euclidean space whose boundary is "sufficiently regular" in the sense that it can be thought of as locally being t
Bochner space
In mathematics, Bochner spaces are a generalization of the concept of spaces to functions whose values lie in a Banach space which is not necessarily the space or of real or complex numbers. The space
Pólya–Szegő inequality
In mathematical analysis, the Pólya–Szegő inequality (or Szegő inequality) states that the Sobolev energy of a function in a Sobolev space does not increase under symmetric decreasing rearrangement. T
Ehrling's lemma
In mathematics, Ehrling's lemma, also known as Lions' lemma, is a result concerning Banach spaces. It is often used in functional analysis to demonstrate the equivalence of certain norms on Sobolev sp
Poincaré inequality
In mathematics, the Poincaré inequality is a result in the theory of Sobolev spaces, named after the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. The inequality allows one to obtain bounds on a function using
Korn's inequality
In mathematical analysis, Korn's inequality is an inequality concerning the gradient of a vector field that generalizes the following classical theorem: if the gradient of a vector field is skew-symme
Interpolation space
In the field of mathematical analysis, an interpolation space is a space which lies "in between" two other Banach spaces. The main applications are in Sobolev spaces, where spaces of functions that ha
Gagliardo–Nirenberg interpolation inequality
In mathematics, and in particular in mathematical analysis, the Gagliardo–Nirenberg interpolation inequality is a result in the theory of Sobolev spaces that relates the -norms of different weak deriv
Trace operator
In mathematics, the trace operator extends the notion of the restriction of a function to the boundary of its domain to "generalized" functions in a Sobolev space. This is particularly important for t
Trudinger's theorem
In mathematical analysis, Trudinger's theorem or the Trudinger inequality (also sometimes called the Moser–Trudinger inequality) is a result of functional analysis on Sobolev spaces. It is named after
Sobolev mapping
In mathematics, a Sobolev mapping is a mapping between manifolds which has smoothness in some sense. Sobolev mappings appear naturally in manifold-constrained problems in the calculus of variations an
Friedrichs's inequality
In mathematics, Friedrichs's inequality is a theorem of functional analysis, due to Kurt Friedrichs. It places a bound on the Lp norm of a function using Lp bounds on the weak derivatives of the funct
Rellich–Kondrachov theorem
In mathematics, the Rellich–Kondrachov theorem is a compact embedding theorem concerning Sobolev spaces. It is named after the Austrian-German mathematician Franz Rellich and the Russian mathematician
Meyers–Serrin theorem
In functional analysis the Meyers–Serrin theorem, named after James Serrin and , states that smooth functions are dense in the Sobolev space for arbitrary domains .