Category: Public-key encryption schemes

Efficient Probabilistic Public-Key Encryption Scheme
EPOC (Efficient Probabilistic Public Key Encryption) is a probabilistic public-key encryption scheme. EPOC was developed in 1999 by T. Okamoto, S. Uchiyama and E. Fujisaki of NTT Labs in Japan. It is
Cayley–Purser algorithm
The Cayley–Purser algorithm was a public-key cryptography algorithm published in early 1999 by 16-year-old Irishwoman Sarah Flannery, based on an unpublished work by , founder of Baltimore Technologie
The NTRUEncrypt public key cryptosystem, also known as the NTRU encryption algorithm, is an NTRU lattice-based alternative to RSA and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and is based on the shortest vec
Sakai–Kasahara scheme
The Sakai–Kasahara scheme, also known as the Sakai–Kasahara key encryption algorithm (SAKKE), is an identity-based encryption (IBE) system proposed by Ryuichi Sakai and Masao Kasahara in 2003. Alongsi
ElGamal encryption
In cryptography, the ElGamal encryption system is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm for public-key cryptography which is based on the Diffie–Hellman key exchange. It was described by Taher Elgama
Niederreiter cryptosystem
In cryptography, the Niederreiter cryptosystem is a variation of the McEliece cryptosystem developed in 1986 by Harald Niederreiter. It applies the same idea to the parity check matrix, H, of a linear
Cramer–Shoup cryptosystem
The Cramer–Shoup system is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm, and was the first efficient scheme proven to be secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack using standard cryptographic assumpt
McEliece cryptosystem
In cryptography, the McEliece cryptosystem is an asymmetric encryption algorithm developed in 1978 by Robert McEliece. It was the first such scheme to use randomization in the encryption process. The
Naccache–Stern cryptosystem
The Naccache–Stern cryptosystem is a homomorphic public-key cryptosystem whose security rests on the higher residuosity problem. The Naccache–Stern cryptosystem was discovered by David Naccache and Ja
Merkle–Hellman knapsack cryptosystem
The Merkle–Hellman knapsack cryptosystem was one of the earliest public key cryptosystems. It was published by Ralph Merkle and Martin Hellman in 1978. A polynomial time attack was published by Adi Sh
Okamoto–Uchiyama cryptosystem
The Okamoto–Uchiyama cryptosystem is a public key cryptosystem proposed in 1998 by and . The system works in the multiplicative group of integers modulo n, , where n is of the form p2q and p and q are
Key encapsulation mechanism
In cryptographic protocols, a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is used to secure symmetric key material for transmission using asymmetric (public-key) algorithms. It is commonly used in hybrid crypto
RSA (cryptosystem)
RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) is a public-key cryptosystem that is widely used for secure data transmission. It is also one of the oldest. The acronym "RSA" comes from the surnames of Ron Rivest, Adi Sh
Damgård–Jurik cryptosystem
The Damgård–Jurik cryptosystem is a generalization of the Paillier cryptosystem. It uses computations modulo where is an RSA modulus and a (positive) natural number. Paillier's scheme is the special c
GGH encryption scheme
The Goldreich–Goldwasser–Halevi (GGH) lattice-based cryptosystem is an asymmetric cryptosystem based on lattices. There is also a GGH signature scheme. The Goldreich–Goldwasser–Halevi (GGH) cryptosyst
Hidden Field Equations
Hidden Fields Equations (HFE), also known as HFE trapdoor function, is a public key cryptosystem which was introduced at Eurocrypt in 1996 and proposed by (in French) Jacques Patarin following the ide
Schmidt-Samoa cryptosystem
The Schmidt-Samoa cryptosystem is an asymmetric cryptographic technique, whose security, like Rabin depends on the difficulty of integer factorization. Unlike Rabin this algorithm does not produce an
Boneh–Franklin scheme
The Boneh–Franklin scheme is an identity-based encryption system proposed by Dan Boneh and Matthew K. Franklin in 2001. This article refers to the protocol version called BasicIdent. It is an applicat
Blum–Goldwasser cryptosystem
The Blum–Goldwasser (BG) cryptosystem is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm proposed by Manuel Blum and Shafi Goldwasser in 1984. Blum–Goldwasser is a probabilistic, semantically secure cryptosyst
Optimal asymmetric encryption padding
In cryptography, Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) is a padding scheme often used together with RSA encryption. OAEP was introduced by Bellare and Rogaway, and subsequently standardized in
Naccache–Stern knapsack cryptosystem
The Naccache–Stern Knapsack cryptosystem is an atypical public-key cryptosystem developed by David Naccache and Jacques Stern in 1997. This cryptosystem is deterministic, and hence is not semantically
Rabin cryptosystem
The Rabin cryptosystem is a family of public-key encryption schemesbased on a trapdoor function whose security, like that of RSA, is related to the difficulty of integer factorization. The Rabin trapd
CEILIDH is a public key cryptosystem based on the discrete logarithm problem in algebraic torus. This idea was first introduced by Alice Silverberg and Karl Rubin in 2003; Silverberg named CEILIDH aft
Benaloh cryptosystem
The Benaloh Cryptosystem is an extension of the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem (GM) created in 1985 by Josh (Cohen) Benaloh. The main improvement of the Benaloh Cryptosystem over GM is that longer blo
Paillier cryptosystem
The Paillier cryptosystem, invented by and named after Pascal Paillier in 1999, is a probabilistic asymmetric algorithm for public key cryptography. The problem of computing n-th residue classes is be
Goldwasser–Micali cryptosystem
The Goldwasser–Micali (GM) cryptosystem is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm developed by Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali in 1982. GM has the distinction of being the first probabilistic publi