Category: Hyperbolic geometry

Gieseking manifold
In mathematics, the Gieseking manifold is a cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold of finite volume. It is non-orientable and has the smallest volume among non-compact hyperbolic manifolds, having volume approx
Hyperbolic volume
In the mathematical field of knot theory, the hyperbolic volume of a hyperbolic link is the volume of the link's complement with respect to its complete hyperbolic metric. The volume is necessarily a
Angle of parallelism
In hyperbolic geometry, the angle of parallelism , is the angle at the non-right angle vertex of a right hyperbolic triangle having two asymptotic parallel sides. The angle depends on the segment leng
Hypercycle (geometry)
In hyperbolic geometry, a hypercycle, hypercircle or equidistant curve is a curve whose points have the same orthogonal distance from a given straight line (its axis). Given a straight line L and a po
Tame manifold
In geometry, a tame manifold is a manifold with a well-behaved compactification. More precisely, a manifold is called tame if it is homeomorphic to a compact manifold with a closed subset of the bound
Pair of pants (mathematics)
In mathematics, a pair of pants is a surface which is homeomorphic to the three-holed sphere. The name comes from considering one of the removed disks as the waist and the two others as the cuffs of a
In hyperbolic geometry, a horocycle (from Greek ὅριον (hórion) 'border', and κύκλος (kúklos) 'circle'), sometimes called an oricycle, oricircle, or limit circle, is a curve whose normal or perpendicul
Saccheri quadrilateral
A Saccheri quadrilateral (also known as a Khayyam–Saccheri quadrilateral) is a quadrilateral with two equal sides perpendicular to the base. It is named after Giovanni Gerolamo Saccheri, who used it e
Hyperbolic law of cosines
In hyperbolic geometry, the "law of cosines" is a pair of theorems relating the sides and angles of triangles on a hyperbolic plane, analogous to the planar law of cosines from plane trigonometry, or
Lambert quadrilateral
In geometry, a Lambert quadrilateral (also known as Ibn al-Haytham–Lambert quadrilateral), is a quadrilateral in which three of its angles are right angles. Historically, the fourth angle of a Lambert
Margulis lemma
In differential geometry, the Margulis lemma (named after Grigory Margulis) is a result about discrete subgroups of isometries of a non-positively curved Riemannian manifold (e.g. the hyperbolic n-spa
Schoen–Yau conjecture
In mathematics, the Schoen–Yau conjecture is a disproved conjecture in hyperbolic geometry, named after the mathematicians Richard Schoen and Shing-Tung Yau. It was inspired by a theorem of Erhard Hei
Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes
Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes is a book on crochet and hyperbolic geometry by Daina Taimiņa. It was published in 2009 by A K Peters, with a 2018 second edition by CRC Press.
Non-Euclidean crystallographic group
In mathematics, a non-Euclidean crystallographic group, NEC group or N.E.C. group is a discrete group of isometries of the hyperbolic plane. These symmetry groups correspond to the wallpaper groups in
Hyperbolic motion
In geometry, hyperbolic motions are isometric automorphisms of a hyperbolic space. Under composition of mappings, the hyperbolic motions form a continuous group. This group is said to characterize the
Band model
In geometry, the band model is a conformal model of the hyperbolic plane. The band model employs a portion of the Euclidean plane between two parallel lines. Distance is preserved along one line throu
HyperRogue is an independent video game developed by Zeno Rogue. It is a roguelike inspired by the puzzle game Deadly Rooms of Death and the art of M. C. Escher, taking place in the hyperbolic plane.
Fuchsian model
In mathematics, a Fuchsian model is a representation of a hyperbolic Riemann surface R as a quotient of the upper half-plane H by a Fuchsian group. Every hyperbolic Riemann surface admits such a repre
In abstract algebra, the split-quaternions or coquaternions form an algebraic structure introduced by James Cockle in 1849 under the latter name. They form an associative algebra of dimension four ove
Rips machine
In geometric group theory, the Rips machine is a method of studying the action of groups on R-trees. It was introduced in unpublished work of Eliyahu Rips in about 1991. An R-tree is a uniquely arcwis
Prime geodesic
In mathematics, a prime geodesic on a hyperbolic surface is a primitive closed geodesic, i.e. a geodesic which is a closed curve that traces out its image exactly once. Such geodesics are called prime
Ending lamination theorem
In hyperbolic geometry, the ending lamination theorem, originally conjectured by William Thurston, states that hyperbolic 3-manifolds with finitely generated fundamental groups are determined by their
Ideal polyhedron
In three-dimensional hyperbolic geometry, an ideal polyhedron is a convex polyhedron all of whose vertices are ideal points, points "at infinity" rather than interior to three-dimensional hyperbolic s
Carathéodory metric
In mathematics, the Carathéodory metric is a metric defined on the open unit ball of a complex Banach space that has many similar properties to the Poincaré metric of hyperbolic geometry. It is named
Poincaré disk model
In geometry, the Poincaré disk model, also called the conformal disk model, is a model of 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry in which all points are inside the unit disk, and straight lines are either
Upper half-plane
In mathematics, the upper half-plane, is the set of points (x, y) in the Cartesian plane with y > 0.
Hyperbolic coordinates
In mathematics, hyperbolic coordinates are a method of locating points in quadrant I of the Cartesian plane . Hyperbolic coordinates take values in the hyperbolic plane defined as: . These coordinates
Hyperbolization theorem
In geometry, Thurston's geometrization theorem or hyperbolization theorem implies that closed atoroidal Haken manifolds are hyperbolic, and in particular satisfy the Thurston conjecture.
Geometric topology (object)
In mathematics, the geometric topology is a topology one can put on the set H of hyperbolic 3-manifolds of finite volume.
Ideal point
In hyperbolic geometry, an ideal point, omega point or point at infinity is a well-defined point outside the hyperbolic plane or space.Given a line l and a point P not on l, right- and left-limiting p
Constructions in hyperbolic geometry
Hyperbolic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry where the first four axioms of Euclidean geometry are kept but the fifth axiom, the parallel postulate, is changed. The fifth axiom of hyperbolic geomet
Arithmetic Fuchsian group
Arithmetic Fuchsian groups are a special class of Fuchsian groups constructed using orders in quaternion algebras. They are particular instances of arithmetic groups. The prototypical example of an ar
Non-positive curvature
In mathematics, spaces of non-positive curvature occur in many contexts and form a generalization of hyperbolic geometry. In the category of Riemannian manifolds, one can consider the sectional curvat
In hyperbolic geometry, a horosphere (or parasphere) is a specific hypersurface in hyperbolic n-space. It is the boundary of a horoball, the limit of a sequence of increasing balls sharing (on one sid
Hyperbolic manifold
In mathematics, a hyperbolic manifold is a space where every point looks locally like hyperbolic space of some dimension. They are especially studied in dimensions 2 and 3, where they are called hyper
In geometry, a pseudosphere is a surface with constant negative Gaussian curvature. A pseudosphere of radius R is a surface in having curvature −1/R2 in each point. Its name comes from the analogy wit
Fuchsian group
In mathematics, a Fuchsian group is a discrete subgroup of PSL(2,R). The group PSL(2,R) can be regarded equivalently as a group of isometries of the hyperbolic plane, or conformal transformations of t
Hilbert's theorem (differential geometry)
In differential geometry, Hilbert's theorem (1901) states that there exists no complete regular surface of constant negative gaussian curvature immersed in . This theorem answers the question for the
Geometric finiteness
In geometry, a group of isometries of hyperbolic space is called geometrically finite if it has a well-behaved fundamental domain. A hyperbolic manifold is called geometrically finite if it can be des
Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem
In mathematics, the Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem is an extension of the Schwarz lemma for hyperbolic geometry, such as the Poincaré half-plane model. The Schwarz–Pick lemma states that every holomorph
Beltrami–Klein model
In geometry, the Beltrami–Klein model, also called the projective model, Klein disk model, and the Cayley–Klein model, is a model of hyperbolic geometry in which points are represented by the points i
Anosov diffeomorphism
In mathematics, more particularly in the fields of dynamical systems and geometric topology, an Anosov map on a manifold M is a certain type of mapping, from M to itself, with rather clearly marked lo
Gyrovector space
A gyrovector space is a mathematical concept proposed by Abraham A. Ungar for studying hyperbolic geometry in analogy to the way vector spaces are used in Euclidean geometry. Ungar introduced the conc
Mostow rigidity theorem
In mathematics, Mostow's rigidity theorem, or strong rigidity theorem, or Mostow–Prasad rigidity theorem, essentially states that the geometry of a complete, finite-volume hyperbolic manifold of dimen
Vinberg's algorithm
In mathematics, Vinberg's algorithm is an algorithm, introduced by Ernest Borisovich Vinberg, for finding a fundamental domain of a hyperbolic reflection group. used Vinberg's algorithm to describe th
Triangle group
In mathematics, a triangle group is a group that can be realized geometrically by sequences of reflections across the sides of a triangle. The triangle can be an ordinary Euclidean triangle, a triangl
Schwarz triangle function
In complex analysis, the Schwarz triangle function or Schwarz s-function is a function that conformally maps the upper half plane to a triangle in the upper half plane having lines or circular arcs fo
Tameness theorem
In mathematics, the tameness theorem states that every complete hyperbolic 3-manifold with finitely generated fundamental group is topologically tame, in other words homeomorphic to the interior of a
Double limit theorem
In hyperbolic geometry, Thurston's double limit theorem gives condition for a sequence of quasi-Fuchsian groups to have a convergent subsequence. It was introduced in , theorem 4.1) and is a major ste
Angular defect
In geometry, the (angular) defect (or deficit or deficiency) means the failure of some angles to add up to the expected amount of 360° or 180°, when such angles in the Euclidean plane would. The oppos
Kleinian model
In mathematics, a Kleinian model is a model of a three-dimensional hyperbolic manifold N by the quotient space where is a discrete subgroup of PSL(2,C). Here, the subgroup , a Kleinian group, is defin
Poincaré metric
In mathematics, the Poincaré metric, named after Henri Poincaré, is the metric tensor describing a two-dimensional surface of constant negative curvature. It is the natural metric commonly used in a v
Apollonian sphere packing
Apollonian sphere packing is the three-dimensional equivalent of the Apollonian gasket. The principle of construction is very similar: with any four spheres that are cotangent to each other, it is the
Point at infinity
In geometry, a point at infinity or ideal point is an idealized limiting point at the "end" of each line. In the case of an affine plane (including the Euclidean plane), there is one ideal point for e
Hilbert's arithmetic of ends
In mathematics, specifically in the area of hyperbolic geometry, Hilbert's arithmetic of ends is a method for endowing a geometric set, the set of ideal points or "ends" of a hyperbolic plane, with an
Hyperbolic 3-manifold
In mathematics, more precisely in topology and differential geometry, a hyperbolic 3–manifold is a manifold of dimension 3 equipped with a hyperbolic metric, that is a Riemannian metric which has all
In mathematics, the special linear group SL(2, R) or SL2(R) is the group of 2 × 2 real matrices with determinant one: It is a connected non-compact simple real Lie group of dimension 3 with applicatio
Hyperbolic space
In mathematics, hyperbolic space of dimension n is the unique simply connected, n-dimensional Riemannian manifold of constant sectional curvature equal to -1. It is homogeneous, and satisfies the stro
Hyperbolic geometric graph
A hyperbolic geometric graph (HGG) or hyperbolic geometric network (HGN) is a special type of spatial network where (1) latent coordinates of nodes are sprinkled according to a probability density fun
Coordinate systems for the hyperbolic plane
In the hyperbolic plane, as in the Euclidean plane, each point can be uniquely identified by two real numbers. Several qualitatively different ways of coordinatizing the plane in hyperbolic geometry a
Hyperbolic triangle
In hyperbolic geometry, a hyperbolic triangle is a triangle in the hyperbolic plane. It consists of three line segments called sides or edges and three points called angles or vertices. Just as in the
Hyperbolic tree
A hyperbolic tree (often shortened as hypertree) is an information visualization and graph drawing method inspired by hyperbolic geometry. Displaying hierarchical data as a tree suffers from visual cl
Earthquake map
In hyperbolic geometry, an earthquake map is a method of changing one hyperbolic manifold into another, introduced by William Thurston.
Poincaré half-plane model
In non-Euclidean geometry, the Poincaré half-plane model is the upper half-plane, denoted below as H , together with a metric, the Poincaré metric, that makes it a model of two-dimensional hyperbolic
Apollonian gasket
In mathematics, an Apollonian gasket or Apollonian net is a fractal generated by starting with a triple of circles, each tangent to the other two, and successively filling in more circles, each tangen
Picard horn
A Picard horn, also called the Picard topology or Picard model, is one of the oldest known hyperbolic 3-manifolds, first described by Émile Picard in 1884. The manifold is the quotient of the upper ha
Hyperboloid model
In geometry, the hyperboloid model, also known as the Minkowski model after Hermann Minkowski, is a model of n-dimensional hyperbolic geometry in which points are represented by points on the forward
Complex geodesic
In mathematics, a complex geodesic is a generalization of the notion of geodesic to complex spaces.
Weeks manifold
In mathematics, the Weeks manifold, sometimes called the Fomenko–Matveev–Weeks manifold, is a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold obtained by (5, 2) and (5, 1) Dehn surgeries on the Whitehead link. It has vo
The idea of a sphere-world was constructed by Henri Poincaré who, while pursuing his argument for conventionalism (see philosophy of space and time), offered a thought experiment about a sphere with s
Bryant surface
In Riemannian geometry, a Bryant surface is a 2-dimensional surface embedded in 3-dimensional hyperbolic space with constant mean curvature equal to 1. These surfaces take their name from the geometer
The geometry and topology of three-manifolds
The geometry and topology of three-manifolds is a set of widely circulated but unpublished notes by William Thurston from 1978 to 1980 describing his work on 3-manifolds. The notes introduced several
Cusp neighborhood
In mathematics, a cusp neighborhood is defined as a set of points near a cusp singularity.
Hyperbolic group
In group theory, more precisely in geometric group theory, a hyperbolic group, also known as a word hyperbolic group or Gromov hyperbolic group, is a finitely generated group equipped with a word metr
Hyperbolic metric space
In mathematics, a hyperbolic metric space is a metric space satisfying certain metric relations (depending quantitatively on a nonnegative real number δ) between points. The definition, introduced by
Hyperbolic geometry
In mathematics, hyperbolic geometry (also called Lobachevskian geometry or Bolyai–Lobachevskian geometry) is a non-Euclidean geometry. The parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry is replaced with: Fo
Macbeath surface
In Riemann surface theory and hyperbolic geometry, the Macbeath surface, also called Macbeath's curve or the Fricke–Macbeath curve, is the genus-7 Hurwitz surface. The automorphism group of the Macbea
Hyperbolic Dehn surgery
In mathematics, hyperbolic Dehn surgery is an operation by which one can obtain further hyperbolic 3-manifolds from a given cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold. Hyperbolic Dehn surgery exists only in dimensi
Ultraparallel theorem
In hyperbolic geometry, two lines may intersect, be ultraparallel, or be limiting parallel. The ultraparallel theorem states that every pair of (distinct) ultraparallel lines has a unique common perpe
Meyerhoff manifold
In hyperbolic geometry, the Meyerhoff manifold is the arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold obtained by surgery on the figure-8 knot complement. It was introduced by Robert Meyerhoff as a possible candidat
Zimmert set
In mathematics, a Zimmert set is a set of positive integers associated with the structure of quotients of hyperbolic three-space by a Bianchi group.
Arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold
In mathematics, more precisely in group theory and hyperbolic geometry, Arithmetic Kleinian groups are a special class of Kleinian groups constructed using orders in quaternion algebras. They are part
Pleated surface
In geometry, a pleated surface is roughly a surface that may have simple folds but is not crumpled in more complicated ways. More precisely, a pleated surface is an isometry from a complete hyperbolic
Limiting parallel
In neutral or absolute geometry, and in hyperbolic geometry, there may be many lines parallel to a given line through a point not on line ; however, in the plane, two parallels may be closer to than a
Hjelmslev transformation
In mathematics, the Hjelmslev transformation is an effective method for mapping an entire hyperbolic plane into a circle with a finite radius. The transformation was invented by Danish mathematician J
Hyperbolic functions
In mathematics, hyperbolic functions are analogues of the ordinary trigonometric functions, but defined using the hyperbola rather than the circle. Just as the points (cos t, sin t) form a circle with
Local rigidity
Local rigidity theorems in the theory of discrete subgroups of Lie groups are results which show that small deformations of certain such subgroups are always trivial. It is different from Mostow rigid
Ideal triangle
In hyperbolic geometry an ideal triangle is a hyperbolic triangle whose three vertices all are ideal points. Ideal triangles are also sometimes called triply asymptotic triangles or trebly asymptotic