Category: Egyptian fractions

Odd greedy expansion
In number theory, the odd greedy expansion problem asks whether a greedy algorithm for finding Egyptian fractions with odd denominators always succeeds. As of 2021, it remains unsolved.
Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll
The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) is a 10 × 17 in (25 × 43 cm) leather roll purchased by Alexander Henry Rhind in 1858. It was sent to the British Museum in 1864, along with the Rhind Math
Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus, wedjat eye or udjat eye is a concept and symbol in ancient Egyptian religion that represents well-being, healing, and protection. It derives from the mythical conflict between the go
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (RMP; also designated as papyrus British Museum 10057 and pBM 10058) is one of the best known examples of ancient Egyptian mathematics. It is named after Alexander Henry
Greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions
In mathematics, the greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions is a greedy algorithm, first described by Fibonacci, for transforming rational numbers into Egyptian fractions. An Egyptian fraction is a re
Red auxiliary number
In the study of ancient Egyptian mathematics, red auxiliary numbers are numbers written in red ink in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, apparently used as aids for arithmetic computations involving frac
Reisner Papyrus
The Reisner Papyri date to the reign of Senusret I, who was king of ancient Egypt in the 19th century BCE. The documents were discovered by G.A. Reisner during excavations in 1901–04 in Naga ed-Deir i
Engel expansion
The Engel expansion of a positive real number x is the unique non-decreasing sequence of positive integers such that For instance, Euler's constant e has the Engel expansion 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Moscow Mathematical Papyrus
The Moscow Mathematical Papyrus, also named the Golenishchev Mathematical Papyrus after its first non-Egyptian owner, Egyptologist Vladimir Golenishchev, is an ancient Egyptian mathematical papyrus co
Ancient Egyptian multiplication
In mathematics, ancient Egyptian multiplication (also known as Egyptian multiplication, Ethiopian multiplication, Russian multiplication, or peasant multiplication), one of two multiplication methods
Erdős–Graham problem
In combinatorial number theory, the Erdős–Graham problem is the problem of proving that, if the set of integers greater than one is partitioned into finitely many subsets, then one of the subsets can
Sylvester's sequence
In number theory, Sylvester's sequence is an integer sequence in which each term of the sequence is the product of the previous terms, plus one. The first few terms of the sequence are 2, 3, 7, 43, 18
Primary pseudoperfect number
In mathematics, and particularly in number theory, N is a primary pseudoperfect number if it satisfies the Egyptian fraction equation where the sum is over only the prime divisors of N.
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus 2/n table
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian mathematical work, includes a mathematical table for converting rational numbers of the form 2/n into Egyptian fractions (sums of distinct unit frac
Znám's problem
In number theory, Znám's problem asks which sets of k integers have the property that each integer in the set is a proper divisor of the product of the other integers in the set, plus 1. Znám's proble
Lahun Mathematical Papyri
The Lahun Mathematical Papyri (also known as the Kahun Mathematical Papyri) is an ancient Egyptian mathematical text. It forms part of the Kahun Papyri, which was discovered at El-Lahun (also known as
Akhmim wooden tablets
The Akhmim wooden tablets, also known as the Cairo wooden tablets (Cairo Cat. 25367 and 25368), are two wooden writing tablets from ancient Egypt, solving arithmetical problems. They each measure arou
Erdős–Straus conjecture
Unsolved problem in mathematics: Does have a positive integer solution for every integer ? (more unsolved problems in mathematics) The Erdős–Straus conjecture is an unproven statement in number theory
Egyptian fraction
An Egyptian fraction is a finite sum of distinct unit fractions, such as That is, each fraction in the expression has a numerator equal to 1 and a denominator that is a positive integer, and all the d
Practical number
In number theory, a practical number or panarithmic number is a positive integer such that all smaller positive integers can be represented as sums of distinct divisors of . For example, 12 is a pract