Category: Combinatory logic

Combinatory categorial grammar
Combinatory categorial grammar (CCG) is an efficiently parsable, yet linguistically expressive grammar formalism. It has a transparent interface between surface syntax and underlying semantic represen
Applicative computing systems
Applicative computing systems, or ACS are the systems of object calculi founded on combinatory logic and lambda calculus. The only essential notion which is under consideration in these systems is the
Fixed-point combinator
In mathematics and computer science in general, a fixed point of a function is a value that is mapped to itself by the function. In combinatory logic for computer science, a fixed-point combinator (or
Iota and Jot
In formal language theory and computer science, Iota and Jot (from Greek iota ι, Hebrew yodh י, the smallest letters in those two alphabets) are languages, extremely minimalist formal systems, designe
Binary combinatory logic
Binary combinatory logic (BCL) is a computer programming language that uses binary terms 0 and 1 to create a complete formulation of combinatory logic using only the symbols 0 and 1. Using the S and K
SKI combinator calculus
The SKI combinator calculus is a combinatory logic system and a computational system. It can be thought of as a computer programming language, though it is not convenient for writing software. Instead
To Mock a Mockingbird
To Mock a Mockingbird and Other Logic Puzzles: Including an Amazing Adventure in Combinatory Logic (1985, ISBN 0-19-280142-2) is a book by the mathematician and logician Raymond Smullyan. It contains
B, C, K, W system
The B, C, K, W system is a variant of combinatory logic that takes as primitive the combinators B, C, K, and W. This system was discovered by Haskell Curry in his doctoral thesis Grundlagen der kombin
Combinatory logic
Combinatory logic is a notation to eliminate the need for quantified variables in mathematical logic. It was introduced by Moses Schönfinkel and Haskell Curry, and has more recently been used in compu