Mathematical analysis | Generalized functions

Wave front set

In mathematical analysis, more precisely in microlocal analysis, the wave front (set) WF(f) characterizes the singularities of a generalized function f, not only in space, but also with respect to its Fourier transform at each point. The term "wave front" was coined by Lars Hörmander around 1970. (Wikipedia).

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Waves at home!

In this video i demonstrate waves with candies!

From playlist WAVES

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A perfect wave front in the Bermuda triangle billiard

A wave front in a medium without dispersion or interference (geometric optics approximation), starting from the center of an equilateral triangle, and reflected from the boundary of the triangle. This is analogous to the video but with more symmetry, due both t

From playlist Wave fronts in billiards (Geometric optics approximation)

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Waves 2_16 Phasors

Adding waves using phasors.

From playlist Physics - Waves

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AWESOME Physics demonstrations. Standing wave on a spring (slow motion)!

How make standing wave on a spring. I show the nodes and antinodes and how the spring moves (slow motion).

From playlist WAVES

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Physics demonstrations. Intensity of light wave against distance from the light source

How intensity of light wave depends against distance from the light source

From playlist WAVES

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Amazing standing Wave


From playlist Waves

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Waves 4_1 Sources of Musical Sounds

Explaining sounds / standing waves in musical instruments with both sides open and one side open with the other side closed.

From playlist Physics - Waves

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Waves 6_2 Doppler Effect

Solution to problems dealing with the Doppler effect.

From playlist Physics - Waves

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Yury Stepanyants: The asymptotic approach for ocean wave patterns

SMRI Applied Mathematics Seminar: Yury Stepanyants (University of Southern Queensland) Abstract: The asymptotic approach is suggested for the description of interacting surface and internal oceanic solitary waves. This approach allows one to describe a stationary moving wave patterns cons

From playlist SMRI Seminars

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Gitta Kutyniok: "Deep Learning and Modeling: Taking the Best out of Both Worlds"

Deep Learning and Medical Applications 2020 "Deep Learning and Modeling: Taking the Best out of Both Worlds" Gitta Kutyniok - Technische Universität Berlin, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics Abstract: Pure model-based approaches are today often insufficient for solving com

From playlist Deep Learning and Medical Applications 2020

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William Feldman: "Mean curvature flow with positive random forcing in 2-d"

High Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs 2020 Workshop IV: Stochastic Analysis Related to Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs "Mean curvature flow with positive random forcing in 2-d" William Feldman - Institute for Advanced Study and University of Utah Abstract: I will discuss some history, new results,

From playlist High Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs 2020

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Raphaël Forien: Fluctuations in stochastic pushed fronts

CIRM HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "5th Workshop Probability and Evolution " the July 01, 2021 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIR

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Lec 9 - Phys 237: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne

Watch the rest of the lectures on Redistributed with permission. This video is taken from a 2002 Caltech on-line course on "Gravitational Waves", organized and designed by Kip S. Thorne, Mihai Bondarescu and

From playlist Caltech: Gravitational Waves with Kip Thorne - Physics

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Uniform p-adic wave front sets and zero loci of function ...- R.Cluckers - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2018

Raf Cluckers (CNRS – Université de Lille & KU Leuven) / 08.03.2018 Uniform p-adic wave front sets and zero loci of functions of C exp-class. I will recall some concrete parts of the course on motivic integration given at the IHP by Halupczok, and use it to define distributions of Cexp cl

From playlist 2018 - T1 - Model Theory, Combinatorics and Valued fields

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What is Sound?

From a tuning fork, to a speaker in slow motion, this is a close look at what sound is. Both linear and spherical wave fronts are animated. The human audible range is demonstrated. Want Lecture Notes? This is an AP Physics 1 Topic. 0:00 Intro 0:1

From playlist IB Physics 4.2: Traveling Waves

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Slab Waveguide Explained If you want to see more of these videos, or would like to say thanks for this one, the best way to do that is by becoming a patron - see the link above :). And a huge thank you to all my existing patrons - you make these videos possible. The slab waveguide

From playlist Electromagnetics

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Peter R Saulson - Interaction of waves and detectors

PROGRAM: ICTS Winter School on Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics DATES: Monday 23 Dec, 2013 - Saturday 28 Dec, 2013 VENUE: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore PROGRAM LINK: A worldwide network of detectors are currently involved

From playlist ICTS Winter School on Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics

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Wave protection comparison 1: square grid of obstacles vs nothing

This simulation is a first of a series of comparisons between different types of protections against waves, as featured in the "Mangroves vs tsunami" series. We start with a comparison between a square grid of circular obstacles, and no protection at all. Not surprisingly, the square grid

From playlist Mangroves vs tsunamis (sort of)

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