Representation theory

Character (mathematics)

In mathematics, a character is (most commonly) a special kind of function from a group to a field (such as the complex numbers). There are at least two distinct, but overlapping meanings. Other uses of the word "character" are almost always qualified. (Wikipedia).

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How to evaluate an expression three terms

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluating an expression with one variable ex 7, w^2 - 3w + 10; w = 4

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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I still don't get it evaluating expressions

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluating an expression with one variable ex 4, x - 3 - 7x; x = 10

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluate an expression with one variable ex2, 2x + 3 - 2; x=5

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluating an expression with one variable ex 6, (3p - 5)^2; p = 3

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluating an expression with two variables ex 5, (bc)^2; b = 4; c = 8

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluating a rational expression and order of operations

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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The S3 character table - a (somewhat) new meaning | Diffusion Symmetry 2 | N J Wildberger

With diffusion symmetry, we explore mathematical objects or physical systems by spreading or diffusing from an initial point. The algebraic objects that result are hypergroups, or fusion algebra, or one of many similar and almost equivalent systems found in combinatorics, group theory, num

From playlist Diffusion Symmetry: A bridge between mathematics and physics

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A (somewhat) new paradigm for mathematics and physics | Diffusion Symmetry 1 | N J Wildberger

The current understanding of symmetry in mathematics and physics is through group theory. However in the last 120 years, a new strand of thought has gradually appeared in a number of disciplines, from as varied as character theory, strongly regular graphs, von Neumann algebras, Hecke algeb

From playlist Diffusion Symmetry: A bridge between mathematics and physics

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Representation Theory(Repn Th) 2 by Gerhard Hiss

DATE & TIME 05 November 2016 to 14 November 2016 VENUE Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Computational techniques are of great help in dealing with substantial, otherwise intractable examples, possibly leading to further structural insights and the detection of patterns in many abstra

From playlist Group Theory and Computational Methods

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Live CEOing Ep 469: Language Design in Wolfram Language

In this episode of Live CEOing, Stephen Wolfram discusses upcoming improvements and functionality to the Wolfram Language. If you'd like to contribute to the discussion in future episodes, you can participate through this YouTube channel or through the official Twitch channel of Stephen Wo

From playlist Behind the Scenes in Real-Life Software Design

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John Thompson and Jacques Tits - The Abel Prize interview 2008

0:21 Interest in and contributions to mathematics in childhood / early youth 3:56 Group theory and Niels Henrik Abel 5:46 Why simple groups are important for classification for finite groups in general - Decomposition theorem 6:52 Group theory: Peter Ludwig Mejdell Sylow and Sophus Lie 7:2

From playlist John Griggs Thompson

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History of Science and Technology Q&A (Apr. 7, 2021)

Stephen Wolfram hosts a live and unscripted Ask Me Anything about the history of science and technology for all ages. Originally livestreamed at: Outline of Q&A 0:00 Stream starts 2:28 Stephen begins the stream 3:00 History of Lisp 40:40 What was ctrl+en

From playlist Stephen Wolfram Ask Me Anything About Science & Technology

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Pixar: The math behind the movies - Tony DeRose

View full lesson: The folks at Pixar are widely known as some of the world's best storytellers and animators. They are perhaps less recognized as some of the most innovative math whizzes around. Pixar Research Lead Ton

From playlist TEDYouth Talks

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Evaluate an expression with three variables

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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Evaluate an expression with one variable ex 1, x + 5; x = 3

👉 Learn how to evaluate mathematics expressions. A mathematics expression is a finite combination of numbers and symbols formed following a set of operations or rules. To evaluate a mathematics expression means to obtain the solution to the expression given the value(s) of the variable(s)

From playlist Simplify Expressions Using Order of Operations

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The Square Lattice via group D4 and its hypergroups | Diffusion Symmetry 5 | N J Wildberger

Hypergroups are remarkable probabilistic/ algebraic objects that have a close connection to groups, but that allow a transformation of non-commutative problems into the commutative setting. This gives powerful new tools for harmonic analysis in situations ruled by symmetry. Bravais latti

From playlist Diffusion Symmetry: A bridge between mathematics and physics

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Group representation | Pontryagin duality | Character theory | Vector space | Character group | Dirichlet character | Group (mathematics) | Harish-Chandra character | Linear independence | Infinitesimal character | Finite group | Dimension (vector space) | Mathematics | Unit circle | Function (mathematics) | Field (mathematics) | Circle group | Direct sum | Characterization (mathematics) | Complex number | Group homomorphism | Abelian group | Hecke character