Obsolete Croatian units of measurement | Obsolete Scottish units of measurement | Imperial units | Units of length | Customary units of measurement in the United States


The mile, sometimes the international mile or statute mile to distinguish it from other miles, is a British imperial unit and United States customary unit of distance; both are based on the older English unit of length equal to 5,280 English feet, or 1,760 yards. The statute mile was standardised between the British Commonwealth and the United States by an international agreement in 1959, when it was formally redefined with respect to SI units as exactly 1,609.344 metres. With qualifiers, mile is also used to describe or translate a wide range of units derived from or roughly equivalent to the , such as the (now 1.852 km exactly), the (roughly 1.852 km), and the Chinese mile (now 500 m exactly). The Romans divided their mile into 5,000 Roman feet but the greater importance of furlongs in Elizabethan-era England meant that the was made equivalent to 8 furlongs or 5,280 feet in 1593. This form of the mile then spread across the British Empire, some successor states of which continue to employ the mile. The US Geological Survey now employs the metre for official purposes, but legacy data from its 1927 geodetic datum has meant that a separate (6336/3937 km) continues to see some use, although it will be officially phased out in 2022. While most countries replaced the mile with the kilometre when switching to the International System of Units (SI), the international mile continues to be used in some countries, such as Liberia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and a number of countries with fewer than one million inhabitants, most of which are UK or US territories or have close historical ties with the UK or US. (Wikipedia).

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What is a segment

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What is a line segment and ray

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What are opposite rays

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From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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What are opposite rays

👉 Learn essential definitions of points, lines, and planes. A point defines a position in space. A line is a set of points. A line can be created by a minimum of two points. A plane is a flat surface made up of at least three points. A plane contains infinite number of lines. A ray is a li

From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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What are opposite Rays

👉 Learn essential definitions of points, lines, and planes. A point defines a position in space. A line is a set of points. A line can be created by a minimum of two points. A plane is a flat surface made up of at least three points. A plane contains infinite number of lines. A ray is a li

From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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what is a line

👉 Learn essential definitions of points, lines, and planes. A point defines a position in space. A line is a set of points. A line can be created by a minimum of two points. A plane is a flat surface made up of at least three points. A plane contains infinite number of lines. A ray is a li

From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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Determine the distance of two points on a number line

👉 Learn how to find the distance between two points. The distance between two points is the length of the line joining the two points in the coordinate plane. To find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane, we make use of the formula d = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2). 👏

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What is the definition of a ray

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From playlist Points Lines and Planes

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Determine the distance between two points on a coordinate axis

👉 Learn how to find the distance between two points. The distance between two points is the length of the line joining the two points in the coordinate plane. To find the distance between two points in the coordinate plane, we make use of the formula d = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2). 👏

From playlist Find the Distance of the Line Segment

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A Critical Look at Proportional Relationships

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distance formula word problems (5 examples!)

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60 mph is how many inches per second?

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