Category: Representation theory of algebraic groups

Observable subgroup
In mathematics, in the representation theory of algebraic groups, an observable subgroup is an algebraic subgroup of a linear algebraic group whose every finite-dimensional rational representation ari
Haboush's theorem
In mathematics Haboush's theorem, often still referred to as the Mumford conjecture, states that for any semisimple algebraic group G over a field K, and for any linear representation ρ of G on a K-ve
Steinberg representation
In mathematics, the Steinberg representation, or Steinberg module or Steinberg character, denoted by St, is a particular linear representation of a reductive algebraic group over a finite field or loc
Lie–Kolchin theorem
In mathematics, the Lie–Kolchin theorem is a theorem in the representation theory of linear algebraic groups; Lie's theorem is the analog for linear Lie algebras. It states that if G is a connected an
Grosshans subgroup
In mathematics, in the representation theory of algebraic groups, a Grosshans subgroup, named after Frank Grosshans, is an algebraic subgroup of an algebraic group that is an observable subgroup for w
Rational representation
In mathematics, in the representation theory of algebraic groups, a linear representation of an algebraic group is said to be rational if, viewed as a map from the group to the general linear group, i
Cuspidal representation
In number theory, cuspidal representations are certain representations of algebraic groups that occur discretely in spaces. The term cuspidal is derived, at a certain distance, from the cusp forms of
Moy–Prasad filtration
In mathematics, the Moy–Prasad filtration is a family of filtrations of p-adic reductive groups and their Lie algebras, named after Allen Moy and Gopal Prasad. The family is parameterized by the Bruha