Category: Random text generation

Flarf poetry
Flarf poetry was an avant-garde poetry movement of the early 21st century. The term Flarf was coined by the poet Gary Sullivan, who also wrote and published the earliest Flarf poems. Its first practit
Consequences (game)
Consequences is an old parlour game in a similar vein to the Surrealist game exquisite corpse and Mad Libs. Each player is given a sheet of paper, and all are told to write down a word or phrase to fi
Cut-up technique
The cut-up technique (or découpé in French) is an aleatory literary technique in which a written text is cut up and rearranged to create a new text. The concept can be traced to the Dadaists of the 19
Infinite monkey theorem
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of Wi
AI Dungeon
AI Dungeon is a free-to-play single-player and multiplayer text adventure game which uses artificial intelligence to generate content. It allows players to create and share their own custom adventure
Mad Libs
Mad Libs is a phrasal template word game created by Leonard Stern and Roger Price. It consists of one player prompting others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story before reading alo
Bayesian poisoning
Bayesian poisoning is a technique used by e-mail spammers to attempt to degrade the effectiveness of spam filters that rely on Bayesian spam filtering. Bayesian filtering relies on Bayesian probabilit
Mark V. Shaney
Mark V. Shaney is a synthetic Usenet user whose postings in the newsgroups were generated by Markov chain techniques, based on text from other postings. The username is a play on the words
Found poetry
Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them (a literary equivalent of a collage) by making changes in spacing
Conceptual writing
Conceptual writing (often used interchangeably with conceptual poetry) is a style of writing which relies on processes and experiments. This can include texts which may be reduced to a set of procedur
Exquisite corpse
Exquisite corpse (from the original French term cadavre exquis, literally exquisite cadaver), is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to
Spam poetry
Spam poetry, sometimes called spoetry, is poetic verse composed primarily from the subject lines or content of spam e-mail messages.
Markov chain
A Markov chain or Markov process is a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event. Informa
Racter is an artificial intelligence computer program that generates English language prose at random. It was published in 1984 by Mindscape.
Hash buster
A hash buster is a program which randomly adds characters to data in order to change the data's hash sum. This is typically used to add words to spam e-mails, to bypass hash filters. As the e-mail's h
Word salad
A word salad, or schizophasia, is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases", most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder. The term sch
Dissociated press
Dissociated press is a parody generator (a computer program that generates nonsensical text). The generated text is based on another text using the Markov chain technique. The name is a play on "Assoc