Category: Priority queues

Calendar queue
A calendar queue (CQ) is a priority queue (queue in which every element has associated priority and the dequeue operation removes the highest priority element). It is analogous to desk calendar, which
Monotone priority queue
In computer science, a monotone priority queue is a variant of the priority queue abstract data type in which the priorities of extracted items are required to form a monotonic sequence. That is, for
Van Emde Boas tree
A van Emde Boas tree (Dutch pronunciation: [vɑn ˈɛmdə ˈboːɑs]), also known as a vEB tree or van Emde Boas priority queue, is a tree data structure which implements an associative array with m-bit inte
Bucket queue
A bucket queue is a data structure that implements the priority queue abstract data type: it maintains a dynamic collection of elements with numerical priorities and allows quick access to the element
Pagoda (data structure)
In computer science, a pagoda is a priority queue implemented with a variant of a binary tree. The root points to its children, as in a binary tree. Every other node points back to its parent and down
Min-max heap
In computer science, a min-max heap is a complete binary tree data structure which combines the usefulness of both a min-heap and a max-heap, that is, it provides constant time retrieval and logarithm
Randomized meldable heap
In computer science, a randomized meldable heap (also Meldable Heap or Randomized Meldable Priority Queue) is a priority queue based data structure in which the underlying structure is also a heap-ord
Double-ended priority queue
In computer science, a double-ended priority queue (DEPQ) or double-ended heap is a data structure similar to a priority queue or heap, but allows for efficient removal of both the maximum and minimum
In computer science, the AF-heap is a type of priority queue for integer data, an extension of the fusion tree using an proposed by M. L. Fredman and D. E. Willard. Using an AF-heap, it is possible to
Kinetic priority queue
A Kinetic Priority Queue is an abstract kinetic data structure. It is a variant of a priority queue designed to maintain the maximum (or minimum) priority element (key-value pair) when the priority of
Skew binomial heap
In computer science, a skew binomial heap (or skew binomial queue) is a variant of the binomial heap that supports constant-time insertion operations in the worst case, rather than the logarithmic wor
Priority queue
In computer science, a priority queue is an abstract data-type similar to a regular queue or stack data structure in which each element additionally has a priority associated with it. In a priority qu
Leftist tree
In computer science, a leftist tree or leftist heap is a priority queue implemented with a variant of a binary heap. Every node x has an s-value which is the distance to the nearest leaf in subtree ro