Category: Double torus knots and links

Three-twist knot
In knot theory, the three-twist knot is the twist knot with three-half twists. It is listed as the 52 knot in the Alexander-Briggs notation, and is one of two knots with crossing number five, the othe
Stevedore knot (mathematics)
In knot theory, the stevedore knot is one of three prime knots with crossing number six, the others being the 62 knot and the 63 knot. The stevedore knot is listed as the 61 knot in the Alexander–Brig
62 knot
In knot theory, the 62 knot is one of three prime knots with crossing number six, the others being the stevedore knot and the 63 knot. This knot is sometimes referred to as the Miller Institute knot,
Figure-eight knot (mathematics)
In knot theory, a figure-eight knot (also called Listing's knot) is the unique knot with a crossing number of four. This makes it the knot with the third-smallest possible crossing number, after the u
63 knot
In knot theory, the 63 knot is one of three prime knots with crossing number six, the others being the stevedore knot and the 62 knot. It is alternating, hyperbolic, and fully amphichiral.It can be wr
Twist knot
In knot theory, a branch of mathematics, a twist knot is a knot obtained by repeatedly twisting a closed loop and then linking the ends together. (That is, a twist knot is any Whitehead double of an u
74 knot
In mathematical knot theory, 74 is the name of a 7-crossing knot which can be visually depicted in a highly-symmetric form, and so appears in the symbolism and/or artistic ornamentation of various cul