Logic in computer science | Formal methods

State space enumeration

In computer science, state space enumeration are methods that consider each reachable program state to determine whether a program satisfies a given property. As programs increase in size and complexity, the state space grows exponentially. The state space used by these methods can be reduced by maintaining only the parts of the state space that are relevant to the analysis. However, the use of state and memory reduction techniques makes runtime a major limiting factor. (Wikipedia).

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State Space Models, Part 1: Creation and Analysis

Get a Free Trial: https://goo.gl/C2Y9A5 Get Pricing Info: https://goo.gl/kDvGHt Ready to Buy: https://goo.gl/vsIeA5 Create and analyze state-space models using MATLAB® and Control System Toolbox™. State-space models are commonly used for representing linear time-invariant (LTI) systems.

From playlist Control System Design and Analysis

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Introduction to Apportionment

This video provides an introduction to apportionment. Site: http://mathispower4u.com

From playlist Apportionment

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A Conceptual Approach to Controllability and Observability | State Space, Part 3

Check out the other videos in the series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn8PRpmsu08podBgFw66-IavqU2SqPg_w Part 1 - The state space equations: https://youtu.be/hpeKrMG-WP0 Part 2 - Pole placement: https://youtu.be/FXSpHy8LvmY Part 4 - What Is LQR Optimal Control: https://youtu.be/E_RD

From playlist State Space

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Covariant Phase Space with Boundaries - Daniel Harlow

More videos on http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Natural Sciences

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A01 An introduction to a series on space medicine

A new series on space medicine.

From playlist Space Medicine

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International Space Station Assembly

This annotated animation details the assembly of the International Space Station, from the launch of the first segment in 1998 to today and beyond. HD download link: https://archive.org/details/International-Space-Station-Assembly

From playlist Space Construction

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Wojciech Chachólski (4/29/20): TDA invariants and model categories

Title: TDA invariants and model categories Abstract: Data analysis is a balancing act of simplification and ignoring most of the information available on the one hand, and retaining what might be meaningful for the particular task on the other. The same balancing act of extracting simplif

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Interstellar flight: 10 Hard Facts

We can build powerful rockets able to carry people and machines into orbit, or even vault them to the moon. But our fastest spacecraft don't hold a candle to the distances that define Interstellar Flight. So what's on the drawing boards? What futuristic designs and fuel options promise to

From playlist Spaceten

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Reinforcement Learning in the Real World | Paper Analysis

Far from being an academic novelty, reinforcement learning has many real world use cases. In this video we take a look at using reinforcement learning, specifically a version of policy gradient methods known as proximal policy optimization (PPO), to optimize the join ordering for PostgreSQ

From playlist Applications of Reinforcement Learning in the Real World

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Integrable combinatorics – Philippe Di Francesco – ICM2018

Mathematical Physics Invited Lecture 11.15 Integrable combinatorics Philippe Di Francesco Abstract: We explore various combinatorial problems mostly borrowed from physics, that share the property of being continuously or discretely integrable, a feature that guarantees the existence of c

From playlist Mathematical Physics

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Swift 2 Tutorial | Swift 2 Optionals | Swift 2 Binding | Swift 2 Code Safety | Swift 2 Enumerations

This video explains the basic of Swift 2.0 programming. It talks about the concepts like Swift 2.0 Optionals, Swift 2.0 Binding, Swift 2.0 Enumerations and Swift 2.0 Code Safety Objectives and Outcomes of the video " - Create app - Understand the app creation process - Create a new class

From playlist iOS App Development Tutorial Videos

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Computably enumerable sets and undecidability

In this video we're going to define and implement decidable as well as semidecidable. Code is found under https://gist.github.com/Nikolaj-K/808149debf7c3b09705127f9205f6c3f Other names for the two are recursive or computable resp. recursively enumerable, computably enumerable - I also say

From playlist Programming

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Lecture 6A: Streams, Part 1

MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Spring 2005 Instructor: Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/6-001S05 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE18841CABEA24090 Streams, Part 1 Despite

From playlist MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986

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Ruud Pellikaan: The coset leader weight enumerator of the code of the twisted cubic

In general the computation of the weight enumerator of a code is hard and even harder so for the coset leader weight enumerator. Generalized Reed Solomon codes are MDS, so their weight enumerators are known and its formulas depend only on the length and the dimension of the code. The coset

From playlist Combinatorics

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Lecture 6A | MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986

Streams, Part 1 Despite the copyright notice on the screen, this course is now offered under a Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA. Details at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms Subtitles for this course are provided through the generous assistance of Henry Baker, Hoofar Pourzand, Heather Wood,

From playlist MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986

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Nearly Optimal Deterministic Algorithms Via M-Ellipsoids - Santosh Vempala

Santosh Vempala Georgia Institute of Technology January 30, 2011 Milman's ellipsoids play an important role in modern convex geometry. Here we show that their proofs of existence can be turned into efficient algorithms, and these in turn lead to improved deterministic algorithms for volume

From playlist Mathematics

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What is space?

What exactly is space? Brian Greene explains what the "stuff" around us is. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U. Visit our Website: http://www.worldscienceu.com/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldscienceu Follow us on Twitter: https:

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The Rust Book (v2) part 12

Live stream where I (Brooks) wake myself up in the morning with silly side projects and algorithm practice. This stream is scheduled for 7am Mountain Time every weekday. I tweet out shortly before I begin each stream, and definitely if I am going to miss a stream. Currently I am learning

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