Functors | Homotopy theory | Simplicial sets

Simplicial presheaf

In mathematics, more specifically in homotopy theory, a simplicial presheaf is a presheaf on a site (e.g., the category of topological spaces) taking values in simplicial sets (i.e., a contravariant functor from the site to the category of simplicial sets). Equivalently, a simplicial presheaf is a simplicial object in the category of presheaves on a site. The notion was introduced by A. Joyal in the 1970s. Similarly, a simplicial sheaf on a site is a simplicial object in the category of sheaves on the site. Example: Consider the étale site of a scheme S. Each U in the site represents the presheaf . Thus, a simplicial scheme, a simplicial object in the site, represents a simplicial presheaf (in fact, often a simplicial sheaf). Example: Let G be a presheaf of groupoids. Then taking nerves section-wise, one obtains a simplicial presheaf . For example, one might set . These types of examples appear in K-theory. If is a local weak equivalence of simplicial presheaves, then the induced map is also a local weak equivalence. (Wikipedia).

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 1

Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 1: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 3

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From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Georg Biedermann - Higher Sheaves

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 2

Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 2: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 8

Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 8: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 9

Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 9: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Dustin Clausen - Toposes generated by compact projectives, and the example of condensed sets

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 4

Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 4: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Prealgebra Lecture 2.2 Part 2

Prealgebra Lecture 2.2 Part 2: Adding Integers

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Anna Carla RUSSO - Morita-equivalences for MV-algebras

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From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Prealgebra Lecture 2.2 Part 1

Prealgebra Lecture 2.2 Part 1: Adding Integers

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Riccardo Zanfa - Extending the topological presheaf-bundle adjunction to sites and toposes

Talk at the school and conference “Toposes online” (24-30 June 2021): Slides: Riccardo Zanfa: “Extending the topological presheaf-bundle adjunction to sites and topo

From playlist Toposes online

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Olivia Caramello - 3/4 ntroduction to categorical logic, classifying toposes...

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From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Mr LIMA de CARVALHO e SILVA - From Essential Inclusions to Local Geometric Morphisms

It is well known that, given a site of denition, a subtopos of Grothendieck topos can be obtained by strengthening the Grothendieck topology, thus obtaining an inclusion of toposes. An essential inclusion is one where the inverse image functor of this inclusion has a left adjoint. Kelly an

From playlist Topos à l'IHES

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Paul André Melliès: Refinement type systems and Martin Lof type theory

Please Note: Due to technical issues the recordings of the blackboard are shown in a slideshow manner. The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Types, Sets and Constructions. Abstract: In this talk, I will review my recent work with Noam Zeilberger on

From playlist Workshop: "Types, Homotopy, Type theory, and Verification"

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Prealgebra Lecture 4.2 Part 2

Prealgebra Lecture 4.2 Part 2: Prime Factorization and Simplification of Fractions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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Emily Riehl: On the ∞-topos semantics of homotopy type theory: The simplicial model of...- Lecture 2

HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "Logic and Interactions" the February 22, 2022 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual M

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Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 5

Prealgebra Lecture 3.1 Part 5: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

From playlist Prealgebra Playlist 1

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