Integer sequences

Refactorable number

A refactorable number or tau number is an integer n that is divisible by the count of its divisors, or to put it algebraically, n is such that . The first few refactorable numbers are listed in (sequence in the OEIS) as 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 40, 56, 60, 72, 80, 84, 88, 96, 104, 108, 128, 132, 136, 152, 156, 180, 184, 204, 225, 228, 232, 240, 248, 252, 276, 288, 296, ... For example, 18 has 6 divisors (1 and 18, 2 and 9, 3 and 6) and is divisible by 6. There are infinitely many refactorable numbers. (Wikipedia).

Refactorable number
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Divisibility Rules

This video covers the divisibility rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,and 10.

From playlist Factors, Prime Factors, and Least Common Factors

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Ex 1: Apply Divisibility Rules to a 4 Digit Number

This video explains how to apply the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.

From playlist Factors, Prime Factors, and Least Common Factors

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Visualizing decimal numbers and their arithmetic 67 | Arithmetic and Geometry Math Foundations

This video gives a precise definition of a decimal number as a special kind of rational number; one for which there is an expression a/b where a and b are integers, with b a power of ten. For such a number we can extend the Hindu-Arabic notation for integers by introducing the decimal form

From playlist Math Foundations

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How to multiply a two digit decimal from a three digit decimal

👉 You will learn how to multiply numbers in decimal form. We will work with decimals that are greater and less than one. When multiplying decimals it is important to line up the decimal point so that you keep the place values of the numbers. We will apply multi digit multiplication to f

From playlist How to multiply and divide decimals

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Ex 2: Apply Divisibility Rules to a 4 Digit Number

This video explains how to apply the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.

From playlist Factors, Prime Factors, and Least Common Factors

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Rewrite a number from scientific notation when it is smaller that

👉 Learn how to convert numbers from scientific notations. Scientific notation is a convenient way of writing very large or very small numbers. A number written in scientific notation is of the form a * 10^n where a is the first non-zero number between 1 and 10, (1 included) and n is the nu

From playlist How to Convert Scientific Notation to a Number

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Ex: Linear Equation Application with One Variable - Number Problem

This video provides and example of how to solve a number problem using a linear equation with one variable. One number is a multiple of the other. The difference is a constant. Find the two numbers. Library: Search:

From playlist Whole Number Applications

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Learn how to multiply a three digit decimal to a two digit decimal

👉 You will learn how to multiply numbers in decimal form. We will work with decimals that are greater and less than one. When multiplying decimals it is important to line up the decimal point so that you keep the place values of the numbers. We will apply multi digit multiplication to f

From playlist How to multiply and divide decimals

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How to use decimal points

👉 Learn all about decimals. Decimals are numbers written with a decimal point. Digits can be written to the right or to the left of the decimal point. Digits are written to the left of the decimal point increase in value by multiples of 10 while digits written to the right decrease by mul

From playlist Decimals | Learn About

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MountainWest RubyConf 2015 - Data-Driven Refactoring

by Coraline Ehmke There are dozens of code metrics tools available to Rubyists, all eager to judge our codebases and tell us things that we probably already know. But when technical debt is piled high and feature friction really sets in, we need more than to know that our User class has a

From playlist MWRC 2015

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RubyConf 2016 - Surgically Refactoring Ruby with Suture by Justin Searls

RubyConf 2016 - Surgically Refactoring Ruby with Suture by Justin Searls The next feature means changing legacy code. The estimate just says "PAIN" in red ink. Your hands tremble as you claim the card from the wall. For all of Ruby's breakthroughs, refactoring is as painful as 2004, when

From playlist RubyConf 2016

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0003 - Developing a web service framework from scratch

This is #3 in my series of live (Twitch) coding streams, working on writing my own web server and service framework in C++. Continuing development on URI parser -- got all valid URIs parsing, and finished some negative test cases (bad URI checking) as well; also, did a bunch of refactorin

From playlist Excalibur

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Virtual EmberConf 2020: Programmer's Bookshelf: Cliff Notes Edition by Lisa Backer

EmberConf 2020: Programmer's Bookshelf: Cliff Notes Edition by Lisa Backer "The Pragmatic Programmer", "Clean Code", "Refactoring" - these are among the classic works that we are told should be on every programmer's bookshelf. Often, they make it to the shelf, but remain unread. Have you

From playlist EmberConf 2020

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How To (Semi-)Automate JavaScript Refactoring - Giles Bowkett Refactoring bad code can be tedious, repetitive work. But tedious, repetitive work is for computers to do! Find out how you can build a happy little refactoring droid which can do (at least some of) the boring parts of your job for you. This talk will cover principle

From playlist Fluent Conference 2013

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0229 [ Game Dev ] Omnia Regna -- Refactoring game systems and front-end

This is #229 in my series of live (Twitch) coding streams. This stream I refactored all of my game's Lua system scripts, making them more readable, extracting common functionality into a set of utilities, and reducing function sizes and indentation levels. Notebook page: https://tinyur

From playlist Excalibur

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Code Refactoring

Code is Here: Support me on Patreon : Welcome to the beginning of my Code Refactoring tutorial. Code refactoring is used to improve code design to make it easier to understand and extend. Writing understandable code will allow others

From playlist Code Refactoring

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Wicked Good Ember 2015 - Ember Data 1.0 - it’s here by Igor Terzic

Ember Data 1.0 - it’s here by Igor Terzic Ember Data 1.0rc ships June 12th. json:api shipped May 21st. Ember 2.0 ships June 12th. Wicked Good Ember is June 16th. How do all of these fit together? This talk at Wicked Good Ember is going to show off all the new goodness in Ember Data 1.0, h

From playlist Wicked Good Ember 2015

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Coding Challenge #72.4: Frogger Refactoring

In this follow-up to the Frogger coding challenge, I attempt to refactor the code to make it more modular, readable, and scalable. 💻Challenge: 🎥Part 1: 🎥Part 2: 🎥Part

From playlist Video Games!

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Numberphile parody: Numberphool and 1089

If you don't already know Numberphile, go and subscribe right now to their channel.

From playlist Other...

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Cascadia Ruby Conf 2012 Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen

Help us caption & translate this video!

From playlist Cascadia Ruby 2012

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