Artificial neural networks | Graph algorithms

Graph neural network

A Graph neural network (GNN) is a class of artificial neural networks for processing data that can be represented as graphs. In the more general subject of "Geometric Deep Learning", certain existing neural network architectures can be interpreted as GNNs operating on suitably defined graphs. Convolutional neural networks, in the context of computer vision, can be seen as a GNN applied to graphs structured as grids of pixels. Transformers, in the context of natural language processing, can be seen as GNNs applied to complete graphs whose nodes are words in a sentence. The key design element of GNNs is the use of pairwise message passing, such that graph nodes iteratively update their representations by exchanging information with their neighbors. Since their inception, several different GNN architectures have been proposed, which implement different flavors of message passing. As of 2022, whether it is possible to define GNN architectures "going beyond" message passing, or if every GNN can be built on message passing over suitably defined graphs, is an open research question. Relevant application domains for GNNs include social networks, citation networks, molecular biology, chemistry, physics andNP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. Several open source libraries implementing graph neural networks are available, such as PyTorch Geometric (PyTorch), TensorFlow GNN (TensorFlow), and jraph (Google JAX). (Wikipedia).

Graph neural network
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Graph Neural Networks, Session 2: Graph Definition

Types of Graphs Common data structures for storing graphs

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Graph Neural Networks, Session 1: Introduction to Graphs

Examples of Graph representation of data Motivation for doing machine learning on Graphs

From playlist Graph Neural Networks (Hands-on)

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Discover the Future of Graph Neural Networks | Beyond message passing

The next step for Graph Neural Networks (GNN). Based on their underlying topological spaces, they operate on. Graphs are per definition DYADIC Systems. The future of GNN explained. MY other videos on Graph Neural Networks (as mentioned):

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Neural Network Overview

This lecture gives an overview of neural networks, which play an important role in machine learning today. Book website: Steve Brunton's website:

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Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) made simple

Join my FREE course Basics of Graph Neural Networks (! This video introduces Graph Convolutional Networks and works through a Content Abuse example. For a hands on example with code, check out this blog:

From playlist Graph Neural Networks

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Graph Neural Networks, Session 3: Machine-Learning Tasks on Graphs

Common machine learning tasks on Graphs Examples of their application to real-world applications

From playlist Graph Neural Networks (Hands-on)

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What is a Graph? | Graph Theory

What is a graph? A graph theory graph, in particular, is the subject of discussion today. In graph theory, a graph is an ordered pair consisting of a vertex set, then an edge set. Graphs are often represented as diagrams, with dots representing vertices, and lines representing edges. Each

From playlist Graph Theory

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Stefania Ebli (8/29/21): Simplicial Neural Networks

In this talk I will present simplicial neural networks (SNNs), a generalization of graph neural networks to data that live on a class of topological spaces called simplicial complexes. These are natural multi-dimensional extensions of graphs that encode not only pairwise relationships but

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Discovering Symbolic Models from Deep Learning with Inductive Biases (Paper Explained)

Neural networks are very good at predicting systems' numerical outputs, but not very good at deriving the discrete symbolic equations that govern many physical systems. This paper combines Graph Networks with symbolic regression and shows that the strong inductive biases of these models ca

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Soledad Villar: "Graph neural networks for combinatorial optimization problems"

Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019 Workshop IV: Using Physical Insights for Machine Learning "Graph neural networks for combinatorial optimization problems" Soledad Villar - New York University Abstract: Graph neural networks are natural objects to express fu

From playlist Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019

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Graph Neural Networks - what the Hell?

Discover Graph Neural Networks within minutes! Learn about Graph Convolution Networks GCN, Message Passing NN & Graph Attention Networks GAT. Deep learning on Graph structured data! Google announced its new TensorFlow Graph Neural Network Library in Nov 2021, and I started out to discover

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AMMI Course "Geometric Deep Learning" - Lecture 5 (Graphs & Sets I) - Petar Veličković

Video recording of the course "Geometric Deep Learning" taught in the African Master in Machine Intelligence in July-August 2021 by Michael Bronstein (Imperial College/Twitter), Joan Bruna (NYU), Taco Cohen (Qualcomm), and Petar Veličković (DeepMind) Lecture 5: Learning on sets • Permutat

From playlist AMMI Geometric Deep Learning Course - First Edition (2021)

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AMMI Course "Geometric Deep Learning" - Lecture 6 (Graphs & Sets II) - Petar Veličković

Video recording of the course "Geometric Deep Learning" taught in the African Master in Machine Intelligence in July-August 2021 by Michael Bronstein (Imperial College/Twitter), Joan Bruna (NYU), Taco Cohen (Qualcomm), and Petar Veličković (DeepMind) Lecture 6: General attributed graphs •

From playlist AMMI Geometric Deep Learning Course - First Edition (2021)

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AMMI 2022 Course "Geometric Deep Learning" - Lecture 6 (Graphs & Sets II) - Petar Veličković

Video recording of the course "Geometric Deep Learning" taught in the African Master in Machine Intelligence in July 2022 by Michael Bronstein (Oxford), Joan Bruna (NYU), Taco Cohen (Qualcomm), and Petar Veličković (DeepMind) Lecture 6: General attributed graphs • Graph networks • DeepSet

From playlist AMMI Geometric Deep Learning Course - Second Edition (2022)

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Graph Neural Networks: GCN w/ pure KERAS coding

You want to code a CONVOLUTION Layer for a GNN from scratch? With TensorFlow KERAS in a Jupyter NB and train your GCN to perform NODE PREDICTION?? Welcome!! After a) GRID DATA (Vision) and b) SEQUENCE DATA (NLP - Natural Language Processing) we now switch to more complex topological data

From playlist Learn Graph Neural Networks: code, examples and theory

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CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 7.1 - A general Perspective on GNNs

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Lecture 7.1 - A General Perspective on Graph Neural Networks Jure Leskovec Computer Science, PhD In this lecture, we introduce a general perspective on gra

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CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs | 2021 | Lecture 9.2 - Designing the Most Powerful GNNs

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Jure Leskovec Computer Science, PhD In this lecture, we aim to design a maximally expressive GNN model. Our key insight is that a maximally expressive GNN

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Graph theory for neuroscience

Follow me on instagram @brainnetworks The 264 node network -

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