Category: Graph algorithms

Rocha–Thatte cycle detection algorithm
Rocha–Thatte algorithm is a distributed algorithm in graph theory for detecting cycles on large-scale directed graphs based on the bulk synchronous message passing abstraction.This algorithm for detec
Kleitman–Wang algorithms
The Kleitman–Wang algorithms are two different algorithms in graph theory solving the digraph realization problem, i.e. the question if there exists for a finite list of nonnegative integer pairs a si
Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
The Ford–Fulkerson method or Ford–Fulkerson algorithm (FFA) is a greedy algorithm that computes the maximum flow in a flow network. It is sometimes called a "method" instead of an "algorithm" as the a
Widest path problem
In graph algorithms, the widest path problem is the problem of finding a path between two designated vertices in a weighted graph, maximizing the weight of the minimum-weight edge in the path. The wid
K shortest path routing
The k shortest path routing problem is a generalization of the shortest path routing problem in a given network. It asks not only about a shortest path but also about next k−1 shortest paths (which ma
Nearest neighbour algorithm
The nearest neighbour algorithm was one of the first algorithms used to solve the travelling salesman problem approximately. In that problem, the salesman starts at a random city and repeatedly visits
Colour refinement algorithm
In graph theory and theoretical computer science, the colour refinement algorithm also known as the naive vertex classification, or the 1-dimensional version of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm, is a ro
Graph traversal
In computer science, graph traversal (also known as graph search) refers to the process of visiting (checking and/or updating) each vertex in a graph. Such traversals are classified by the order in wh
Minimax (sometimes MinMax, MM or saddle point) is a decision rule used in artificial intelligence, decision theory, game theory, statistics, and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst
Network simplex algorithm
In mathematical optimization, the network simplex algorithm is a graph theoretic specialization of the simplex algorithm. The algorithm is usually formulated in terms of a minimum-cost flow problem. T
Edmonds' algorithm
In graph theory, Edmonds' algorithm or Chu–Liu/Edmonds' algorithm is an algorithm for finding a spanning arborescence of minimum weight (sometimes called an optimum branching).It is the directed analo
Dynamic connectivity
In computing and graph theory, a dynamic connectivity structure is a data structure that dynamically maintains information about the connected components of a graph. The set V of vertices of the graph
Longest path problem
In graph theory and theoretical computer science, the longest path problem is the problem of finding a simple path of maximum length in a given graph. A path is called simple if it does not have any r
Borůvka's algorithm
Borůvka's algorithm is a greedy algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph,or a minimum spanning forest in the case of a graph that is not connected. It was first published in 1926 by Ot
Courcelle's theorem
In the study of graph algorithms, Courcelle's theorem is the statement that every graph property definable in the monadic second-order logic of graphs can be decided in linear time on graphs of bounde
Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm
In mathematical optimization, the push–relabel algorithm (alternatively, preflow–push algorithm) is an algorithm for computing maximum flows in a flow network. The name "push–relabel" comes from the t
Sethi–Ullman algorithm
In computer science, the Sethi–Ullman algorithm is an algorithm named after Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman, its inventors, for translating abstract syntax trees into machine code that uses as few re
Christofides algorithm
The Christofides algorithm or Christofides–Serdyukov algorithm is an algorithm for finding approximate solutions to the travelling salesman problem, on instances where the distances form a metric spac
Goal node (computer science)
In computer science, a goal node is a node in a graph that meets defined criteria for success or termination. Heuristical artificial intelligence algorithms, like A* and B*, attempt to reach such node
Network flow problem
In combinatorial optimization, network flow problems are a class of computational problems in which the input is a flow network (a graph with numerical capacities on its edges), and the goal is to con
Link prediction
In network theory, link prediction is the problem of predicting the existence of a link between two entities in a network. Examples of link prediction include predicting friendship links among users i
Spectral layout
Spectral layout is a class of algorithm for drawing graphs. The layout uses the eigenvectors of a matrix, such as the Laplace matrix of the graph, as Cartesian coordinates of the graph's vertices. The
Prim's algorithm
In computer science, Prim's algorithm (also known as Jarník's algorithm) is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a weighted undirected graph. This means it finds a subset of the e
Kosaraju's algorithm
In computer science, Kosaraju-Sharir's algorithm (also known as Kosaraju's algorithm) is a linear time algorithm to find the strongly connected components of a directed graph. Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman
Iterative compression
In computer science, iterative compression is an algorithmic technique for the design of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms, in which one element (such as a vertex of a graph) is added to the proble
Johnson's algorithm
Johnson's algorithm is a way to find the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in an edge-weighted directed graph. It allows some of the edge weights to be negative numbers, but no negative-wei
MaxCliqueDyn maximum clique algorithm
The MaxCliqueDyn algorithm is an algorithm for finding a maximum clique in an undirected graph. It is based on a basic algorithm (MaxClique algorithm) which finds a maximum clique of bounded size. The
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory for finding the strongly connected components (SCCs) of a directed graph. It runs in linear time, matching the time bou
Contraction hierarchies
In computer science, the method of contraction hierarchies is a speed-up technique for finding the shortest-path in a graph. The most intuitive applications are car-navigation systems: a user wants to
Kruskal's algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm finds a minimum spanning forest of an undirected edge-weighted graph. If the graph is connected, it finds a minimum spanning tree. (A minimum spanning tree of a connected graph is
Hopcroft–Karp algorithm
In computer science, the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm (sometimes more accurately called the Hopcroft–Karp–Karzanov algorithm) is an algorithm that takes a bipartite graph as input and produces a maximum ca
External memory graph traversal
External memory graph traversal is a type of graph traversal optimized for accessing externally stored memory.
Jump point search
In computer science, jump point search (JPS) is an optimization to the A* search algorithm for uniform-cost grids. It reduces symmetries in the search procedure by means of graph pruning, eliminating
Yen's algorithm
Yen's algorithm computes single-source K-shortest loopless paths for a graph with non-negative edge cost. The algorithm was published by Jin Y. Yen in 1971 and employs any shortest path algorithm to f
In graph theory and network analysis, indicators of centrality assign numbers or rankings to nodes within a graph corresponding to their network position. Applications include identifying the most inf
Bottleneck traveling salesman problem
The Bottleneck traveling salesman problem (bottleneck TSP) is a problem in discrete or combinatorial optimization. The problem is to find the Hamiltonian cycle (visiting each node exactly once) in a w
Dulmage–Mendelsohn decomposition
In graph theory, the Dulmage–Mendelsohn decomposition is a partition of the vertices of a bipartite graph into subsets, with the property that two adjacent vertices belong to the same subset if and on
KHOPCA clustering algorithm
KHOPCA is an adaptive clustering algorithm originally developed for dynamic networks. KHOPCA (-hop clustering algorithm) provides a fully distributed and localized approach to group elements such as n
Gomory–Hu tree
In combinatorial optimization, the Gomory–Hu tree of an undirected graph with capacities is a weighted tree that represents the minimum s-t cuts for all s-t pairs in the graph. The Gomory–Hu tree can
Barabási–Albert model
The Barabási–Albert (BA) model is an algorithm for generating random scale-free networks using a preferential attachment mechanism. Several natural and human-made systems, including the Internet, the
Path-based strong component algorithm
In graph theory, the strongly connected components of a directed graph may be found using an algorithm that uses depth-first search in combination with two stacks, one to keep track of the vertices in
Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
In computer science, the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm is an enumeration algorithm for finding all maximal cliques in an undirected graph. That is, it lists all subsets of vertices with the two properties t
Closure problem
In graph theory and combinatorial optimization, a closure of a directed graph is a set of vertices C, such that no edges leave C. The closure problem is the task of finding the maximum-weight or minim
DSatur is a graph colouring algorithm put forward by Daniel Brélaz in 1979. Similarly to the greedy colouring algorithm, DSatur colours the vertices of a graph one after another, adding a previously u
Subgraph isomorphism problem
In theoretical computer science, the subgraph isomorphism problem is a computational task in which two graphs G and H are given as input, and one must determine whether G contains a subgraph that is i
Edmonds–Karp algorithm
In computer science, the Edmonds–Karp algorithm is an implementation of the Ford–Fulkerson method for computing the maximum flow in a flow network in time. The algorithm was first published by Yefim D
Lexicographic breadth-first search
In computer science, lexicographic breadth-first search or Lex-BFS is a linear time algorithm for ordering the vertices of a graph. The algorithm is different from a breadth-first search, but it produ
Seidel's algorithm
Seidel's algorithm is an algorithm designed by Raimund Seidel in 1992 for the all-pairs-shortest-path problem for undirected, unweighted, connected graphs. It solves the problem in expected time for a
Hierarchical closeness
Hierarchical closeness (HC) is a structural centrality measure used in network theory or graph theory. It is extended from closeness centrality to rank how centrally located a node is in a directed ne
Dinic's algorithm
Dinic's algorithm or Dinitz's algorithm is a strongly polynomial algorithm for computing the maximum flow in a flow network, conceived in 1970 by Israeli (formerly Soviet) computer scientist Yefim (Ch
Graph isomorphism problem
Unsolved problem in computer science: Can the graph isomorphism problem be solved in polynomial time? (more unsolved problems in computer science) The graph isomorphism problem is the computational pr
Disparity filter algorithm of weighted network
Disparity filter is a network reduction algorithm (a.k.a. graph sparsification algorithm) to extract the backbone structure of undirected weighted network. Many real world networks such as citation ne
Graph kernel
In structure mining, a graph kernel is a kernel function that computes an inner product on graphs. Graph kernels can be intuitively understood as functions measuring the similarity of pairs of graphs.
Spreading activation
Spreading activation is a method for searching associative networks, biological and artificial neural networks, or semantic networks. The search process is initiated by labeling a set of source nodes
Extremal Ensemble Learning
Extremal Ensemble Learning (EEL) is a machine learning algorithmic paradigm for graph partitioning. EEL creates an ensemble of partitions and then uses information contained in the ensemble to find ne
Havel–Hakimi algorithm
The Havel–Hakimi algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory solving the graph realization problem. That is, it answers the following question: Given a finite list of nonnegative integers in non-increas
Iterative deepening depth-first search
In computer science, iterative deepening search or more specifically iterative deepening depth-first search (IDS or IDDFS) is a state space/graph search strategy in which a depth-limited version of de
Graph reduction
In computer science, graph reduction implements an efficient version of non-strict evaluation, an evaluation strategy where the arguments to a function are not immediately evaluated. This form of non-
Alpha–beta pruning
Alpha–beta pruning is a search algorithm that seeks to decrease the number of nodes that are evaluated by the minimax algorithm in its search tree. It is an adversarial search algorithm used commonly
Fringe search
In computer science, fringe search is a graph search algorithm that finds the least-cost path from a given initial node to one goal node. In essence, fringe search is a middle ground between A* and th
Tarjan's off-line lowest common ancestors algorithm
In computer science, Tarjan's off-line lowest common ancestors algorithm is an algorithm for computing lowest common ancestors for pairs of nodes in a tree, based on the union-find data structure. The
Force-directed graph drawing
Force-directed graph drawing algorithms are a class of algorithms for drawing graphs in an aesthetically-pleasing way. Their purpose is to position the nodes of a graph in two-dimensional or three-dim
Hierarchical clustering of networks
Hierarchical clustering is one method for finding community structures in a network. The technique arranges the network into a hierarchy of groups according to a specified weight function. The data ca
Minimum bottleneck spanning tree
In mathematics, a minimum bottleneck spanning tree (MBST) in an undirected graph is a spanning tree in which the most expensive edge is as cheap as possible. A bottleneck edge is the highest weighted
Chaitin's algorithm
Chaitin's algorithm is a bottom-up, graph coloring register allocation algorithm that uses cost/degree as its spill metric. It is named after its designer, Gregory Chaitin. Chaitin's algorithm was the
Aperiodic graph
In the mathematical area of graph theory, a directed graph is said to be aperiodic if there is no integer k > 1 that divides the length of every cycle of the graph. Equivalently, a graph is aperiodic
Girvan–Newman algorithm
The Girvan–Newman algorithm (named after Michelle Girvan and Mark Newman) is a hierarchical method used to detect communities in complex systems.
FKT algorithm
The FKT algorithm, named after Fisher, Kasteleyn, and Temperley, counts the number of perfect matchings in a planar graph in polynomial time. This same task is #P-complete for general graphs. For matc
Graph bandwidth
In graph theory, the graph bandwidth problem is to label the n vertices vi of a graph G with distinct integers so that the quantity is minimized (E is the edge set of G).The problem may be visualized
Dijkstra–Scholten algorithm
The Dijkstra–Scholten algorithm (named after Edsger W. Dijkstra and Carel S. Scholten) is an algorithm for detecting termination in a distributed system. The algorithm was proposed by Dijkstra and Sch
Floyd–Warshall algorithm
In computer science, the Floyd–Warshall algorithm (also known as Floyd's algorithm, the Roy–Warshall algorithm, the Roy–Floyd algorithm, or the WFI algorithm) is an algorithm for finding shortest path
Graph edit distance
In mathematics and computer science, graph edit distance (GED) is a measure of similarity (or dissimilarity) between two graphs.The concept of graph edit distance was first formalized mathematically b
In computer science, B* (pronounced "B star") is a best-first graph search algorithm that finds the least-cost path from a given initial node to any goal node (out of one or more possible goals). Firs
Transitive closure
In mathematics, the transitive closure of a binary relation R on a set X is the smallest relation on X that contains R and is transitive. For finite sets, "smallest" can be taken in its usual sense, o
Proof-number search
Proof-number search (short: PN search) is a game tree search algorithm invented by Victor Allis, with applications mostly in , but also for sub-goals during games. Using a binary goal (e.g. first play
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
The Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal covering the subject of graph algorithms and graph drawing. The journal was established in 1997 and
Knuth's Simpath algorithm
Simpath is an algorithm introduced by Donald Knuth that constructs a zero-suppressed decision diagram (ZDD) representing all simple paths between two vertices in a given graph.
Wiener connector
In network theory, the Wiener connector is a means of maximizing efficiency in connecting specified "query vertices" in a network. Given a connected, undirected graph and a set of query vertices in a
HCS clustering algorithm
The HCS (Highly Connected Subgraphs) clustering algorithm (also known as the HCS algorithm, and other names such as Highly Connected Clusters/Components/Kernels) is an algorithm based on graph connect
Clique percolation method
The clique percolation method is a popular approach for analyzing the overlapping community structure of networks. The term network community (also called a module, cluster or cohesive group)has no wi
LASCNN algorithm
In graph theory, LASCNN is a Localized Algorithm for Segregation of Critical/Non-critical Nodes The algorithm works on the principle of distinguishing between critical and non-critical nodes for netwo
Parallel breadth-first search
The breadth-first-search algorithm is a way to explore the vertexes of a graph layer by layer. It is a basic algorithm in graph theory which can be used as a part of other graph algorithms. For instan
Bully algorithm
In distributed computing, the bully algorithm is a method for dynamically electing a coordinator or leader from a group of distributed computer processes. The process with the highest process ID numbe
SMA* or Simplified Memory Bounded A* is a shortest path algorithm based on the A* algorithm. The main advantage of SMA* is that it uses a bounded memory, while the A* algorithm might need exponential
D* (pronounced "D star") is any one of the following three related incremental search algorithms: * The original D*, by Anthony Stentz, is an informed incremental search algorithm. * Focused D* is a
Zero-weight cycle problem
In computer science and graph theory, the zero-weight cycle problem is the problem of deciding whether a directed graph with weights on the edges (which may be positive or negative or zero) has a cycl
Belief propagation
Belief propagation, also known as sum–product message passing, is a message-passing algorithm for performing inference on graphical models, such as Bayesian networks and Markov random fields. It calcu
Cuthill–McKee algorithm
In numerical linear algebra, the Cuthill–McKee algorithm (CM), named after Elizabeth Cuthill and James McKee, is an algorithm to permute a sparse matrix that has a symmetric sparsity pattern into a ba
Bianconi–Barabási model
The Bianconi–Barabási model is a model in network science that explains the growth of complex evolving networks. This model can explain that nodes with different characteristics acquire links at diffe
Misra & Gries edge coloring algorithm
The Misra & Gries edge coloring algorithm is a polynomial time algorithm in graph theory that finds an edge coloring of any graph. The coloring produced uses at most colors, where is the maximum degre
Dijkstra's algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm (/ˈdaɪkstrəz/ DYKE-strəz) is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks. It was conceived by computer sc
Topological sorting
In computer science, a topological sort or topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before
Graph isomorphism
In graph theory, an isomorphism of graphs G and H is a bijection between the vertex sets of G and H such that any two vertices u and v of G are adjacent in G if and only if and are adjacent in H. This
Tree traversal
In computer science, tree traversal (also known as tree search and walking the tree) is a form of graph traversal and refers to the process of visiting (e.g. retrieving, updating, or deleting) each no
In computer science and graph theory, the term color-coding refers to an algorithmic technique which is useful in the discovery of network motifs. For example, it can be used to detect a simple path o
Breadth-first search
Breadth-first search (BFS) is an algorithm for searching a tree data structure for a node that satisfies a given property. It starts at the tree root and explores all nodes at the present depth prior
Bidirectional search
Bidirectional search is a graph search algorithm that finds a shortest path from an initial vertex to a goal vertex in a directed graph. It runs two simultaneous searches: one forward from the initial
Gallai–Edmonds decomposition
In graph theory, the Gallai–Edmonds decomposition is a partition of the vertices of a graph into three subsets which provides information on the structure of maximum matchings in the graph. Tibor Gall
Dynamic link matching
Dynamic link matching is a graph-based system for image recognition. It uses wavelet transformations to encode incoming image data.
Stoer–Wagner algorithm
In graph theory, the Stoer–Wagner algorithm is a recursive algorithm to solve the minimum cut problem in undirected weighted graphs with non-negative weights. It was proposed by Mechthild Stoer and Fr
Degeneracy (graph theory)
In graph theory, a k-degenerate graph is an undirected graph in which every subgraph has a vertex of degree at most k: that is, some vertex in the subgraph touches k or fewer of the subgraph's edges.
Recursive largest first algorithm
The Recursive Largest First (RLF) algorithm is a heuristic for the NP-hard graph coloring problem. It was originally proposed by Frank Leighton in 1979. The RLF algorithm assigns colors to a graph’s v
Karger's algorithm
In computer science and graph theory, Karger's algorithm is a randomized algorithm to compute a minimum cut of a connected graph. It was invented by David Karger and first published in 1993. The idea
METIS is a software package for graph partitioning that implements various multilevel algorithms. METIS' multilevel approach has three phases and comes with several algorithms for each phase: 1. * Co
Transit node routing
In applied mathematics, transit node routing can be used to speed up shortest-path routing by pre-computing connections between common access nodes to a sub-network relevant to long-distance travel. T
Iterative deepening A*
Iterative deepening A* (IDA*) is a graph traversal and path search algorithm that can find the shortest path between a designated start node and any member of a set of goal nodes in a weighted graph.
Junction tree algorithm
The junction tree algorithm (also known as 'Clique Tree') is a method used in machine learning to extract marginalization in general graphs. In essence, it entails performing belief propagation on a m
Travelling salesman problem
The travelling salesman problem (also called the travelling salesperson problem or TSP) asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the
Knight's tour
A knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square exactly once. If the knight ends on a square that is one knight's move from the beginning sq
Hall-type theorems for hypergraphs
In the mathematical field of graph theory, Hall-type theorems for hypergraphs are several generalizations of Hall's marriage theorem from graphs to hypergraphs. Such theorems were proved by Ofra Kessl
Double pushout graph rewriting
In computer science, double pushout graph rewriting (or DPO graph rewriting) refers to a mathematical framework for graph rewriting. It was introduced as one of the first algebraic approaches to graph
Depth-first search
Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. The algorithm starts at the root node (selecting some arbitrary node as the root node in the case of
Transitive reduction
In the mathematical field of graph theory, a transitive reduction of a directed graph D is another directed graph with the same vertices and as few edges as possible, such that for all pairs of vertic
Pre-topological order
In the field of computer science, a pre-topological order or pre-topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that if there is a directed path from vertex u to ve
Graph neural network
A Graph neural network (GNN) is a class of artificial neural networks for processing data that can be represented as graphs. In the more general subject of "Geometric Deep Learning", certain existing
Parallel all-pairs shortest path algorithm
A central problem in algorithmic graph theory is the shortest path problem. Hereby, the problem of finding the shortest path between every pair of nodes is known as all-pair-shortest-paths (APSP) prob
Bellman–Ford algorithm
The Bellman–Ford algorithm is an algorithm that computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph.It is slower than Dijkstra's algorithm for the sa
Initial attractiveness
The initial attractiveness is a possible extension of the Barabási–Albert model (preferential attachment model). The Barabási–Albert model generates scale-free networks where the degree distribution c
Theta* is an any-angle path planning algorithm that is based on the A* search algorithm. It can find near-optimal paths with run times comparable to those of A*.
Reverse-delete algorithm
The reverse-delete algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory used to obtain a minimum spanning tree from a given connected, edge-weighted graph. It first appeared in , but it should not be confused wi
PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results. It is named after both the term "web page" and co-founder Larry Page. PageRank is a way of measuri
Shortest Path Faster Algorithm
The Shortest Path Faster Algorithm (SPFA) is an improvement of the Bellman–Ford algorithm which computes single-source shortest paths in a weighted directed graph. The algorithm is believed to work we
A* search algorithm
A* (pronounced "A-star") is a graph traversal and path search algorithm, which is used in many fields of computer science due to its completeness, optimality, and optimal efficiency. One major practic
Nonblocking minimal spanning switch
A nonblocking minimal spanning switch is a device that can connect N inputs to N outputs in any combination. The most familiar use of switches of this type is in a telephone exchange. The term "non-bl
Blossom algorithm
In graph theory, the blossom algorithm is an algorithm for constructing maximum matchings on graphs. The algorithm was developed by Jack Edmonds in 1961, and published in 1965. Given a general graph G
Knowledge graph embedding
In representation learning, knowledge graph embedding (KGE), also referred to as knowledge representation learning (KRL), or multi-relation learning, is a machine learning task of learning a low-dimen
Euler tour technique
The Euler tour technique (ETT), named after Leonhard Euler, is a method in graph theory for representing trees. The tree is viewed as a directed graph that contains two directed edges for each edge in
Graph embedding
In topological graph theory, an embedding (also spelled imbedding) of a graph on a surface is a representation of on in which points of are associated with vertices and simple arcs (homeomorphic image
Suurballe's algorithm
In theoretical computer science and network routing, Suurballe's algorithm is an algorithm for finding two disjoint paths in a nonnegatively-weighted directed graph, so that both paths connect the sam