Graph connectivity | Random graphs

Giant component

In network theory, a giant component is a connected component of a given random graph that contains a finite fraction of the entire graph's vertices. (Wikipedia).

Giant component
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The Largest Land-Based Crane in the World: Massive SGC-250

The massive SGC-250 crane, the biggest and most potent crane in Sarens' fleet in terms of size and capability, was presented.  They are doing a load-in, loading, and assembly of jackets for the bleacher project in this new episode of Giant Machines. Additionally, they are making a stateme

From playlist Giant Machines

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Building Drone Rotors - PART 1

We present a multi-part series covering the construction and testing of large multi-rotor propellers.

From playlist Drones

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The Large Hadron Collider

A 10' overview of the LHC project and its research plans

From playlist The Large Hadron Collider

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Le "Large Hadron Collider" (français)

un apreçu du grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) et de son programme de recherche

From playlist Français

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Scale Factor

This video shows how to use scale to determine the dimensions of a proportional model.

From playlist Unit Scale and Scale Factor

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Find the volume of a sphere given the circumference

👉 Learn how to find the volume and the surface area of a sphere. A sphere is a perfectly round 3-dimensional object. It is an object with the shape of a round ball. The distance from the center of a sphere to any point on its surface is called the radius of the sphere. A sphere has a unifo

From playlist Volume and Surface Area

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Overview of fractions - free math help - online tutor

👉 Learn how to understand the concept of fractions using parts of a whole. Fractions are parts of a whole and this concept can be illustrated using bars and circles. This concept can also be extended to understand equivalent fractions. When a whole bar is divided into, say, two equal parts

From playlist Learn About Fractions

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Omer Bobrowski (12/11/19): Homological Percolation: The Formation of Giant Cycles

Title: Homological Percolation: The Formation of Giant Cycles Abstract: In probability theory and statistical physics, the field of percolation studies the formation of “giant” (possibly infinite) connected components in various random structures. In this talk, we will discuss a higher di

From playlist AATRN 2019

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il Large Hadron Collider (Italiano)

Una panoramica sul progetto LHC ed i suoi campi di ricerca.

From playlist Italiano

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Omer Bobrowski: Random Simplicial Complexes, Lecture III

A simplicial complex is a collection of vertices, edges, triangles, tetrahedra and higher dimensional simplexes glued together. In other words, it is a higher-dimensional generalization of a graph. In recent years there has been a growing effort in developing the theory of random simplicia

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional spatial random systems

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Анализ Социальных Сетей. Лекция 3. Случайные графы

Слайды: Модель Erdos-Renyi. Распределение Бернулли и Пуассона. Функция распределния степеней. Фазовые переходы, возникновение связанной компоненты. Диаметр и кластерный коэффициент. Конфигурационная модель Random

From playlist Анализ Социальных Сетей. Курс НИУ ВШЭ

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Networks: Part 3 - Oxford Mathematics 4th Year Student Lecture

Network Science provides generic tools to model and analyse systems in a broad range of disciplines, including biology, computer science and sociology. This course (we are showing the whole course over the next few weeks) aims at providing an introduction to this interdisciplinary field o

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures - Networks

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CERIAS Security: Wireless Router Insecurity: The Next Crimeware Epidemic 4/6

Clip 4/6 Speaker: Steve Myers, Indiana University · Assistant Professor · Indiana University The widespread adoption of home routers by the general public has added a new target for malware and crimeware authors. A router's ability to manipulate essentially all network traffic coming

From playlist The CERIAS Security Seminars 2007

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Topology of Random Simplicial Complexes - Matthew Kahle

Topology of Random Simplicial Complexes - Matthew Kahle Institute for Advanced Study October 5, 2010 In this talk I will overview two very different kinds of random simplicial complex, both of which could be considered higher-dimensional generalizations of the Erdos-Renyi random graph, and

From playlist Mathematics

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Remco van der Hofstad - Hypercube percolation

Consider bond percolation on the hypercube {0,1}^n at the critical probability p_c defined such that the expected cluster size equals 2^{n/3}, where 2^{n/3} acts as the cube root of the number of vertices of the n-cube. Percolation on the Hamming cube was proposed by Erdös and Spencer (197

From playlist Les probabilités de demain 2017

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Dimensions Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of the Dimensions series. See for more information. Press the 'CC' button for subtitles.

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