Category: Geometric graph theory

Parallel redrawing
In geometric graph theory, and the theory of structural rigidity, a parallel redrawing of a graph drawing with straight edges in the Euclidean plane or higher-dimensional Euclidean space is another dr
Spatial network
A spatial network (sometimes also geometric graph) is a graph in which the vertices or edges are spatial elements associated with geometric objects, i.e., the nodes are located in a space equipped wit
In graph theory, boxicity is a graph invariant, introduced by Fred S. Roberts in 1969. The boxicity of a graph is the minimum dimension in which a given graph can be represented as an intersection gra
Greedy embedding
In distributed computing and geometric graph theory, greedy embedding is a process of assigning coordinates to the nodes of a telecommunications network in order to allow greedy geographic routing to
Hadwiger–Nelson problem
In geometric graph theory, the Hadwiger–Nelson problem, named after Hugo Hadwiger and Edward Nelson, asks for the minimum number of colors required to color the plane such that no two points at distan
Dimension (graph theory)
In mathematics, and particularly in graph theory, the dimension of a graph is the least integer n such that there exists a "classical representation" of the graph in the Euclidean space of dimension n
Vietoris–Rips complex
In topology, the Vietoris–Rips complex, also called the Vietoris complex or Rips complex, is a way of forming a topological space from distances in a set of points. It is an abstract simplicial comple
Slope number
In graph drawing and geometric graph theory, the slope number of a graph is the minimum possible number of distinct slopes of edges in a drawing of the graph in which vertices are represented as point
Crossing Numbers of Graphs
Crossing Numbers of Graphs is a book in mathematics, on the minimum number of edge crossings needed in graph drawings. It was written by Marcus Schaefer, a professor of computer science at DePaul Univ
Steinitz's theorem
In polyhedral combinatorics, a branch of mathematics, Steinitz's theorem is a characterization of the undirected graphs formed by the edges and vertices of three-dimensional convex polyhedra: they are
Theta graph
In computational geometry, the Theta graph, or -graph, is a type of geometric spanner similar to a Yao graph. The basic method of construction involves partitioning the space around each vertex into a
Yao graph
In computational geometry, the Yao graph, named after Andrew Yao, is a kind of geometric spanner, a weighted undirected graph connecting a set of geometric points with the property that, for every pai
Visibility graph analysis
In architecture, visibility graph analysis (VGA) is a method of analysing the inter-visibility connections within buildings or urban networks. Visibility graph analysis was developed from the architec
Doubly connected edge list
The doubly connected edge list (DCEL), also known as half-edge data structure, is a data structure to represent an embedding of a planar graph in the plane, and polytopes in 3D. This data structure pr
Contact graph
In the mathematical area of graph theory, a contact graph or tangency graph is a graph whose vertices are represented by geometric objects (e.g. curves, line segments, or polygons), and whose edges co
Geometric graph theory
Geometric graph theory in the broader sense is a large and amorphous subfield of graph theory, concerned with graphs defined by geometric means. In a stricter sense, geometric graph theory studies com
Flip graph
In mathematics, a flip graph is a graph whose vertices are combinatorial or geometric objects, and whose edges link two of these objects when they can be obtained from one another by an elementary ope
Convex embedding
In geometric graph theory, a convex embedding of a graph is an embedding of the graph into a Euclidean space, with its vertices represented as points and its edges as line segments, so that all of the