Quantum measurement

Principle of locality

In physics, the principle of locality states that an object is influenced directly only by its immediate surroundings. A theory that includes the principle of locality is said to be a "local theory". This is an alternative to the concept of instantaneous "action at a distance". Locality evolved out of the field theories of classical physics. The concept is that for an action at one point to have an influence at another point, something in the space between those points must mediate the action. To exert an influence, something, such as a wave or particle, must travel through the space between the two points, carrying the influence. The special theory of relativity limits the speed at which all such influences can travel to the speed of light, . Therefore, the principle of locality implies that an event at one point cannot cause a simultaneous result at another point. An event at point cannot cause a result at point in a time less than , where is the distance between the points and is the speed of light in a vacuum. Experimental tests show that quantum mechanics seems to violate Bell's inequalities, implying that quantum effects might be non-local, according to some interpretations of quantum mechanics. (Wikipedia).

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The Nature of Causation: The Counterfactual Theory of Causation

In this second lecture in this series on the nature of causation, Marianne Talbot discusses the counterfactual theory of causation. We have causal theories of reference, perception, knowledge, content and numerous other things. If it were to turn out that causation doesn’t exist, we would

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The Importance of Atonement

The idea of ‘atonement’ sounds very old-fashioned and is deeply rooted in religious tradition. To atone means, in essence, to acknowledge one’s capacity for wrongness and one’s readiness for apology and desire for change. It’s a concept that every society needs at its center. For gifts and


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How an Equilibrium Constant varies with Temperature - Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry

Deriving a quantitative relationship to show how an equilibrium constant varies with temperature and so showing were Le Chatelier's Principle comes from in this context. Along the way, the Gibbs-Helmholtz van't Hoff equations are derived and used. My video for deriving the thermodynamics

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The Nature of Causation: The Necessary Connection Analysis

In this third lecture in this series on the nature of causation, Marianne Talbot discusses the necessary connection analysis of causation. We have causal theories of reference, perception, knowledge, content and numerous other things. If it were to turn out that causation doesn’t exist, w

From playlist The Nature of Causation

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Math 131 Fall 2018 100818 Limits and Continuity in Metric Spaces

Limits of functions (in the setting of metric spaces). Definition. Rephrasal of definition. Uniqueness of limit. Definition of continuity at a point. Remark on continuity at an isolated point. Relation with limits. Composition of continuous functions is continuous. Alternate (topol

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CTNT 2020 - Elliptic curves and the local-global principle for quadratic forms - Asher Auel

The Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory (CTNT) is a summer school in number theory for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, to be followed by a research conference. For more information and resources please visit: https://ctnt-summer.math.uconn.edu/

From playlist CTNT 2020 - Conference Videos

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A positive proportion of plane cubics fail the Hasse principle - Manjul Bhargava [2011]

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From playlist Number Theory

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Haowen Zhang - Brauer-Manin and cohomological obstructions to rational points

In the problem of deciding integer or rational solutions of polynomial equations (i.e. finding integer/rational points of a variety), we often first look at the “local” solutions over all the Q_p. When does a collection of local solutions give rise to an honest global solution over Q? Ther

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Minhyong Kim: Recent progress on the effective Mordell problem

SMRI Algebra and Geometry Online: Minhyong Kim (University of Warwick) Abstract: In 1983, Gerd Faltings proved the Mordell conjecture stating that curves of genus at least two have only finitely many rational points. This can be understood as the statement that most polynomial equations

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The Problem With Perfectionism

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Introduction to h-principle by Mahuya Datta

DATE & TIME: 25 December 2017 to 04 January 2018 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Holomorphic curves are a central object of study in complex algebraic geometry. Such curves are meaningful even when the target has an almost complex structure. The moduli space of these curves (

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Flexibilization as localization - Oleg Lazarev

Workshop on the h-principle and beyond Topic: Flexibilization as localization Speaker: Oleg Lazarev Affiliation: University of Massachusetts, Boston Date: November 5, 2021 Abstract: Cieliebak and Eliashberg showed that there is a special class of flexible symplectic structures that sati

From playlist Mathematics

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Christopher Frei: Constructing abelian extensions with prescribed norms

CIRM VIRTUAL CONFERENCE Recorded during the meeting "​ Diophantine Problems, Determinism and Randomness" the November 24, 2020 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide

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Patching and Local-Global Principles - Julia Hartmann

Julia Hartmann RWTH Aachen University; Member, School of Mathematics November 5, 2012 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Local-Global principles for tori over arithmetic surfaces - Hartmann - Workshop 1 - CEB T2 2019

Julia Hartmann (University of Pennsylvania) / 22.05.2019 Local-Global principles for tori over arithmetic surfaces Given a field F and a collection of overfields Fi (i ∈ I), we say that the local global principle holds for an F-variety Z if the existence of a rational point over each Fi

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Andre Platzer 04/20/18

Differential Equation Axiomatization

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Teach Astronomy - Observing the Universe

http://www.teachastronomy.com/ The strong version of the anthropic principle in essence states that the observed values of physical and cosmological quantities are not accidents but are connected somehow with our existence as observers of the universe. The universe was built for us. This

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