In finance, an admissible trading strategy or admissible strategy is any trading strategy with wealth almost surely bounded from below. In particular, an admissible trading strategy precludes unhedged short sales of any unbounded assets. A typical example of a trading strategy which is not admissible is the . (Wikipedia).
Long Put Options Trading Strategy
This video provides a basic introduction into the long put option trading strategy. This strategy has limited risk and an unlimited profit potential. The intrinsic value of the put option increases if the price of the stock declines. The extrinsic value of the put option decreases due t
From playlist Stocks and Bonds
Long Call Options Trading Strategy
This video provides a basic introduction into the long call options trading strategy. This strategy has limited risk but an unlimited profit potential. The intrinsic value of the call option increases if the share price of the stock goes up. The extrinsic value of the call option decrea
From playlist Stocks and Bonds
Volatility Arbitrage - How does it work? - Options Trading Lessons
What is Volatility Arbitrage? Volatility arbitrage is a trading strategy that attempts to profit from the difference between the forecasted price-volatility of an asset, like a stock, and the implied volatility of options on that asset. These classes are all based on the book Trading and
From playlist Class 4 The Greeks & Dynamic Hedging
What is a Protective Put? Options Trading Strategies
These classes are all based on the book Trading and Pricing Financial Derivatives, available on Amazon at this link. Check out our website Follow Patrick on twitter here: What is a Protective Put? A pr
From playlist Class 2: An Introduction to Options
What is an Options Straddle? | Options Combinations | Trading Strategies
What is a Straddle? Options Trading Strategy - Options Combinations These classes are all based on the book Trading and Pricing Financial Derivatives, available on Amazon at this link. Check out our website Follow Patrick on twitter here
From playlist Class 2: An Introduction to Options
Basics of Stock Trading : Stock Trading Principles
Our first video on stock trading strategies. Here we talk about the most basic one out there! Code used in this video:
From playlist Stock Trading Principles
What is a Put Spread? | Options Trading Strategies | Option Combinations
What is a Put Spread? - Options Trading Strategies These classes are all based on the book Trading and Pricing Financial Derivatives, available on Amazon at this link. Check out our website Follow Patrick on twitter here: https://twitte
From playlist Class 2: An Introduction to Options
Paolo Guasoni, Lesson I - 18 december 2017
From playlist Quantitative Finance Seminar @ SNS
Daniel Balint: Discounting invariant FTAP for large financial markets
Abstract: For large financial markets as introduced in Kramkov and Kabanov 94, there are several existing absence-of-arbitrage conditions in the literature. They all have in common that they depend in a crucial way on the discounting factor. We introduce a new concept, generalizing NAA1 (K
From playlist Probability and Statistics
Statistical Rethinking 2022 Lecture 10 - Counts & Confounds
Slides and other course materials: Music etc: Intro: River Kelvin: Tide machine: Lego tides: https://www.y
From playlist Statistical Rethinking 2022
Thirteenth SIAM Activity Group on FME Virtual Talk
Speakers: Damir Filipovic, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute Title: A Machine Learning Approach to Portfolio Pricing and Risk Management for High-Dimensional Problems Moderator: Rene Carmona, Princeton University
From playlist SIAM Activity Group on FME Virtual Talk Series
Judicaël Courant : Affectation dans l’enseignement supérieur : sélection et algorithmes
Résumé : Déléguer à une machine l'affectation des bacheliers dans le supérieur pose un certain nombre de questions : quels règles souhaite-t-on pour l'accès au supérieur ? Quels sont alors les objectifs assignés à la machine ? Quel algorithme permet de les atteindre ? Comment permettre à t
From playlist Combinatorics
MBA Complete Guide For 2023 | Careers In MBA | MBA Career Guidance | Simplilearn
🔥Explore our Master Of Business Administration (MBA) with IU, Germany: This video on MBA Complete Guide For 2023 will acquaint y
From playlist Business And Management 🔥[2022 Updated]
Here is the most effective Referral Information you will ever learn. These are Referral Strategies that will get you more referrals than any other method. I explain anchoring, the reciprocation principle and much more. Enjoy
From playlist Sales Techniques
Stock Float Explained and Why it Matters
Want to Learn More ❓❓ Get info on My Strategy and Courses here: 📈 Before we continue...👀 💰Remember, day trading is risky and most traders lose money. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. Prove profitability in a simulator be
From playlist Warrior Trading: Day Trading Terminology
A Solution to the Stable Marriage Problem: Emily Riehl Public Lecture
In her Perimeter Public Lecture webcast on May 12, 2021, mathematician Emily Riehl will examine the fascinating mathematics providing a solution to the stable marriage problem, including the sexist implications underlying it and some real-world applications. Riehl, an associate professor o
From playlist Public Lecture Series
How to Apply to College | How to College | Crash Course
Crash Course: How to College is part of Study Hall, a partnership between ASU and Crash Course. Head over to our new Study Hall channel to check out our Fast Guide series which break down different college majors. Now that we're to the point of actually applying for college, things can g
From playlist How to College
"RM Models for Online Advertising and On-Demand Platforms" by Philipp Afèche - Session IV
This mini-course focuses on revenue management applications in online advertising and on-demand platforms with time-sensitive customers that give rise to novel matching and queueing models. For example, online advertising platforms match impressions supply to advertiser demand, whereas on-
From playlist Thematic Program on Stochastic Modeling: A Focus on Pricing & Revenue Management
Portfolio Optimization API - Algorithmic Trading with Python and Quantopian p. 12
Once we've got combined alphas that we're happy with, we need to build a trading strategy. A major part of a trading strategy is figuring out how to best build your portfolio from the alphas, paying attention to various constraints like leverage, sector bias...etc. In this example, we use
From playlist Python Programming for Finance
26C3: Europäische Biometriestrategien 4/7
Clip 4/7 Speaker: kosmo_k Die Automatisierung von Personenidentifizierung an der Grenze und die damit einhergehenden kontrollpolitischen Veränderungen. Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage der technischen und gesellschaftlichen Implikationen von Identifizierungstechniken, die P
From playlist 26C3: Here be dragons day 3