Quantum models

Adiabatic quantum motor

An adiabatic quantum motor is a mechanical device, typically nanometric, driven by a flux of quantum particles and able to perform cyclic motions. The adjective “adiabatic” in this context refers to the limit when the dynamics of the mechanical degrees of freedom is slow compared with the dwell time of the particles passing through the device. In this regime, it is commonly assumed that the mechanical degrees of freedom behave classically.This class of devices works essentially as quantum pumps operated in reverse. While in a quantum pump, the periodic movement of some parameters pumps quantum particles from one reservoir to another, in a quantum motor a DC current of particles induces the cyclic motion of the device. One key feature of these motors is that quantum interferences can be used to increase their efficiency by enhancing the reflection coefficient of the scattered particles. Although there are several proposals for the realization of adiabatic quantum motors, none of them have been verified experimentally. (Wikipedia).

Adiabatic quantum motor
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AQC 2016 - Testing Adiabatic Quantum Computers Using Simple Quantum Simulation

A Google TechTalk, June 29, 2016, presented by Peter Love (Tufts University) ABSTRACT: Validation of Adiabatic Quantum computers is a significant problem. One of the advantages of the Adiabatic model is that it does not require the rapid pulsed controls necessary in the gate model of quan

From playlist Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference 2016

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AQC 2016 - Inhomogeneous Quasi-adiabatic Driving of Quantum Critical Dynamics

A Google TechTalk, June 27, 2016, presented by Masoud Mohseni (Google) ABSTRACT: We introduce an inhomogeneous protocol to drive a weakly disordered quantum spin chain quasi-adiabatically across a quantum phase transition and minimize the residual energy of the final state. The number of

From playlist Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference 2016

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AQC 2016 - Adiabatic Quantum Computer vs. Diffusion Monte Carlo

A Google TechTalk, June 29, 2016, presented by Stephen Jordan (NIST) ABSTRACT: While adiabatic quantum computation using general Hamiltonians has been proven to be universal for quantum computation, the vast majority of research so far, both experimental and theoretical, focuses on stoquas

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AQC 2016 - Driving Spin Systems with Noisy Control Fields: Limits to Adiabatic Protocol

A Google TechTalk, June 27, 2016, presented by Adolfo del Campo (University of Massachusetts) ABSTRACT: We consider driving a thermally isolated system across a quantum phase transition by a noisy control field. At variance with the defect suppression under slow noise-free driving predict

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Quantum Computers, Explained With Quantum Physics

Quantum computers aren’t the next generation of supercomputers—they’re something else entirely. Before we can even begin to talk about their potential applications, we need to understand the fundamental physics that drives the theory of quantum computing. (Featuring Scott Aaronson, John Pr

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Adiabatic Process - Work, Heat & Internal Energy, Gamma Ratio, Thermodynamics & Physics

This physics video tutorial provides a basic introduction into adiabatic processes. An adiabatic process occurs when the transfer of heat is equal to zero. Therefore, the work done by a gas under adiabatic expansion is equal to the negative change in the internal energy of the gas. This

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Geometric bounds for dissipation (Lecture 3) by Ben Machta

26 December 2016 to 07 January 2017 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Information theory and computational complexity have emerged as central concepts in the study of biological and physical systems, in both the classical and quantum realm. The low-energy landscape of classical

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Quantum charge pumping - Flouquet states and topological pumping by Abhiram Soori

PROGRAM URL : http://www.icts.res.in/program/NESP2015 DATES : Monday 26 Oct, 2015 - Friday 20 Nov, 2015 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore DESCRIPTION : This program will be organized as an advanced discussion workshop on some topical issues in nonequilibrium statstical phys

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How do quantum computers work?

Quantum computers are said to have the potential to offer computing power far larger than what we have today. Are they really these miracles of quantum computing or are they just over-hyped? You can have brief information in our video on how quantum computing works related to superposi

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Collective and single particle correlations in a binary mixture : dependence by Shankar P Das

29 May 2017 to 02 June 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore This program aims to bring together people working on classical and quantum systems with disorder and interactions. The extensive exploration, through experiments, simulations and model calculations, of growing cor

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Quantum Computer in a Nutshell (Documentary)

The reservoir of possibilities offered by the fundamental laws of Nature, is the key point in the development of science and technology. Quantum computing is the next step on the road to broaden our perspective from which we currently look at the Universe. The movie shows the history of pr

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Towards Digital Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories by Yuta Kikuchi

DISCUSSION MEETING TOPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF STRONG CORRELATIONS AND GAUGE THEORIES (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Rob Pisarski (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA), Sumathi Rao (HRI, India), Soeren Schlichting (Bielefeld University, Germany) and Sayantan Sharma (IMSc, India) DATE: 06 September 202

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L16.1 Quantum adiabatic theorem stated

MIT 8.06 Quantum Physics III, Spring 2018 Instructor: Barton Zwiebach View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/8-06S18 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP60Zcz8LnCDFI8RPqRhJbb4L L16.1 Quantum adiabatic theorem stated License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

From playlist MIT 8.06 Quantum Physics III, Spring 2018

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AQC 2016 - Quantum Monte Carlo vs Tunneling vs. Adiabatic Optimization

A Google TechTalk, June 27, 2016, presented by Aram Harrow (MIT) ABSTRACT: Can quantum adiabatic evolution solve optimization problems much faster than classical computers? One piece of evidence for this has been their apparent advantage in "tunneling" through barriers to escape local mi

From playlist Adiabatic Quantum Computing Conference 2016

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Dominic Berry - Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem

Recorded 25 January 2022. Dominic Berry of Macquarie University presents "Optimal scaling quantum linear systems solver via discrete adiabatic theorem" at IPAM's Quantum Numerical Linear Algebra Workshop. Abstract: Recently, several approaches to solving linear systems on a quantum compute

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Quantization of Geometric Phase with Integer and Fractional by Sujit Sarkar

Indian Statistical Physics Community Meeting 2018 16 February 2018 to 18 February 2018 VENUE:Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore This is an annual discussion meeting of the Indian statistical physics community which is attended by scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate studen

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L15.3 Phase space and intuition for quantum adiabatic invariants

MIT 8.06 Quantum Physics III, Spring 2018 Instructor: Barton Zwiebach View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/8-06S18 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP60Zcz8LnCDFI8RPqRhJbb4L L15.3 Phase space and intuition for quantum adiabatic invariants License:

From playlist MIT 8.06 Quantum Physics III, Spring 2018

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Linear algebra for Quantum Mechanics

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning linear equations such as. linear functions and their representations in vector spaces and through matrices. In this video you will learn about #linear #algebra that is used frequently in quantum #mechanics or #quantum #physics. ****

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