Memory management algorithms

Adaptive replacement cache

Adaptive Replacement Cache (ARC) is a page replacement algorithm with better performance than LRU (least recently used). This is accomplished by keeping track of both frequently used and recently used pages plus a recent eviction history for both. The algorithm was developed at the IBM Almaden Research Center. In 2006, IBM was granted a patent for the adaptive replacement cache policy. (Wikipedia).

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Remove Min Solution - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Compute E Solution - Applied Cryptography

This video is part of an online course, Applied Cryptography. Check out the course here:

From playlist Applied Cryptography

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Kernel Recipes 2018 - CPU Idle Loop Rework - Rafael J. Wysocki

The CPU idle loop is the piece of code executed by logical CPUs if they have no tasks to run. If the CPU supports idle states allowing it to draw less power while not executing any instructions, the idle loop invokes a CPU idle governor to select the most suitable idle state for the CPU an

From playlist Kernel Recipes 2018

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Random Oracle - Applied Cryptography

This video is part of an online course, Applied Cryptography. Check out the course here:

From playlist Applied Cryptography

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Stanford Seminar - Rethinking Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing

"Rethinking Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing"- Onur Mutlu of Carnegie Mellon University About the talk: The memory system is a fundamental performance and energy bottleneck in almost all computing systems. Recent system design, application, and technology trends that requ

From playlist Engineering

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(IC 5.11) Finite-precision arithmetic coding - Rescaling

We integrate the rescaling operations into the infinite-precision encoder, as a precursor to the finite-precision encoder. A playlist of these videos is available at:

From playlist Information theory and Coding

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Hibernate Tutorial 32 - Cacheing in Hibernate

In this tutorial, we'll learn about Hibernate's cache support: both first level (Session) and second level cache.

From playlist Hibernate

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Ruby on Ales 2011 - Stratocaster: Redis Event Timeline by: Rick Olson

Stratocaster is an internal GitHub Ruby project written to replace the organically grown GitHub Event timeline. This is a tale of an overgrown MySQL table being replaced by a more specific Redis setup. We'll see what new possibilities that Redis is able to provide. Also, we'll go over how

From playlist Ruby on Ales 2011

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Google I/O 2009 - ...Make your Android UI Fast and Efficient

Google I/O 2009 - Turbo-charge your UI: How to Make your Android UI Fast and Efficient Romain Guy Learn practical tips, techniques and tricks for making your Android applications fast and responsive. This session will focus on optimizations recommended by the Android framework team t

From playlist Google Lectures

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Kernel Recipes 2022 - Looking at yourself: Linux Introspection tales

Introspection information, used originally by debuggers, has come a long way into playing a greater role in the functioning of Linux. Now its used by tracers, profilers, and then by eBPF, in libbpf, in the verifier and other parts of the kernel, being always available and fast to access.

From playlist Kernel Recipes 2022

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How we are making Python 3.11 faster (CPython project)

The "Faster CPython" project aims to speed up Python, specifically CPython, by a large factor over the next few releases. The first release to see the benefits of this work is Python 3.11. Python 3.11 includes the following major changes: * Adaptive specializing interpreter (PEP 659) * C

From playlist Python

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Battery Optimization | Android App Development Tutorial For Beginners

🔥Post Graduate Program In Full Stack Web Development: 🔥Caltech Coding Bootcamp (US Only): https://www.simplilea

From playlist Android App Development Tutorial Videos [Updated]

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Personal Computer Architecture

This computer science video includes useful information if you are thinking of buying, building, upgrading or overclocking your own personal computer. It also serves as a basis for further study of individual components such as DRAM or GPUs. The video introduces the architecture of a mod

From playlist Computer Hardware and Architecture

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EmberConf 2018: The Future of Data in Ember by Dan Gebhardt

EmberConf 2018: The Future of Data in Ember by Dan Gebhardt This talk will provide an overview of the latest developments in the realm of managing data in Ember applications. The focus will be the past, present, and future of Ember Data, which is becoming faster, lighter-weight, and more

From playlist EmberConf 2018

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Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

This video introduces the features and workings of the graphics processing unit; the GPU. Graphics cards, and GPUs, are big business these days, and the underlying technology is advancing at pace. This is driven by the expectations and desires of gamers who continually demand better perfo

From playlist Computer Hardware and Architecture

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How To Build a Microservice Without Losing a Job

Sarcastic talk, sharing real-life experience on both technical and social aspects of doing an architecture migration to microservices without losing a job. Any change in software architecture is a significant time investment. Writing microservices in Python is a joy, but when you decide o

From playlist Microservices

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Remove Min - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover Sample Caching System

Watch as NASA-JPL engineers test the Sample Caching System on the Perseverance Mars rover. Described as one of the most complex robotic systems ever built, the Sample and Caching System will collect core samples from the rocky surface of Mars, seal them in tubes and leave them for a future

From playlist Mars

Related pages

Page replacement algorithm | LIRS caching algorithm