Data mining

Action model learning

Action model learning (sometimes abbreviated action learning) is an area of machine learning concerned with creation and modification of software agent's knowledge about effects and preconditions of the actions that can be executed within its environment. This knowledge is usually represented in logic-based action description language and used as the input for automated planners. Learning action models is important when goals change. When an agent acted for a while, it can use its accumulated knowledge about actions in the domain to make better decisions. Thus, learning action models differs from reinforcement learning. It enables reasoning about actions instead of expensive trials in the world. Action model learning is a form of inductive reasoning, where new knowledge is generated based on agent's observations. It differs from standard supervised learning in that correct input/output pairs are never presented, nor imprecise action models explicitly corrected. Usual motivation for action model learning is the fact that manual specification of action models for planners is often a difficult, time consuming, and error-prone task (especially in complex environments). (Wikipedia).

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Machine Learning

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Machine Learning

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How to pick a machine learning model 2: Separating signal from noise

Part of the End-to-End Machine Learning School course library at See these concepts used in an End to End Machine Learning project: Watch the rest of the How to Choose a Model serie

From playlist E2EML 171. How to Choose Model

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How to pick a machine learning model 5: Navigating assumptions

Part of the End-to-End Machine Learning School course library at Use this in an End to End Machine Learning project: Blog post:

From playlist E2EML 171. How to Choose Model

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(ML 13.1) Directed graphical models - introductory examples (part 1)

Introduction to (directed) graphical models. Simple examples to motivate the concept.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Learning model-based planning from scratch Abstract: Conventional wisdom holds that model-based planning is a powerful approach to sequential decision-making. It is often very challenging in practice, however, because while a model can be used to evaluate a plan, it does not prescribe how to constr

From playlist Reinforcement Learning

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Transformer (Attention is all you need)

understanding Transformer with its key concepts (attention, multi head attention, positional encoding, residual connection label smoothing) with example. all machine learning youtube videos from me,

From playlist Machine Learning

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Stanford CS330: Deep Multi-task & Meta Learning I 2021 I Lecture 10

For more information about Stanford's Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs visit: To follow along with the course, visit: To view all online courses and programs offered by Stanford, visit: http:/

From playlist Stanford CS330: Deep Multi-Task & Meta Learning I Autumn 2021I Professor Chelsea Finn

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Lecture 07: Planning and Learning with Tabular Methods

Seventh lecture video on the course "Reinforcement Learning" at Paderborn University during the summer term 2020. Source files are available here:

From playlist Reinforcement Learning Course: Lectures (Summer 2020)

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Stanford CS330: Multi-Task and Meta-Learning, 2019 | Lecture 8 - Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Assistant Professor Chelsea Finn, Stanford University

From playlist Stanford CS330: Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning

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Reinforcement Learning 7: Planning and Models

Hado Van Hasselt, Research Scientist, discusses planning and models as part of the Advanced Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning Lectures.

From playlist DeepMind x UCL | Reinforcement Learning Course 2018

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DeepMind x UCL RL Lecture Series - Planning & models [8/13]

Research Engineer Matteo Hessel explains how to learn and use models, including algorithms like Dyna and Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS). Slides: Full video lecture series:

From playlist Learning resources

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Stanford CS330:Multi-task and Meta Learning | 2020 | Lecture 10 - Model-Based Reinforcement Learning

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: To follow along with the course, visit: To view all online courses and programs offered by Stanford, visit: http://online.stanford.

From playlist Stanford CS330: Deep Multi-task and Meta Learning | Autumn 2020

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Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (Lecture 01, Part 2/2, Summer 2023)

Initial lecture video on the course "Reinforcement Learning" at Paderborn University during the summer term 2023. Source files are available here: 0:00 Basic terminology (state) 18:57 Basic terminology (action) 23:24 Basic

From playlist Reinforcement Learning Course: Lectures (Summer 2023)

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Reinforcement Learning Full Course | Reinforcement Learning In Machine Learning | Simplilearn

In this Reinforcement Learning Full Course video, you will understand the basics of reinforcement learning and how it works to solve complex business problems. You will get an idea about Q Learning and implement reinforcement learning algorithm in Python.🔥Enroll for Free Machine Learning C

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Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling (Research Paper Explained)

#decisiontransformer #reinforcementlearning #transformer Proper credit assignment over long timespans is a fundamental problem in reinforcement learning. Even methods designed to combat this problem, such as TD-learning, quickly reach their limits when rewards are sparse or noisy. This pa

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(ML 13.2) Directed graphical models - introductory examples (part 2)

Introduction to (directed) graphical models. Simple examples to motivate the concept.

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