Ordinal numbers

Ackermann ordinal

In mathematics, the Ackermann ordinal is a certain large countable ordinal, named after Wilhelm Ackermann. The term "Ackermann ordinal" is also occasionally used for the small Veblen ordinal, a somewhat larger ordinal. Unfortunately there is no standard notation for ordinals beyond the Feferman–Schütte ordinal Γ0. Most systems of notation use symbols such as ψ(α), θ(α), ψα(β), some of which are modifications of the Veblen functions to produce countable ordinals even for uncountable arguments, and some of which are "collapsing functions". The last one is an extension of the Veblen functions for more than 2 arguments. The smaller Ackermann ordinal is the limit of a system of ordinal notations invented by , and is sometimes denoted by or , , or , where Ω is the smallest uncountable ordinal. Ackermann's system of notation is weaker than the system introduced much earlier by , which he seems to have been unaware of. (Wikipedia).

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The sequence that grows remarkably large, then drops to zero!

Goodstein sequences can get larger than Graham's number and the growth rate can be faster than Ackermann’s function. In fact, these sequences grow at such an incredible rate, that the theorem literally cannot be proven using first order arithmetic and can only be proven using a stronger sy

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung (4/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Annektion von Österreich, Ernst Kaltenbrunnder, NSDAP, Chef des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, Machtzentrale der SS, Mauthausen, Kommandant von Ausschwitz, Konzentrationslager, Berlin, Oranienburg, namenlose Häftlinge, Rüstungsindustrie, ungarische Juden, Ankläger, Alfred Rosenberg, Lehre de

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Zermelo Fraenkel Infinity

This is part of a series of lectures on the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms for set theory. We discuss the axiom of infinity, and give some examples of models where it does not hold. For the other lectures in the course see https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yHsr3EFj52EKVgPi-p50fRP2_SbG

From playlist Zermelo Fraenkel axioms

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Henry Towsner 2/19/16 Part 1

Title: Constructive Bounds from Ultraproducts and Noetherianity

From playlist Spring 2016

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Strong and Weak Epsilon Nets and Their Applications - Noga Alon

Noga Alon Tel Aviv University; Institute for Advanced Study November 7, 2011 I will describe the notions of strong and weak epsilon nets in range spaces, and explain briefly some of their many applications in Discrete Geometry and Combinatorics, focusing on several recent results in the in

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Programming Loops vs Recursion - Computerphile

Programming loops are great, but there's a point where they aren't enough. Professor Brailsford explains. EXTRA BITS: https://youtu.be/DVG5G1V8Zx0 The Most Difficult Program to Compute?: https://youtu.be/i7sm9dzFtEI What on Earth is Recursion?: https://youtu.be/Mv9NEXX1VHc Reverse Poli

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DART VII Richard Gustavson

Title: Differential Kernels and Bounds for the Consistency of Differential Equations

From playlist Differential Algebra and Related Topics VII (2016)

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The Enormous TREE(3) - Numberphile

Professor Tony Padilla on the epic number, TREE(3). Continues at: https://youtu.be/IihcNa9YAPk More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ Graham's Number: http://bit.ly/G_Number Numberphile is supported by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI): http://bit.ly/MSRINumbe

From playlist Tony Padilla on Numberphile

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26C3: Chaos-Familien-Duell 6/12

Clip 6/12 Speakers: Alexander Brock, Marcel Ackermann Zwei Chaos-Familien treten gegeneinander an, doch es kann nur eine geben. Team-Anmeldungen sind begrenzt! Meldet Euch im Event-Wiki an: http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/wiki/Chaos-Familien-Duell For more information go to: h

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Gram-Schmidt (Gram-Schmidt'sches Orthonormalisierungsverfahren)

Abonniert den Kanal oder unterstützt ihn auf Steady: https://steadyhq.com/en/brightsideofmaths Ihr werdet direkt informiert, wenn ich einen Livestream anbiete. Das Gram-Schmidtsche Orthonormalisierungsverfahren ist einer der wichtigsten Verfahren bzw. Algorithmen in den Grundlagen der li

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The Most Difficult Program to Compute? - Computerphile

The story of recursion continues as Professor Brailsford explains one of the most difficult programs to compute: Ackermann's function. Professor Brailsford's programs: http://bit.ly/1nhKtW4 Follow Up Film from the Prof in response to this film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNACwX-O5l

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Related pages

Feferman–Schütte ordinal | Large countable ordinal | Wilhelm Ackermann | Veblen function | Small Veblen ordinal