Program analysis | Abstract interpretation
In computer science, abstract interpretation is a theory of sound approximation of the semantics of computer programs, based on monotonic functions over ordered sets, especially lattices. It can be viewed as a partial execution of a computer program which gains information about its semantics (e.g., control-flow, data-flow) without performing all the calculations. Its main concrete application is formal static analysis, the automatic extraction of information about the possible executions of computer programs; such analyses have two main usages: * inside compilers, to analyse programs to decide whether certain optimizations or transformations are applicable; * for debugging or even the certification of programs against classes of bugs. Abstract interpretation was formalized by the French computer scientist working couple Patrick Cousot and Radhia Cousot in the late 1970s. (Wikipedia).
Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra
The group is the most fundamental object you will study in abstract algebra. Groups generalize a wide variety of mathematical sets: the integers, symmetries of shapes, modular arithmetic, NxM matrices, and much more. After learning about groups in detail, you will then be ready to contin
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Lecture 2. Homomorphisms and ideals
From playlist Abstract Algebra 2
Now that we know what a quotient group is, let's take a look at an example to cement our understanding of the concepts involved.
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What is Abstract Algebra? (Modern Algebra)
Abstract Algebra is very different than the algebra most people study in high school. This math subject focuses on abstract structures with names like groups, rings, fields and modules. These structures have applications in many areas of mathematics, and are being used more and more in t
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In this tutorial I show a few more notations and share a few more thoughts on mappings.
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10 Relations (still with the not-so-exciting-stuff)
This video introduces relations between pairs of elements.
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Equivalence Relations Definition and Examples
Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Equivalence Relations Definition and Examples. This video starts by defining a relation, reflexive relation, symmetric relation, transitive relation, and then an equivalence relation. Several examples are given.
From playlist Abstract Algebra
Ruby Conf 2013 - Compilers For Free by Tom Stuart
Partial evaluation is a powerful tool for timeshifting some aspects of a program's execution from the future into the present. Among other things, it gives us an automatic way to turn a general, abstract program into a faster, more specialized one. This math-free talk uses Ruby to explain
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Marx’s Abstract Theory of Value and Money in Volume 1 of Capital
Fred Moseley is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Mount Holyoke College. He has published extensively on Marxian theory and Marxian analysis of the US economy. His latest book is Money and Totality: A Macro-Monetary Interpretation of Marx’s Logic in “Capital” and the End of the Transform
From playlist Whitney Humanities Center
16 You have made it to the first exciting video Operations
To be honest, the topics have been very dry up to now. Here is the first bit of excitement. Operations. Understanding operations is a fundamental priority in abstract algebra.
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Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 8 - the Classical Groups part VI
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Lesson 8 - the Classical Groups part VI
From playlist Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
RubyConf 2016 - Lies by Ernie Miller
RubyConf 2016 - Lies by Ernie Miller All abstractions are lies, if they are abstractions at all, and as developers, we live our lives surrounded by them. What makes a some abstractions better than others? This will be an opinionated and empowering look at the value and nature of abstracti
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Video series introducing abstract algebra. As promised, here's a link to one of my favorite channels:
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ElixirConf 2016 - Abstractions: A Tale of Keys and Values by Ernie Miller
Due to technical difficulties the audio had to be taken from the camera. We apologize for the poor audio quality. Abstractions: A Tale of Keys and Values by Ernie Miller As programmers, we know that the right abstraction unlocks new ways of thinking about the problems we solve. But can t
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Quantifying Interpretability of Models Trained on Coi… | Jorge Orbay | OpenAI Scholars Demo Day 2020
Learn more:
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22C3: PyPy - the new Python implementation on the block
Speakers: Armin Rigo, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Holger Krekel Language/VM R&D, whole program type inference, translation to low level backends, fun We present our first self-contained Python virtual machine that uses parts of itself to translate itself to low level languages ("the Muenchhause
From playlist 22C3: Private Investigations
Lecture 7B: Metacircular Evaluator, Part 2
MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Spring 2005 Instructor: Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Metacircular Evaluator,
From playlist MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986
Perception, Abstraction & Idealism - General Philosophy (Peter Millican)
In this lecture on General Philosophy, Professor Peter Millican discusses the problem of perception, the distinction between primary and secondary qualities, resemblance, abstraction, and idealism. This comes from a 2010 series on General Philosophy. The slides have been added. This serie
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Dynamic Inference with Neural Interpreters (w/ author interview)
#deeplearning #neuralinterpreter #ai This video includes an interview with the paper's authors! What if we treated deep networks like modular programs? Neural Interpreters divide computation into small modules and route data to them via a dynamic type inference system. The resulting model
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Homomorphisms in abstract algebra examples
Yesterday we took a look at the definition of a homomorphism. In today's lecture I want to show you a couple of example of homomorphisms. One example gives us a group, but I take the time to prove that it is a group just to remind ourselves of the properties of a group. In this video th
From playlist Abstract algebra