Useful Links
Graph Theory
Special Types of Graphs
Rooted Trees
Definition and properties of rooted trees
Applications in data structures (e.g., binary trees, quad trees)
Tree traversal methods
Pre-order traversal
In-order traversal
Post-order traversal
Level-order traversal
Conversion between general and rooted trees
Binary Trees
Characteristics of binary trees
Special types:
Full binary trees
Complete binary trees
Perfect binary trees
Balanced binary trees
Binary Search Trees (BST)
Insertion and deletion operations
Properties of BSTs
Traversal and search operations
Applications in databases and searching algorithms
Spanning Trees
Definition of spanning trees
Relationship to connectivity
Applications in network design and optimization
Minimum Spanning Trees
Concepts and properties
Algorithms for finding MSTs
Kruskal's Algorithm
Description and step-by-step process
Edge selection and sorting
Use of disjoint set data structures
Prim's Algorithm
Description and step-by-step process
Priority queue optimization
Comparison with Kruskal's Algorithm
Bipartite Graphs
Definition and recognition
Properties of bipartite graphs
Applications in matching problems and network flows
Complete Bipartite Graphs
Definition and representation
K_{m,n} notation and examples
Applications in scheduling and resource allocation
Planar Graphs
Definition and basic properties
Testing planarity
Planarity criteria and theorems
Kuratowski's Theorem
Understanding forbidden subgraphs
Graph drawing techniques for planar graphs
Euler's Formula
Application and derivation
Use in proving properties of planar graphs
Applications in circuit design and geography
Complete Graphs
Definition and characteristics
Representation and notation (K_n)
Properties, including edge count formula and adjacency relations
Applications in network modeling
Regular Graphs
Definition and types (k-regular graphs)
Properties and examples
Applications in network topology and design
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
Definition and identification
Topological sorting
Algorithms for topological sorting
Applications in scheduling and dependency resolution
DAGs in computer science and project management
Application in compiler construction (dependency graphs)
Introduction and basic concepts
Difference between graphs and hypergraphs
Hypergraph partitioning and duality
Applications in database theory and combinatorial optimization
1. Basic Concepts in Graph Theory
First Page
3. Graph Theoretical Problems and Algorithms