Category: Probability books

Ars Conjectandi
Ars Conjectandi (Latin for "The Art of Conjecturing") is a book on combinatorics and mathematical probability written by Jacob Bernoulli and published in 1713, eight years after his death, by his neph
An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances
An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances is a work on the mathematical theory of probability by Thomas Bayes, published in 1763, two years after its author's death, and containing
A Treatise on Probability
A Treatise on Probability is a book published by John Maynard Keynes while at Cambridge University in 1921. The Treatise attacked the classical theory of probability and proposed a "logical-relationis
The Doctrine of Chances
The Doctrine of Chances was the first textbook on probability theory, written by 18th-century French mathematician Abraham de Moivre and first published in 1718. De Moivre wrote in English because he
The Drunkard's Walk
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives is a 2008 popular science book by American physicist and author Leonard Mlodinow, which became a New York Times bestseller and a New York Times nota
Principles of the Theory of Probability
Principles of the Theory of Probability is a 1939 book about probability by the philosopher Ernest Nagel. It is considered a classic discussion of its subject.
A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities
A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities is a work by Pierre-Simon Laplace on the mathematical theory of probability. The book consists of two parts, the first with five chapters and the second with thi
A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates
A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates is a random number book by the RAND Corporation, originally published in 1955. The book, consisting primarily of a random number table, was an impo
Essay d'analyse sur les jeux de hazard
Essay d'analyse sur les jeux de hazard ("Analysis of games of chance") is a book on combinatorics and mathematical probability written by Pierre Remond de Montmort and published in 1708. The work appl