Category: Hyperbolic partial differential equations

Fast sweeping method
In applied mathematics, the fast sweeping method is a numerical method for solving boundary value problems of the Eikonal equation. where is an open set in , is a function with positive values, is a w
D'Alembert operator
In special relativity, electromagnetism and wave theory, the d'Alembert operator (denoted by a box: ), also called the d'Alembertian, wave operator, box operator or sometimes quabla operator (cf. nabl
Hyperbolic partial differential equation
In mathematics, a hyperbolic partial differential equation of order is a partial differential equation (PDE) that, roughly speaking, has a well-posed initial value problem for the first derivatives. M
Zeldovich–Taylor flow
Zeldovich–Taylor flow (also known as Zeldovich–Taylor expansion wave) is the fluid motion of gaseous detonation products behind Chapman–Jouguet detonation wave. The flow was described independently by
Electromagnetic wave equation
The electromagnetic wave equation is a second-order partial differential equation that describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a medium or in a vacuum. It is a three-dimensional for
Method of characteristics
In mathematics, the method of characteristics is a technique for solving partial differential equations. Typically, it applies to first-order equations, although more generally the method of character
Relativistic heat conduction
Relativistic heat conduction refers to the modelling of heat conduction (and similar diffusion processes) in a way compatible with special relativity. In special (and general) relativity, the usual he
Wave equation
The (two-way) wave equation is a second-order linear partial differential equation for the description of waves or standing wave fields — as they occur in classical physics — such as mechanical waves
Telegrapher's equations
The telegrapher's equations (or just telegraph equations) are a pair of coupled, linear partial differential equations that describe the voltage and current on an electrical transmission line with dis
Petrovsky lacuna
In mathematics, a Petrovsky lacuna, named for the Russian mathematician I. G. Petrovsky, is a region where the fundamental solution of a linear hyperbolic partial differential equation vanishes. They