Category: Fairness criteria

Maximin share
Maximin share (MMS) is a criterion of fair item allocation. Given a set of items with different values, the 1-out-of-n maximin-share is the maximum value that can be gained by partitioning the items i
Optimal apportionment
Optimal apportionment is an approach to apportionment that is based on mathematical optimization. In a problem of apportionment, there is a resource to allocate, denoted by . For example, it can be an
Equity (economics)
Equity, or economic equality, is the concept or idea of fairness in economics, particularly in regard to taxation or welfare economics. More specifically, it may refer to a movement that strives to pr
Max-min fairness
In communication networks, multiplexing and the division of scarce resources, max-min fairness is said to be achieved by an allocation if and only if the allocation is feasible and an attempt to incre
Group envy-freeness
Group envy-freeness (also called: coalition fairness) is a criterion for fair division. A group-envy-free division is a division of a resource among several partners such that every group of partners
Super envy-freeness
A super-envy-free division is a kind of a fair division. It is a division of resources among n partners, in which each partner values his/her share at strictly more than his/her due share of 1/n of th
No description available.
Resource monotonicity
Resource monotonicity (RM; aka aggregate monotonicity) is a principle of fair division. It says that, if there are more resources to share, then all agents should be weakly better off; no agent should
Unanimous fairness
No description available.
Coherence (fairness)
Coherence, also called uniformity or consistency, is a criterion for evaluating rules for fair division. Coherence requires that the outcome of a fairness rule is fair not only for the overall problem
Proportional division
A proportional division is a kind of fair division in which a resource is divided among n partners with subjective valuations, giving each partner at least 1/n of the resource by his/her own subjectiv
Egalitarianism (from French égal 'equal'), or equalitarianism, is a school of thought within political philosophy that builds from the concept of social equality, prioritizing it for all people. Egali
Proportional-fair rule
In operations research and social choice, the proportional-fair (PF) rule is a rule saying that, among all possible alternatives, one should pick an alternative that cannot be improved, where "improve
Equitability is a criterion for fair division. A division is called equitable if the subjective value of all partners is the same, i.e., each partner is equally happy with his/her share. Mathematicall
Egalitarian equivalence
Egalitarian equivalence (EE) is a criterion of fair division. In an egalitarian-equivalent division, there exists a certain "reference bundle" such that each agent feels that his/her share is equivale
Egalitarian rule
In social choice and operations research, the egalitarian rule (also called the max-min rule or the Rawlsian rule) is a rule saying that, among all possible alternatives, society should pick the alter
Envy-freeness, also known as no-envy, is a criterion for fair division. It says that, when resources are allocated among people with equal rights, each person should receive a share that is, in their
Population monotonicity
Population monotonicity (PM) is a principle of consistency in allocation problems. It says that, when the set of agents participating in the allocation changes, the utility of all agents should change
Leximin order
In mathematics, leximin order is a total preorder on finite-dimensional vectors. A more accurate, but less common term is leximin preorder. The leximin order is particularly important in social choice
Strategic fair division
Strategic fair division is the branch of fair division in which the participants are assumed to hide their preferences and act strategically in order to maximize their own utility, rather than playing