Category: Bin packing

Next-fit bin packing
Next-fit is an online algorithm for bin packing. Its input is a list of items of different sizes. Its output is a packing - a partition of the items into bins of fixed capacity, such that the sum of s
Karmarkar-Karp bin packing algorithms
The Karmarkar-Karp (KK) bin packing algorithms are several related approximation algorithm for the bin packing problem. The bin packing problem is a problem of packing items of different sizes into bi
Best-fit bin packing
Best-fit is an online algorithm for bin packing. Its input is a list of items of different sizes. Its output is a packing - a partition of the items into bins of fixed capacity, such that the sum of s
Multifit algorithm
The multifit algorithm is an algorithm for multiway number partitioning, originally developed for the problem of identical-machines scheduling. It was developed by Coffman, Garey and Johnson. Its nove
Configuration linear program
The configuration linear program (configuration-LP) is a particular linear programming used for solving combinatorial optimization problems. It was introduced in the context of the cutting stock probl
High-multiplicity bin packing
High-multiplicity bin packing is a special case of the bin packing problem, in which the number of different item-sizes is small, while the number of items with each size is large. While the general b
Next-fit-decreasing bin packing
Next-fit-decreasing (NFD) is an algorithm for bin packing. Its input is a list of items of different sizes. Its output is a packing - a partition of the items into bins of fixed capacity, such that th
First-fit bin packing
First-fit (FF) is an online algorithm for bin packing. Its input is a list of items of different sizes. Its output is a packing - a partition of the items into bins of fixed capacity, such that the su
First-fit-decreasing bin packing
First-fit-decreasing (FFD) is an algorithm for bin packing. Its input is a list of items of different sizes. Its output is a packing - a partition of the items into bins of fixed capacity, such that t
Harmonic bin packing
Harmonic bin-packing is a family of online algorithms for bin packing. The input to such an algorithm is a list of items of different sizes. The output is a packing - a partition of the items into bin
Bin packing problem
The bin packing problem is an optimization problem, in which items of different sizes must be packed into a finite number of bins or containers, each of a fixed given capacity, in a way that minimizes