Category: 7-limit tuning and intervals

7-limit tuning
7-limit or septimal tunings and intervals are musical instrument tunings that have a limit of seven: the largest prime factor contained in the interval ratios between pitches is seven. Thus, for examp
Twenty-first harmonic
No description available.
Septimal whole tone
In music, the septimal whole tone, septimal major second, or supermajor second is the musical interval exactly or approximately equal to an 8/7 ratio of frequencies. It is about 231 cents wide in just
Septimal diatonic semitone
In music, a septimal diatonic semitone (or major diatonic semitone) is the interval 15:14 . It is about 119.44 cents. The septimal diatonic semitone may be derived from the harmonic series as the inte
Septimal kleisma
In music, the ratio 225/224 is called the septimal kleisma. It is a minute comma type interval of approximately 7.7 cents. Factoring it into primes gives 2−5 32 52 7−1, which can be rewritten 2−1 (5/4
Harmonic seventh
The harmonic seventh interval, also known as the septimal minor seventh, or subminor seventh, is one with an exact 7:4 ratio (about 969 cents). This is somewhat narrower than and is, "particularly swe
Septimal quarter tone
A septimal quarter tone (in music) is an interval with the ratio of 36:35, which is the difference between the septimal minor third and the Just minor third, or about 48.77 cents wide. The name derive
Septimal minor third
In music, the septimal minor third, also called the subminor third (e.g., by Ellis), is the musical interval exactly or approximately equal to a 7/6 ratio of frequencies. In terms of cents, it is 267
Septimal semicomma
In music, the septimal semicomma, a seven-limit semicomma, is the ratio 126/125 and is equal to approximately 13.79 cents. It is also called the small septimal comma and the starling comma after its u
Septimal chromatic semitone
In music, a septimal chromatic semitone or minor semitone is the interval 21:20. It is about 84.47 cents. The septimal chromatic semitone may be derived from the harmonic series as the interval betwee
Septimal major third
In music, the septimal major third , also called the supermajor third (by Hermann von Helmholtz among others) and sometimes Bohlen–Pierce third is the musical interval exactly or approximately equal t
Septimal third tone
A septimal 1/3-tone (in music) is an interval with the ratio of 28:27, which is the difference between the perfect fourth and the supermajor third. It is about 62.96 cents wide. The septimal 1/3-tone
Septimal tritone
A septimal tritone is a tritone (about one half of an octave) that involves the factor seven. There are two that are inverses. The lesser septimal tritone (also Huygens' tritone) is the musical interv
Magic chord
The Magic Chord is a chord and installation (1984) created by La Monte Young, consisting of the pitches E, F, A, B♭, D, E, G, and A, in ascending order and used in works including his The Well-Tuned P
Septimal comma
A septimal comma is a small musical interval in just intonation that contains the number seven in its prime factorization. There is more than one such interval, so the term septimal comma is ambiguous
The Well-Tuned Piano
The Well-Tuned Piano is an ongoing, improvisatory, solo piano work by composer La Monte Young. Begun in 1964, Young has never considered the composition or performance "finished", and he has performed
In music and tuning, the ragisma is an interval with the ratio of 4375:4374, ≈0.396 cents (a superparticular ratio). It is usually defined as the difference between the septimal minor third (7:6) and
Septimal diesis
In music, septimal diesis (or slendro diesis) is an interval with the ratio of 49:48 , which is the difference between the septimal whole tone and the septimal minor third. It is about 35.7 cents wide
In music, a breedsma is an interval between pitches with the ratio of 2401:2400, which is the difference between the septimal diesis (49:48, also known as Slendro diesis) and the septimal sixth-tone (