Set theory

Theory of regions

The Theory of regions is an approach for synthesizing a Petri net from a transition system. As such, it aims at recovering concurrent, independent behavior from transitions between global states. Theory of regions handles elementary net systems as well as P/T nets and other kinds of nets. An important point is that the approach is aimed at the synthesis of unlabeled Petri nets only. (Wikipedia).

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How Does the Earth Create Different Landforms? Crash Course Geography #20

Cliffs and canyons, beaches and dunes, floodplains and river valleys, plateaus and mountains — these are all products of a restless Earth. In today’s episode we’re going to take a closer look at how landforms greatly influence how people live and derive meaning and a sense of place. From t

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Regions In A Planar Graph Solution - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

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How Are Cities Organized? Crash Course Geography #46

Today we’re going to take a closer look at cities, examine how these large complex structures are organized, and identify patterns and differences in land use around the world. We'll begin with a quick recap of Central Place Theory, then we'll show you how the Concentric Zone Model can app

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Regions In A Planar Graph - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Entanglement in QFT and Quantum Gravity (Lecture 3) by Tom Hartman

PROGRAM KAVLI ASIAN WINTER SCHOOL (KAWS) ON STRINGS, PARTICLES AND COSMOLOGY (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS Francesco Benini (SISSA, Italy), Bartek Czech (Tsinghua University, China), Dongmin Gang (Seoul National University, South Korea), Sungjay Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea

From playlist Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology (ONLINE) - 2022

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Symmetry in Quantum Gravity by Hirosi Ooguri

DATE: 15 January 2018, 16:00 to 17:30 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore General relativity and quantum mechanics were crowning achievements of physics in the 20th century, and their unification has been left as our homework in the 21st century. Superstring theory is our best

From playlist Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology 2018

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Entanglement in theories of gravity by Suvrat Raju

Bangalore Area Strings Meeting - 2017 TIME : 31 July 2017 to 02 August 2017 VENUE:Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Bengaluru now has a large group of string theorists, with 9 faculty members in the area, between ICTS and IISc. This is apart from a large group of postdocs and graduate

From playlist Bangalore Area Strings Meeting - 2017

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Quantum thermalization and many-body Anderson localization by David Huse

PROGRAM URL : DATES : Monday 26 Oct, 2015 - Friday 20 Nov, 2015 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore DESCRIPTION : This program will be organized as an advanced discussion workshop on some topical issues in nonequilibrium statstical phys

From playlist Non-equilibrium statistical physics

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Target Space Entanglement and Space - Time Geometry by Sandip Trivedi

PROGRAM Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (UCSB), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey), Anosh Joseph (IISER, Mohali), Jun Nishimura (KEK Japan), David Sc

From playlist Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography (Online)

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Pau Figueras - Binary black hole mergers in cubic Horndeski theory - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 26 October 2021. Pau Figueras of Queen Mary, University of London presents "Binary black hole mergers in cubic Horndeski theory" at IPAM's Workshop II: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Gravitation. Abstract: In this talk I will discuss binary black hole mergers in cubic Hornd

From playlist Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Gravitation

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Partial deconfinement in large N gauge theory by Hiromasa Watanabe

PROGRAM: NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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Causality and Entanglement in Holography - The Connected Wedge Theorem Revisited - Jonathan Sorce

IAS It from Qubit Workshop Workshop on Spacetime and Quantum Information Tuesday December 6, 2022 Wolfensohn Hall One puzzling aspect of holography is that it conjectures a duality between a physical theory with a single rigid causal structure (the non-gravitational "boundary theory") and

From playlist IAS It from Qubit Workshop - Workshop on Spacetime and Quantum December 6-7, 2022

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Target Space Entanglement and Space-Time Geometry by Sandip Trivedi

PROGRAM NONPERTURBATIVE AND NUMERICAL APPROACHES TO QUANTUM GRAVITY, STRING THEORY AND HOLOGRAPHY (HYBRID) ORGANIZERS: David Berenstein (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Simon Catterall (Syracuse University, USA), Masanori Hanada (University of Surrey, UK), Anosh Joseph (II

From playlist NUMSTRING 2022

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Petri net | Binary number | Natural number | Transition system