Set theory

Hausdorff Medal

The Hausdorff medal is a mathematical prize awarded every two years by the European Set Theory Society. The award recognises the work considered to have had the most impact within set theory among all articles published in the previous five years. The award is named after the German mathematician Felix Hausdorff (1868–1942). (Wikipedia).

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Hausdorff School: Introduction by Karl-Theodor Sturm

Presentation of the Hausdorff School by Karl-Theodor Sturm, coordinator of the Hausdorff Center. The “Hausdorff School for Advanced Studies in Mathematics” is an innovative new program for postdocs by the Hausdorff Center. The official inauguration took place on October 20, 2015.

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Hausdorff School: Lecture by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

Inauguration of the Hausdorff School The “Hausdorff School for Advanced Studies in Mathematics” is an innovative new program for postdocs by the Hausdorff Center. The official inauguration took place on October 20, 2015. Lecture by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon on "Sound, Shape, and Harmony –

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Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

The Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) capitalizes on a broad vision of mathematics, ranging from pure mathematics, to contributions to quantative modeling in economics and the natural sciences, to industrial applications. HCM strives to serve the international mathematical community a

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Hausdorff School: Ceremonial address by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

Inauguration of the Hausdorff School The “Hausdorff School for Advanced Studies in Mathematics” is an innovative new program for postdocs by the Hausdorff Center. The official inauguration took place on October 20, 2015.

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Fields Medal 2018: Karl-Theodor Sturms Congratulations

Professor Dr. Peter Scholze, from the University of Bonn’s Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, today received the Fields Medal. It is considered the Noble Prize for mathematics and is the highest award worldwide a mathematician can receive. This video is about Karl-Theodor Sturms Congratulat

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Hausdorff School für Mathematik-Nachwuchs eröffnet

Die Hausdorff School ist ein neuartiges, strukturiertes Ausbildungsprogramm für promovierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler, errichtet vom Hausdorff Center for Mathematics der Universität Bonn. Vor dem Festakt sprach mit dem Rektor der Universität, Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch. Team: Marcu

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Über das Leben Felix Hausdorffs

Leben und Werk von Felix Hausdorff stellten am Aktionstag Mathematik Dr. Michael Meier, ehem. Geschäftsführer des Hausdorff Centers, und Pascal Lamy, Absolvent der Mathematik und der Geschichtswissenschaft, im Herbst 2018 vor. Den Namen des Mathematikers, Literaten und Philosophen trägt he

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Fields Medaille an Peter Scholze. Karl-Theodor Sturm gratuliert

Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze vom Hausdorff-Zentrum für Mathematik der Universität Bonn hat die Fields-Medaille erhalten, der „Nobelpreis für Mathematik“, die weltweit höchste Auszeichnung für Mathematiker. Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm, Coordinator (Managing Director) of the Excellence Cluster H

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Fields-Medaille für Peter Scholze. Michael Rapoport gratuliert

Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze vom Hausdorff-Zentrum für Mathematik der Universität Bonn hat die Fields-Medaille erhalten, der „Nobelpreis für Mathematik“, die weltweit höchste Auszeichnung für Mathematiker. Prof. Dr. Michael Rapoport, Scholzes Doktorvater, Professor am Excellence Cluster Hausdor

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Fields Medal 2018: Matthew Morrows Congratulations

Professor Dr. Peter Scholze, from the University of Bonn’s Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, today received the Fields Medal. It is considered the Noble Prize for mathematics and is the highest award worldwide a mathematician can receive. This video is about Matthew Morrows Congratulations

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Fields Medal 2018: Eugen Hellmanns Congratulations

Professor Dr. Peter Scholze, from the University of Bonn’s Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, received the Fields Medal. It is considered the Noble Prize for mathematics and is the highest award worldwide a mathematician can receive. This Video is about the Congratulation of his friend and

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Fields Medal 2018: The Rectors Congratulations

Professor Dr. Peter Scholze, from the University of Bonn’s Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, today received the Fields Medal. It is considered the Noble Prize for mathematics and is the highest award worldwide a mathematician can receive. In this video, the Rector of the University of Bonn

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Internationalisierung in Wissenschaft und Universitäten zeigt hier eine Podiumsdiskussion im Hörsaalzentrum des Campus Poppelsdorf der Uni Bonn, ausgerichtet vom Hausdorff Center for Mathematics. Es moderierte der Wissenschaftsjournalist Jan-Martin Wiarda. Drei Vertreter der GlobalMathNetwork-Mitglieder stellten ihre Internationali

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Fields Medal 2018: Michael Rapoports Congratulations

Professor Dr. Peter Scholze, from the University of Bonn’s Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, today received the Fields Medal. It is considered the Noble Prize for mathematics and is the highest award worldwide a mathematician can receive. This video is about Michael Rapoports Congratulatio

From playlist Peter Scholze

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Fields-Medaille an Peter Scholze. Der Rektor gratuliert

Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze vom Hausdorff-Zentrum für Mathematik der Universität Bonn hat die Fields-Medaille erhalten, der „Nobelpreis für Mathematik“, die weltweit höchste Auszeichnung für Mathematiker. Der Rektor der Universität Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch gratuliert hier dem 30-

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5th HLF – Laureate interview: Sir Michael Francis Atiyah

Laureates at the 5th HLF sit down with Tom Geller, Tom Geller Productions, to discuss their career, mentoring and their experience at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF). These renowned scientists have been honored with most prestigious awards in mathematics and computer science: Abel Priz

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Mathematik für alle - in Zeiten von Corona, Folge 1: Was ist Mathematik?

Was Sie schon immer über Mathematik wissen wollten, aber nie zu fragen wagten Nicht nur die Virologie, auch die Mathematik ist derzeit in aller Munde. Es wird von linearem und exponentiellem Wachstum gesprochen, von dynamischen Systemen, von Statistiken und Korrelationen, validen Testverf

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An introduction to the Gromov-Hausdorff distance

Title: An introduction to the Gromov-Hausdorff distance Abstract: We give a brief introduction to the Hausdorff and Gromov-Hausdorff distances between metric spaces. The Hausdorff distance is defined on two subsets of a common metric space. The Gromov-Hausdorff distance is defined on any

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