Automatic memory management | Memory management algorithms

Garbage-first collector

The garbage-first collector (G1) is a garbage collection algorithm introduced in the Oracle HotSpot Java virtual machine (JVM) 6 and supported from 7 Update 4. It was planned to replace concurrent mark sweep collector (CMS) in JVM 7 and was made default in Java 9. (Wikipedia).

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GoRuCo 2013 - To Know A Garbage Collector by Mike Bernstein

It started as an obsession with making the web application used at my day job faster, and ended with trying to implement new Garbage Collection algorithms in a notoriously insane codebase. Garbage collection is an epic hack and a triumphant abstraction that supports various programming par

From playlist GoRuCo 2013

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Understanding Java Garbage Collector and Heap | Java Garbage Collection Tutorial | Edureka

( Java Training - ) The video mainly explains heap and garbage collector. Heap is the memory area in JVM where objects are created. Garbage Collector is a special thread, which clears the memory area during runtime, freeing it from the objec

From playlist Java Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

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JAVA 02 Creating your first program

More videos like this online at This is the second in a series of lessons where we enter the world of Java programming. This is our first Java program that starts at hello world and then changes to display the hello message with the user name. It is designed

From playlist Java

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Open Make Trash: Paul Spooner

Meet Paul Spooner, automatist extraordinarie, whose humorous and quirky kinetic sculptures are a delight.

From playlist Collection Favorites

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Part sorting 2

The rollers are sorted on diameter. The first box receives smallest rollers, the last box receives biggest ones. The green conical shafts rotate in opposite direction with tendency to raise the rollers. Inventor files of this video:

From playlist Mechanisms

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Heap Sort - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here:

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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LINUX: Installing from the network

In this video we start an installation of openSUSE from the network having created an NFS installation server and DHCP server. This is the first step in automating our openSUSE Linux install.

From playlist Linux

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Open Make Trash: Sudhu Tewari

Meet Sudhu Tewari, who likes to make sounds with all kinds of materials, and was recently artist in residence at the San Francisco Dump.

From playlist Open Make: Meet the Makers

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Where Is The Biggest Garbage Dump On Earth?

Even though 80% of trash starts on land, tons of it ends up in the ocean, swirling around in a massive patch of plastic debris. Learn more at Share on Facebook:

From playlist Episodes hosted by Josh

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24C3: Automatic memory management

Speaker: Hannes Why should I care about something that a computer could handle better, anyway? Since Java is widespread, automatic memory management is a commonly used technology. There are several approaches to memory management, realtime, parallel, probabilistic algorithms. The lect

From playlist 24C3: Full steam ahead

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RubyConf 2011 - Complex Ruby concepts dummified by Matt Aimonetti

Programming languages, such as Ruby, are natural and elegant. But to achieve this elegance, things have to happen under the hood. Garbage Collection, concurrency, Global Interpreter Lock, metaprogramming, C extensions are just some of the things happening with or without our knowledge. Try

From playlist Ruby Conference 2011

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RubyConf 2018 - Trash Talk: A Garbage Collection Choose-Your-Own-Adventure by Colin Fulton

RubyConf 2018 - Trash Talk: A Garbage Collection Choose-Your-Own-Adventure by Colin Fulton "Walking into work one day, you see a raccoon in an embroidered vest carefully picking through some dumpsters. Startled, the raccoon shouts, 'Ack! No one is supposed to notice me!' before running aw

From playlist RubyConf 2018

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Ruby Conf 2013 - Visualizing Garbage Collection in Rubinius, JRuby and Ruby 2.0

By Pat Shaughnessy In this talk we'll dive into Ruby internals and take a close look at an ugly topic: garbage collection. How do these Ruby VM's allocate memory for new objects? How do they identify unused objects? How do they reclaim memory from garbage objects, allowing it to be used a

From playlist RubyConf 2013

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RailsConf 2016 - Tweaking Ruby GC Parameters for Fun, Speed, and Profit by Helio Cola

Tweaking Ruby GC Parameters for Fun, Speed, and Profit by Helio Cola Whether you are building a Robot, controlling a Radar, or creating a Web App, the Ruby Garbage Collector (GC) can help you. The stats exposed by the Garbage Collector since Ruby v2.1 caught my attention and pushed me to

From playlist RailsConf 2016

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[Rust Programming] Crafting Interpreters: Day 36, Chapter 26-27

In this video we continue to look at the Crafting Interpreters book, and learn how to port it to Rust. Since I'm a Rust beginner, the intent is that it will help me learn the language more in-depth than before. The book: Today I skimmed over

From playlist Rust Ports

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Christoph Martens: JavaScript Level 9000 | JSConf EU 2014

Low Level JavaScript insights from the JIT compiler perspective. From Garbage Collection and Tracing algorithms to callsite analysis, native data types (Array, Object, Function, Function templates) and their implementations, unboxing and hash optimizations, fake operator overloads, ASM bra

From playlist JSConf EU 2014

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11. Storage Allocation

MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2018 Instructor: Julian Shun View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This lecture discusses different means of storage allo

From playlist MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2018

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RubyConf 2021 - Optimizing Ruby's Memory Layout by Peter Zhu & Matt Valentine-House

Ruby’s current memory model assumes all objects live in fixed size slots. This means that object data is often stored outside of the Ruby heap, which has implications: an object's data can be scattered across many locations, increasing complexity and causing poor locality resulting in redu

From playlist RubyConf 2021

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Math for Liberal Studies - Lecture 1.8.1 The Bin-Packing Problem

This is the first video for Math for Liberal Studies Section 1.8: Bin Packing and Scheduling. In this lecture, I discuss the general idea behind the bin-packing problem and talk about several examples of how this problem can occur in the real world.

From playlist Math for Liberal Studies Lectures

Related pages

Algorithm | Java virtual machine | Garbage collection (computer science) | Concurrent mark sweep collector