Algebraic geometry


In algebraic geometry, an equisingularity is, roughly, a family of singularities that are not non-equivalent and is an important notion in singularity theory. There is no universal definition of equisingularity but Zariki's equisingularity is the most famous one. Zariski's equisingualrity, introduced in 1971 under the name " algebro-geometric equisingularity", gives a stratification that is different from the usual Whitney stratification on a real or complex algebraic variety. (Wikipedia).

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A03 Eigenvalues

The method of determining eigenvalues as part of calculating the sets of solutions to a linear system of ordinary first-order differential equations.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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A11 Eigenvalues with complex numbers

Eigenvalues which contain complex numbers.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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Linear Algebra: Ch 3 - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (5 of 35) What is an Eigenvector?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain and show (in general) what is and how to find an eigenvector. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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Walter Neumann: Lipschitz embedding of complex surfaces

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Linear Algebra - Lecture 33 - Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues

In this lecture, we define eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a square matrix. We also prove a couple of useful theorems related to these concepts.

From playlist Linear Algebra Lectures

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A12 Changing the notation

Changing notation with complex eigenvalues.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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Juan José Nuño-Ballesteros: Equisingularity of map germs from a surface to the plane

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Eigenvalues | Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

In this video, we work through some example computations of eigenvalues of 2x2 matrices. Including a case where the eigenvalues are complex numbers. We do not discuss any intuition or definition of eigenvalues or eigenvectors, we simply carry out some elementary computations. If you liked

From playlist Linear Algebra

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10A An Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

A short description of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Eugene Gorsky - Algebra and geometry of link homology 4/5

Khovanov and Rozansky defined a link homology theory which categorifies the HOMFLY-PT polynomial. This homology is relatively easy to define, but notoriously hard to compute. I will discuss recent breakthroughs in understanding and computing Khovanov-Rozansky homology, focusing on connecti

From playlist 2021 IHES Summer School - Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory

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Lê Dũng Tráng - "Equisingularity Problems"

Research lecture at the Worldwide Center of Mathematics

From playlist Center of Math Research: the Worldwide Lecture Seminar Series

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Steven Kleiman - "Equisingularity of germs of isolated singularities"

Steven Kleiman delivers a research lecture at the Worldwide Center of Mathematics.

From playlist Center of Math Research: the Worldwide Lecture Seminar Series

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Lecture: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

We introduce one of the most fundamental concepts of linear algebra: eigenvalues and eigenvectors

From playlist Beginning Scientific Computing

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Geometry of complex surface singularities and 3-manifolds - Neumann

Geometric Structures on 3-manifolds Topic: Geometry of complex surface singularities and 3-manifolds Speaker: Walter Neumann Date: Tuesday, January 26 I will talk about bilipschitz geometry of complex algebraic sets, focusing on the local geometry in dimension 2 (complex surface singulari

From playlist Mathematics

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What is an Injective Function? Definition and Explanation

An explanation to help understand what it means for a function to be injective, also known as one-to-one. The definition of an injection leads us to some important properties of injective functions! Subscribe to see more new math videos! Music: OcularNebula - The Lopez

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